[Publications] 卜部厚志・宮崎智美・ングチンケン・松浦康: "中国西南部雲南省元謀盆地の層序と堆積環境-竹棚・小河地域-" Northern Hemisphere Geo-Bio Traverse. 3. 3-21 (1996)
[Publications] 卜部厚志・ングチンケン・今村恵子・竹岡奈々絵: "中国西南部雲南省元謀盆地の層序と堆積環境-甘棠地域-" Northern Hemisphere Geo-Bio Traverse. 3. 22-55 (1996)
[Publications] 武藤鉄司: "元謀盆地の後期新生代埋積史:討論" Northern Hemisphere Geo-Bio Traverse. 3. 56-67 (1996)
[Publications] 宮崎智美・那須孝悌: "中国西南部雲南省元謀盆地の後期新生代の花粉化石群集と古環境" Northern Hemisphere Geo-Bio Traverse. 3. 68-84 (1996)
[Publications] 仲谷英夫: "中国南部雲南省元謀盆地の後期新生代哺乳動物相・その環境と年代" Northern Hemisphere Geo-Bio Traverse. 3. 85-86 (1996)
[Publications] 薛 順栄: "中国雲南省元謀盆地後期新生代地質層序" Northern Hemisphere Geo-Bio Traverse. 3. 87-90 (1996)
[Publications] 尹 済雲: "中国雲南省元謀盆地後期新生代古地磁気層序" Northern Hemisphere Geo-Bio Traverse. 3. 91-92 (1996)
[Publications] 吉 学平: "中国雲南省元謀盆地後期新生代長鼻目化石" Northern Hemisphere Geo-Bio Traverse. 3. 93-94 (1996)
[Publications] 宮崎智美・卜部厚志・ングチンケン・松浦康: "中国西南部雲南省元謀盆地の後期新生代地質層序と分析試料採集層準" Northern Hemisphere Geo-Bio Traverse. 3. 95-96 (1996)
[Publications] 仲谷英夫・那須孝悌・武藤鉄司・川邊孝幸・三枝春生・鄭紹華・黄万波・宗冠・劉金毅: "中国甘粛省霊台県の鮮新統雷家河層の哺乳類動物相と古環境" Northern Hemisphere Geo-Bio Traverse. 3. 97 (1996)
[Publications] Miyazaki,T.,Urabe,A.,Nakaya,H Jiang,N.,and Xue,S.: "Late Cenozoic Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Environment of Hominioids Sites in the Yuanmou Basin,Yunnan,South China" Northern Hemisphere Geo-Bio Traverse. 3. 97 (1996)
[Publications] 仲谷英夫・板谷徹丸・乙藤洋一郎・兵頭政幸・佐藤裕司・卜部厚志・宮崎智美・江能人・薛順栄・尹済雲・吉学平・玉井雅人・堀田暁子・ングチンケン・松浦 康・那須孝悌・三枝春生: "中国南部雲南省元謀盆地の新生代後期の哺乳動物群とその年代と環境(予報)" Northern Hemisphere Geo-Bio Traverse. 3. 98 (1996)
[Publications] 宮崎智美・卜部厚志・仲谷英夫・ングチンケン・松浦 康: "中国南部雲南省元謀盆地の新第三系の層序と花粉分析(予報)" Northern Hemisphere Geo-Bio Traverse. 3. 98 (1996)
[Publications] 宮崎智美・仲谷英夫・卜部厚志・ングチンケン・松浦康・江能人・尹済雲・薛順栄・吉学平: "中国南部雲南省元謀盆地の新第三系の層序と花粉分析(予報)" Northern Hemisphere Geo-Bio Traverse. 3. 99 (1996)
[Publications] Saegusa,Haruo: "Sister group relationships within Elephantoidea as suggested by the occlusal direction of their teeth" Northern Hemisphere Geo-Bio Traverse. 3. 100-112 (1996)
[Publications] Miyazaki,T.i,Urabe,A.,Nakaya,H.,Jiang,N.,Xue S.: "Late Cenozoic Stratigraphy and : Sedimentary Environment of Hominioids Sites in the Yuanmou Basin,Yunnan,South China." Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 15,Suppl.45A (1995)
[Publications] Ogawa,K.& Nakaya,H.: "The Mesozoic Plesiosauria (Sauropterygia,Reptilia) from the Northwest of Panthalassa-Morphology of the Late Cretaceous Plesiosauria from Nakagawa,Hokkaido,Northern Japan." Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 15,Suppl.47A (1995)
[Publications] 仲谷英夫: "化石の宝庫四国" ライト&ライフ. 413. 3-6 (1995)
[Publications] 山田悟郎・赤松守雄・仲谷英夫・熊崎農夫博: "羅臼沖から発見されたマンモス象臼歯化石の年代について" 北海道開拓記念館調査報告. 35(印刷中). (1996)
[Publications] Beyene,Y.,G.Suwa,B.Asfaw & H.Nakaya: "Prehistoric Research at Konso-Gardula." Proceedings of Pan African Congress of Prehistory and Quaternary Paleontology. (印刷中). (1996)
[Publications] 板谷徹丸・岡田利典: "第四紀研究におけるK-Ar法の過去・現在・未来" 第四紀研究. 34. 249-259 (1995)
[Publications] 椛島太郎・磯崎行雄・西村祐二郎・板谷徹丸: "九州中部,低温高圧型木山結晶片岩のK-Ar年代の再検討" 地質学雑誌. 101. 397-400 (1995)
[Publications] 貴治康夫・大平 武・板谷徹丸: "丹波帯中央部に露出する花こう岩類の黒雲母および角閃石K-Ar年代" 地質学雑誌. 101. 462-465 (1995)
[Publications] 高木秀雄・朴容世・益子竜行・田中秀実・小泉雅一・板谷徹丸・坂幸恭: "関東山地,山中地溝帯三山層中の花崗岩礫のK-Ar年代" 地質学雑誌. 101. 648-658 (1995)
