[Publications] Takashi Negishi: "Bohm-Bawerk and Shibata on Power of Market" Journal of Economics (Zeitschrift for Nationalokonomie). 61. 281-299 (1995)
[Publications] Takashi Negishi: "Procrustean Beds for Adam Smith" Aoyama Journal of International Politics, Economics and Bussiness. 36. 3-15 (1996)
[Publications] Takashi Negishi: "Japanese Studies of Ricardo's Theory of Foreign Trade" Japanese Economic Review. 47 (forthcoming). (1996)
[Publications] Takashi Negishi: "Different Interpretations of Ricardo's Theory of Foreign Trade" Surugadai Economic Studies. (forthcoming). (1996)
[Publications] 根岸 隆: "経済学史と現代経済理論の相関" 野口他編『経済学における正統と異端』(昭和堂). 337-356 (1995)
[Publications] 天野 明弘: "総合政策論と環境基本計画" 環境研究. 98. 4-10 (1995)
[Publications] 天野 明弘: "環境保全と経済成長" ESP. 283. 22-25 (1995)
[Publications] 天野 明弘: "地球環境政策のマクロ経済効果" 慶應義塾大学経済学部環境プロジェクト編『地球環境経済論[下]』(慶應通信). (1995)
[Publications] Motoshige Itoh: "Economic Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region under the WTO System: the Japanese View" Il Sakong and Jaymin Lee eds., Asia-Pacific Cooperation under the WTO System (Seoul Press). 89-108 (1995)
[Publications] Motoshige Itoh: "A Study of the Operations of Japanese Firms in Asia: the Electrical Machinery Industry" E. Chen and P. Drysdale eds., Corporate Links and Foreign Direct Investment in Asia and the Pacific (Harper Educational Publishers). 187-202 (1995)
[Publications] 川又 邦雄: "独占的競争と製品差別化の程度" 三田学会雑誌. 88 (2). 155-159 (1995)
[Publications] Kunio Kawamata: "Stability and Oscillations in Kaldorian Dynamical Process" T. Maruyama and W. Takahashi eds., Nonlinear and Convex Analysis in Economic Theory (Springer-Verlag). 131-148 (1995)
[Publications] 黒田 昌裕: "環境保全の政策手段と対応コストーIPCC WG3の議論を踏まえて" エネルギー・資源. 16 (2). 139-147 (1995)
[Publications] Masahiro Kuroda: "Reducing CO_2 Emission and Joint Implementation" Keio Economic Observatory Discussion Paper. 3. (1995)
[Publications] Shuhei Shiozawa: "Philanthropy as a Corporate Strategy" Japanese Economic Review. 46 (4). 367-382 (1995)
[Publications] 鈴村 興太郎: "厚生の個人間比較の《客観的》通用可能性について" 経済研究. 46. 1-10 (1995)
[Publications] 鈴村 興太郎: "『情報通信後進国』からの脱出宣言:制度改革こそが急務だ" 中央公論. 1332. 92-100 (1995)
[Publications] 鈴村 興太郎: "厚生・権利・社会的選択" 経済研究. 47. 64-79 (1996)
[Publications] Prasanta K. Pattanaik: "Individual Rights and Social Evaluation: A Conceptual Framework" Oxford Economic Papers. (forthcoming). (1996)
[Publications] Kazuo Nishimura: "Durable Capital and Chaos in Competitive Bussiness Cycles" Journal of Economic Behavior and Organizations. 27. 165-181 (1995)
[Publications] Kazuo Nishimura: "Non-linearity and Business Cycles in a Two Sector Equilibum Model: An Example with Cobb-Douglas Production Functions" T. Maruyama and W. Takahashi eds., Nonlinear and Convex Analysis in Economic Theory (Springer-Verlag). 231-245 (1995)
[Publications] Kazuo Nishimura: "External Debt Cycles" Journal of Structural Change and Economic Dynamics. 6. 215-236 (1995)
[Publications] Kazuo Nishimura: "On the Least Upper Bound of Discount Factors that are Compatible with Optimal Period-Three Cycles" Journal of Economic Theory. (forthcoming).
[Publications] Kazuo Nishimura: "Non-linear Dynamics and Chaos in Optimal Growth: An Example" Econometrica. 63. 981-1001 (1995)
[Publications] 奥野(藤原) 正寛: "文化の接触と進化" 経済研究. 46 (2). 97-114 (1995)
[Publications] Masahiro Okuno-Fujiwara: "Toward A Comparative Institutional Analysis of Government Business Relationship" M Aoki, H-K Kim and Okuno-Fujiwara eds., The Role of Government in East Asian Economic Development: A Comparative Institutional Analysis (Oxford University Press). (forthcoming). (1996)
[Publications] Hideki Konishi: "Competition through EndogenizedTournaments: An Interpretation of the ‘Face-to-Face' Competition" Journal of the Japanese and International Economics. (forthcoming). (1996)
[Publications] Masahiro Okuno-Fujiwara: "The Contemporary Japanese Economic System: Its Structure and the Perspective for Reform" T. Okazaki and M. Okuno-Fujiwara eds., The Historical Origins of the Contemporary Japanese Economic System (Oxford University Press). (forthcoming). (1996)
[Publications] 奥野(藤原) 正寛: "いま、なぜ「比較制度分析」なのか" 経済セミナー. (近刊). (1996)
[Publications] Chikashi Moriguchi: "Japan's Macroeconomic Policy and Japan-U. S. Economic Relations During the Eighties" M. Dutta ed., Economics, Econometrics and the Link: Essays in Honor of Lawrence R. Klein (Elsevier Science). 327-344 (1995)
[Publications] Kimio Morimune: "Estimating the Rank of Co-integration After Estimating the Order of a Vector Autoregression with Unit Roots" Japanese Economic Review. 42 (2). 191-204 (1995)
[Publications] Kimio Morimune: "Rank of Co-integration When the Order of Vector Autoregression Is Unknown" Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. 39. 265-271 (1995)
[Publications] 森棟 公夫: "時系列分析の新展開" 経済論叢. 155 (1). 1-21 (1995)
[Publications] 森棟 公夫: "非定常時系列" 本田祐三編『日本の景気』(有斐閣). 273-297 (1995)
[Publications] Kimio Morimune: "Limited Information Estimation and Testing under Linear Constraints" Journal of statistical Planning and Inference. (forthcoming).
[Publications] 山崎 昭: "情報社会と市場の経済モデル" 一橋大学研究年報. 36. 91-142 (1995)
[Publications] Akira Yamazaki: "Bargaining Sets in Continuum Economies" T. Maruyama and W. Takahashi eds., Nonlinear and Convex Analysis in Economic Theory (Springer-Verlag). 419. 289-299 (1995)
[Publications] 山崎 昭: "情報とバブル" 情報社会の経済理論(富士通ブックス). (forthcoming). (1996)
[Publications] 根岸 隆(編): "経済学のパラダイム" 有斐閣, 258+viii+xiv (1995)
[Publications] 伊藤 元重: "日本の物価はなぜ高いのか" NTT出版, 295 (1995)
[Publications] 西村 和雄: "ミクロ経済学入門 第2版" 岩波書店, 458 (1995)
[Publications] Kotaro Suzumura: "Competition, Commitment and Welfare" Oxford University Press, 281 (1995)