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[Publications] Akazawa,T.,Y.Dodo,S.Muhesen,A.Abdul-Salam,Y.Abe,O.Kondo,Y.Mizoguchi: "The Neanderthal Remains from Dedereyeh Cave,Syria: Interim Report" Anthropological Science. 1. 361-387 (1993)
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[Publications] Dodo,Y.& H.Ishida: "Consistency of nonmetoric cranial trait expression during the last 2,000 years in the habitants of the central islands of Japan" Journal of Anthropological Society of Nippon. 100. 417-423 (1992)
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[Publications] Ohta,S.: "Detection of homoeologous chromosome parting in interspecific diploid hybrids among wild wheat relatives" Proceedings of the Prof.Kihara's Centennial Symposia. (図書). (1995)
[Publications] Ohta,S.: "Morphological differentiation and geographical distribution of Aegilops biuncialis Vis.in the Aegean region" Proceedings of the 8th International Wheat Genetics Symposium,Beijing. (図書). (1995)
[Publications] Furuta,Y.& S.Ohta: "Areport of the wheat field research in Yugoslavia" Wheat Information Service. 76. 39-42 (1993)
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[Publications] 科学朝日(編): "朝日選書523 モンゴロイドの道" 朝日新聞社, 232 (1995)
[Publications] 赤澤威・落合一泰・船曳建夫: "モンゴロイド系諸民族の初期映像記録" 東京大学総合研究資料館, 500 (1994)
[Publications] 赤澤威(編): "先史モンゴロイドを探る" 日本学術振興会, 413 (1994)
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[Publications] Akazawa,T.,K.Aoki,and T.Kimura(eds.): "The Evolution and Dispersal of Modern Humans in Asia" Hokusensha, 660 (1992)
[Publications] Akazawa,T.,K.Ochiai and Y.Seki(eds.): "The Other Visualized: Depictions of the Mongolid Peoples" University Museum,University of Tokyo, 260 (1992)
[Publications] 百々幸雄(編): "シリーズ・モンゴロイド第2巻 日本列島に移り住んだ人々" 東京大学出版会, 300 (1995)
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[Publications] Furuta,Y.& S.Ohta: "A preliminary report of ‘The Botanical Exploration in Southeastern Europe by Gifu Universtiy(SEEG)'in 1990 and 1991" Plant Germ-plasmInstitute,Faculty of Agriculture,Kyoto Universtiy, 78 (1992-1993)