[Publications] Tanaka,H.,Uehara,N.& Itaya,T.: "Timing of the cataclastic deformation along the Akaishi tectonic line,central Japan" Contribution to Mineralogy and Petrology. 120. 150-158 (1995)
[Publications] Arribas,A.Jr.,Hedenquist,J.W.,Itaya,T.,Okada,T.Concepcion,R.A.and Garcia,R.S.Jr.: "Contemporaneous formation of Philippine porphyry and epithermal Cu-Ar deposits over 300,000years" Geology. 23. 337-340 (1995)
[Publications] Fukui,S.,Watanabe,T.,Itaya,T and Leitch,Evan C.: "Middle Ordovisian high P/T metamorphism in. eastern Australia : first evidence from K-Ar ages" Tectonics. 14. 1014-20 (1995)
[Publications] Otofuji,Y.,Itaya,T.,Wang,H.C.and Nohda,S.: "Paleomagnetism and K-Ar dating of Pleistocene volcanic rocks along the Altyn Tagh fault,Northern Border of Tibet" Geophysical Journal International. 120. 367-374 (1995)
[Publications] Otofuji,Y.,T.Matsuda,T.Itaya,T.Shibata,M.Matsumoto,T.Yamamoto,C.Morimoto,R.G Kukinichi,P.S.Zimin,A.P.Matunin,V.G.Sakhno and K.Kimura: "Late Cretaceous to early Paleogene paleomagnetic results from Sikhote Alin,far eastern Russia : implications for deformation of East Asia." Earth Planet.Sci.Lett.130. 95-108 (1995)
[Publications] Takatsugi,K.O.& Hyodo,M.: "A geomagnetic excursion during the late Matuyama Chron,the Osaka Group,Southwest Japan." Earth Planetary Science Letter. 130. 511-524 (1995)
[Publications] 兵頭政幸・峯本須美代: "日本の湖沼堆積物から得られた地磁気永年変化とエクスカーションによる年代測定" 第四紀研究. 35(印刷中). (1996)
[Publications] Saegusa,Haruo: "Phylogenetic relationships of Stegodon and Sinomastodon (Proboscidea,Mammalia) of the Mainland of East Asia." Proceedings of the International Symposium on Biogeography of Vertebratesin Indonesian Islands and Adjacent Area. (印刷中). (1996)
[Publications] 小林文夫・竹村厚司・古谷裕・清水大吉郎・三枝春生・鎮西清高・半田久美子・植村和彦: "兵庫県産化石" 人と自然. 5. 45-225 (1995)
[Publications] 佐藤裕司: "イオウの分別化学抽出と珪藻分析による古境解析-兵庫県気比低地コア堆積物を例に-" 第四紀研究. 34. 101-106 (1995)
[Publications] 佐藤裕司・加藤茂弘: "兵庫県赤穂平野,千種川三角州における完新世の堆積環境変遷(予報)" 人と自然. 6. 61-71 (1995)
[Publications] 觜本格・加藤茂弘・佐藤裕司: "兵庫県播磨地方東部における第四系露頭" 人と自然. 6. 171-196 (1995)
[Publications] Muto,Tetsuji: "The Kolmogorov model of bed-thickness distribution : an assessment based on numerical simulation and field-data analysis" Terra Nova. 7. 417-423 (1995)
[Publications] Muto,T.& R.J.Steel: "The Middle Jurassic Oseberg Delta,Northern North Sea : A Sedimentological Interpretation of Gamma-Ray Logs" Predictive High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy Abstracts. 24A-24E (1995)
[Publications] Muto,T.& R.J.Steel: "The Middle Jurassic Oseberg Formation,northern North Sea Sea-level control of Gilbert-type delta sedimentation implied from gamma-ray logs." 30th International Geological Congress Abstracts. (印刷中). (1996)
[Publications] 遠藤秀典・渡部史郎・牧野雅彦・村田泰章・渡部和明・卜部厚志: "平成7年兵庫県南部地震による被害集中地帯の地下地質構造-" 地質学雑誌. 101. XXXI-XXXII (1995)
[Publications] 卜部厚志・立石雅昭・風岡修: "魚沼層群にみられる海成層の堆積サイクルと相対的海水準変動" 地質学論集. 45. 140-153 (1995)
[Publications] 鈴木尉元・小玉喜三郎・三梨昂・岡重文・卜部厚志・遠藤毅・堀口万吉・江藤哲人・菊池隆男・山内靖喜・中嶋輝允・徳橋秀一・楡井久・原 雄・中山俊雄・奈須紀幸・加賀美英雄・木村政昭・本座栄一: "東京湾とその周辺地域の地質(第2版)" 特殊地質図,説明書,地質調査所. 20. 109 (1995)
[Publications] 仲谷英夫 編集: "Northern Hemisphere Geo-Bio Traverse No.3" Northern Hemisphere Geo-Bio Traverse編集事務局, 118 (1996)