[Publications] Suyehiro,K,N.,Takahashi,Y.Ariie,Y.Yokoi,R.Hino,M.Shinohara,T.Kanazawa,N.Hirata,H.Tokuyama,and A.: "Continental crust,crustal underplating,and low-Q upper mantle beneath an oceanic island arc." Science. 272. 390-392 (1996)
[Publications] 末広潔: "観測ネットワークの海半球への展開-地震観測." 地球. 19. 17-22 (1996)
[Publications] 末広潔: "観測ネットワークの海半球への展開-地震観測." 地球. 19. 17-22 (1996)
[Publications] Kurashimo,E.,M.,Shinohara,K.Suyehiro,J.Kasahara,and N.Hirata: "Seismic evidence for stretched continental crust in the Japan Sea." Geophys.Res.Lett.23. 3067-3070 (1996)
[Publications] T.Kanamatsu,E.Herroro-Bervera,A.Taira,S.Saito,J.Ashi,and A.S.Furumoto: "Magnetic fabric development in the tertiary accretionary complex in the Boso and Miura Peninsulas of central Japan." Geophysical Research Letters. 23. 471-474 (1996)
[Publications] Jin-Oh Park,Masaaki Kimura and Asahiko Taira: "Late Pleistocene Unconfor mity of the Tsushima and Korea Straits Revealed by Seismic Reflection Profiles." Journal of Geography. 105(3). 297-305 (1996)
[Publications] 平朝彦、徳山英一、末広潔、高橋成実、清川昌一、森田澄人、斎藤実篤、青池寛: "大陸地殻はどのようにしてできたか。" 月刊地球. 号外No.16. 88-92 (1996)
[Publications] Nakanishi,M.,and W.W.Sager: "Formation of the Jurassic Oceanic Plateau,Shatsky Rise,northwestern Pacific Ocean." EOS Trans.AGU. 77. 713 (1996)
[Publications] Nakanishi,M.,and E.L.Winterer,: "Tectonic events of the Pacific Plate related to formation of Ontong Java Plateau." EOS Trans.AGU,. 77. 705 (1996)
[Publications] 中西正男・玉木賢策: "海洋底から見たスーパープリューム." 月刊地球. 19. 45-51 (1997)
[Publications] Arai,S.and Matsukage,K.: "Petrology of gabbro-troctolite-peridotite complex from Hess Deep,equatorial Pacific : implications for mantle-melt" Proc.ODP,Sci.Results. 147. 135-155 (1996)
[Publications] Arai,S.and Abe,N.: "Detrital minerals in surface sediments from Hess Deep,equatorial Pacific : implications for the lithologic spread of" Proc.ODP,Sci.Results. 147. 451-457 (1996)
[Publications] Arai,S.,Matsukage,K.,Isobe,E.and Vysotskiy,S.: "Concentration of incompatible elements in oceanic mantle : Effect of melt/wall interaction in" Geochim.Cosmochim.Acta. 61(in press). (1997)
[Publications] 高橋共馬,岡田尚武: "モンスーンとインド洋の第四紀古海洋学" 地質学雑誌. 103,第3号(印刷中). (1997)
[Publications] ODP Leg 163 Shipboard Scientific Party: "Exploring the Volcanic-Rifted Margins of the North Atlantic." EOS. 77(17). 165&168 (1996)
[Publications] Hori,R.S.,Aita,Y.and Grant-Mackie,J.A.: "Preliminary report on Lower Jurassic radiolaria of Gondwana origin from the Kawhia coast,New Zealand." The Island Arc. 5. 104-113 (1996)
[Publications] Matsuoka,A.,Aita,Y.,Munasri,Wakita,K.,Shen,G.,Ujiie,H.,Sashida,K.,Vishnevskaya,V.S.,Bragin,N.Y.and: "Mkesozoic radiolarians and radiolarian-bearing sequences in the circum-Pacific regions : A report of the symposium "Radiolarians and Orogenic Belts."" The Island Arc. 5. 203-213 (1996)
[Publications] 相田吉昭・緒方和徳・村上宏・嶋村清・酒井豊三郎: "熊本県天草郡,御所浦島および牧島から産出した白亜紀後期および始新世放散虫化石," 大阪微化石研究会誌. 特別号,10. 1-17 (1996)
[Publications] Labaume,P.,Maltman,A.J.,Bolton,A.,Tessier,D.,Ogawa,Y.,and Takizawa,S.: "Scaly fabrics in sheared clays from the decollement zone of the Barbados Accretionary Prisms" ODP Leg 156. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results. 156(in press).
[Publications] M.Torii,K.Fukuma,C.-S.Horng,and T.-Q.Lee: "Magnetic discrimination of pyrrhotite-and greigite-bearing sediment samples" Geophysical Resarch Letters. 23. 18313-1816 (1996)
[Publications] Saito,S.: "Major and trace element geochemistry of sediments from East Greenl and Continantal Rise : An implication for sediment provenance and source area weathering" Proccedings of the Ocean Drilling Program,Scientific Results. 152(印刷中). (1996)
[Publications] Suyehiro,K.: "Lithosphere and asthenosphere models by seismic data,in Geology and Geophysics of the Japan Sea,eds.N.Isezaki et al." Japan-Russia Monograph, 413-420 (1996)
[Publications] Silver,E.,Kimura,G.,Blum,P.,and Leg 170 Shipboard Party: "Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program,Initial Reports,170" College Station,TX (Ocean Drilling Program)(印刷中), (1997)
[Publications] Moore,J.C.,Klaus,A.,and Leg 171A Shipboard Party: "Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program,Initial Reports,171A." College Station,TX (Ocean Drilling Program)(印刷中), (1997)