Research Abstract |
In Uranouchi Bay, strong anoxic water mass was formed in the bottom and subsurface layrs in summer. A large number of cultured yellowtail fish were killed. (1)Anoxic water in the bottom grew with the development of pycnocline from June to September, and disappeared for a while after intrusion. Intrusion upwelled the bottom nutrient water, and made worse the upper water quality. (2)Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), which was produced at the bottom surface with the development of anoxic water, was transported to the upper layr through vertical mixing, and immediately oxidized. Oxidation of H2S reduced the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration in the bottom layr by 2.4ppm during August, and further promoted the anoxidation. (3)Gymnodinium nagasakiense red tide plankton began to grow at the middle layr in the center of Uranouchi Bay with the development of anoxic water in the bottom. When external saline water intruded, abnormal multiplication immediately occurred in the whole layrs, red tide was formed at the surface. (4)Anoxidation in the subsurface was formed at the beginning of September, 1988, the middle of August and September, and the beginning of November, 1993. These were formed from just after the sudden decrease of daylight hours. At the beginning of anoxidation, red tides of dinoflagellates and outside water intrusion were developed. (5)Dinoflagellates were appeared in the surface in the daytime, but migrate into the depth of 8-15m in the nighttime, and consumed abundant DO in the subsurface and middle layrs. (6)DO concentration in the subsurface layr was controlled by the production due to phytoplankton and consumption in water. DO supply due to mixing and intrusion was negligible. When the daylight hours decreased, anoxidation were formed in the subsurface, because DO production in the subsurface layr decreased, and DO consumption were increased due to the migration of dinoflagellates.