[Publications] Toshiyuki Masuzawa: "Experimental induction of Lyme arthritis in outbred mice" Microbiology and Immunology. 38. 263-268 (1994)
[Publications] Toshiyuki Masuzawa: "Characterization of monoclonal antibodies for identificaion of Borrelia japonica,isolates from Ixodes ovatus" Microbiology and Immunology. 38. 393-398 (1994)
[Publications] Toshiyuki Masuzawa: "In vitro antibiotic susceptibilities of Borrelia isolates from erythema migrans lesion of Lyme disease patients in Japan" Microbiology and Immunology. 38. 399-402 (1994)
[Publications] Emiko Isogai: "Lyme disease spirochetes in a wild fox (Vulpes vulpes schrencki)and in ticks" Journal of wildlife Diseases. 30. 439-444 (1994)
[Publications] Hiroki Kawabata: "Polymerase chain reaction analysis of Borrelia species isolated in Japan" Microbiology and Immunology. 38. 591-598 (1994)
[Publications] Toshiyuki Masuzawa: "Infectivity and early antibody-response to Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato isolated in Japan in outbred mice" Microbiology and Immunology. 38. 621-627 (1994)
[Publications] Toshiyuki Masuzawa: "Relationship between infectivity and Osp C expres-sion in Lyme disease Borrelia" FEMS Microbiology Letters. 123. 319-324 (1994)
[Publications] 川端寛樹: "ライム病ボレリアの遺伝子解析と世界的広がり" 化学療法の領域. 10. 2092-2100 (1994)
[Publications] 栗田 亨: "静岡県のマダニ類のライム病病原体保有状況" 感染症学雑誌. 69(3). 印刷中 (1995)
[Publications] Toshiyuki Masuzawa: "Identification of spirochetes isolated from wild rodents in Japan as Borrelia japonica" Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 33(5). 印刷中 (1995)
[Publications] Kazuto Yamada: "Genospecies determination of Borrelia isolates which are non-rective to monoclonal antibody H5332 to outer surface protein A" Journal of Clinical Microbiology. (submitted).
[Publications] Toshiyuki Masuzawa: "Determination of Osp A-serotypes and genospecies of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato isolated in Japan" Microbiology. (in preparation).
[Publications] Masahito Fukunaga: "Pulse field electrophoresis analysis of Japanese borrelial isolates and taxonomic implications with Lyme disease agent" Microbiology and Immunology. 38. 747-751 (1994)
[Publications] 福長将仁: "ライム病ボレリアの抗原解析" 化学療法の領域. 10. 2067-2074 (1994)
[Publications] 福長将仁: "レプトスピラの5SリボソームRNA(rRNA)遺伝子転写に関する研究" 薬学研究の進歩. in press (1995)
[Publications] 福長将仁: "ライム病とボレリア" 日本細菌学雑誌. 50. in press (1995)
[Publications] Masahito Fukunaga: "Characterization of unusual spirochetes of the genus Borrelia isolated from ixodid ticks,I*odes persulcatus,in Japan" Journal of Bacteriology. (submitted).
[Publications] Masahito Fukunaga: "Genetic analysis of Borrelia miyamotae sp.nov.,isolated from ixodid tick,Ixodes persulcatus,the vector for Lyme disease in Japan" International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology. (submitted).
[Publications] 宮本健司: "ライム病症例から見るボレリアの分離と治療" 化学療法の領域. 10. 2105-2113 (1994)
[Publications] Kenji Miyamoto: "A study of ixodid tick bite sites on the human body in Hokkaido" Japanese Journal of Sanitary Zoology. 45. 79-81 (1994)
[Publications] Minoru Nakao: "A distributional record in Ixodes persulcatus Schu-lze in Kyushu,surthern Japan(Acari:Ixodidae)" Japanese Journal of Sanitary Zoology. 45. 151- (1994)
[Publications] Minoru Nakano: "Susceptibility of Ixodes persulcatus and I.ovatus(Acari:Ixodidae) to Lyme disease spirochetes isolated from humans in Japan" Journal of Medical Entomology. 31. 467-473 (1994)
[Publications] Minoru Nakao: "Lyme disease spirochetes in Japan: enzootic transmission cycles in birds,rodents,and Ixodes persulcatus ticks" Journal of Infectious Diseases. 170. 878-882 (1994)
[Publications] Minoru Nakao: "Mixed infection of different Borrelia species among Apodemus speciosus mice in Hokkaido,Japan" Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 33. 490-492 (1994)
[Publications] Yasutake Yanagihara: "Advances in Lyme Borreliosis Research (Ed.,R.Cevenini and V.Sambri)" Proceedings of the VI International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis, 239 (1994)
[Publications] Kenji Miyamoto: "Present Status of Lyme Disease and Biology of Lyme Borrelia (Ed.,Y.Yanagihara and T.Masuzawa)" Proceedings of the International Symposium on Lyme Disease in Japan, 230 (1994)
[Publications] 宮本健司: "ダニと疾患のインターフェイス" Yuki書房.SADI組織委員会編, 179 (1994)
[Publications] Masahito Fukunaga: "Present Status of Lyme Disease and Biology of Lyme Borrelia (Ed.,Y.Yanagihara and T.Masuzawa)" Proceedings of the International Symposium on Lyme Disease in Japan, 230 (1994)
[Publications] Toshiyuki Masuzawa: "Present Status of Lyme Disese and Biology of Lyme Borrelia (Ed.,Y.Yanagihara and T.Masuzawa)" Proceedings of the International Symposium on Lyme disease in Japan, 230 (1994)
[Publications] 川端寛樹: "臨床DNA診断法(分担) スピロヘータ(ボレリア)" 金原出版(印刷中), (1995)