[Publications] Z.Lj.Petrovic,F.Tochikubo,S.Kakuta,T.Makabe: "Spatiotemporal optical emission spectroscopy of rf discharges in SF_6," J.Appl.Phys.73. 2163-2172 (1993)
[Publications] T.Kitamura,N.Nakano,T.Makabe and Y.Yamaguchi: "A computational investigation of the RF plasma structures and their production efficiency in the frequency range from HF to VHF" Plasma Sources Sci.Technol.2.40-45 (1993)
[Publications] S.Kakuta,Z.Lj.Petrovic,F.Tochikubo,T.Makabe: "Influence of frequency,pressure,and mixture ratio of electronegative gas on electrical characteristics of rf discharges in N_2-SF_6 mixtures," J.Appl.Phys.74,. 4923-4931 (1993)
[Publications] S.Kakuta,T.Makabe F.Tochikubo: "Frequency dependence on the structure of radio frequency glow discharges in Ar," J.Appl.Phys.74. 4907-4914. (1993)
[Publications] T.Kamata,S.Kakuta,Y.Yamaguchi,T.Makabe: "A correlation between particle growth and spatiotemporal RF plasma structure," Plasma Source Sci.Technol.3. 310-313. (1994)
[Publications] R.E.Robson and T.Makabe: "Transport coefficients and velocity distribution function of an ion swarm in an A.C.electric field obtained from the BGK kinetic equation," Aust.J.Phys.47. 305-314. (1994)
[Publications] N.Nakano,Z.Lj.Petrovic,T.Makabe: "The radical transport in the narrow-gap-reactive-ion etcher in SF_6 by the relaxation continuum model," Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.33(4B). 2223-2230. (1994)
[Publications] N.Nakano,N.Shimura,Z.Lj.Petrovic,T.Makabe: "Simulation of rf glow discharge in SF_6 by the relaxation continuum Physical structure and function of the narrow-gap reactive-ion etcher," Phys.Rev.E49. 4455-4465. (1994)
[Publications] K.Kondo,H.Kuroda T.Makabe: "Spatiotemporal characteristics determined by a relaxation continuum model of an inductively coupled plasma," Appl.Phys.Lett.65. 31-33. (1994)
[Publications] K.Maeda and T.Makabe;: "Time dependent RF swarm transport by direct numerical procedure of the Boltzmann ewuation," Jpn.J.App.Phys.33(7b). 4173-4176. (1994)
[Publications] K.Kondo,H.Kuroda T.Makabe;: "A study of the sustaining mechanism in an inductively coupled plasma," Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.33(7B). 4254-4257. (1994)
[Publications] F.Tochikubo,Z.Petrovic,S.Kakuta,N.Nakano,T.Makabe: "Influence of Ar metastable on the discharge structure in Ar and N_2 mixture in RF discharges at 13.56 MHz," Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.33(7B). 4271-4275. (1994)
[Publications] S.Kakuta,T.Kitajima,Y.Okabe and T.Makabe;: "Experimental study of very-high-frequency plasma in H_2 by spatiotemporally resolved optical emission spectroscopy" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.33(7B). 4335-4339. (1994)
[Publications] K.Maeda and T.Makabe;: "Radiofrewuency electron swarm transport in reactive gases and plasmas," Physica.Scripta. 1(T53). 61-69. (1994)
[Publications] T.Makabe and K.Maeda;: "Radiofrequency electron swarm transport in gases," Prog.Astro.& Aeronautics. 160. 333-343. (1994)
[Publications] N.Nakano and T.Makabe;: "Influence of driving frequency on narrow-gap reactive-ion etching in SF_6," J.Phys.D28. 31 39. (1995)
[Publications] S.Kakuta,T.Kamata,T.Makabe,S.Kobayashi: "Study of surface charges on dielectric electrodes in an rf glow discharge," J.Appl.Phys. 77. 985-991. (1995)
[Publications] M.Shibata,N.Nakano T.Makabe;: "O_2 rf discharge structure in parallel plates reactor at 13.56 MHz for material processing," J.Appl.Phys.(accepted for publication).