[Publications] Fujise,N.,Hunziker,W.Heszmann, C.W.& Kosaka,T.: "Distribution of the calcium binding proteins,calbindin D-28k and parvalbumin,in the subicular camplex of the adult mouse." Neuroscience Research. 22. 89-107 (1995)
[Publications] Kosaka,K.et al.: "Chemically defined neuron groups and their subpopulations in the glomerular layer of the rat main olfactory bulb." Neuroscience Research. 23. 73-88 (1995)
[Publications] Liu,Y.,Fujise,N.& Kosaka,T.: "Distribution of calretinin immunoreactivity in the mouse dentate gyrus:I.General description." Expermental Brain Research. (in press). (1996)
[Publications] Toida,K.,Kosaka,K.,Heizmann,C. W.& Kosaka,T.: "Electron microscopic serial sectioning/reconstructior studise of Parvalbumin-containing neurons in the external plexiform layer of the rat olfactory bulb." Neuroscience. (in press). (1996)
[Publications] Fujimaru,Y.& Kosaka,T.: "The distribution of two calcium binding proteins,calbindin D-28K and parvalbumin,in the entorhinal cortex of the adult mouse." Neuroscience Research. (in press). (1996)
[Publications] Shirasaki,R.,Tamada,A.Katsumat a,R.& Murakami,F.: "Guidance of cerebellofugal axons in the rat embryo:directed growth towards the floor plate and subsequent elongation along the longitudinal axi s." Neuron. 14. 961-972 (1995)
[Publications] Tamada,A.,Shirasaki,R.&Murakam i,F.: "Floor plate chemoattracts crossed axons and chemorepels uncrossed axons in the vertebrate brain." Neuron. 14. 1083-1093 (1995)
[Publications] Song,W.-J.,Okawa,K.,Kanda,M.& Murakami,F.: "Pernatal development of action potensial propa-gation in the cat rubrospinal axons." J.Physiology(Lond). 488. 419-426 (1995)
[Publications] Katsumaru,H.,Suzuki,T.,Unami,D.& Murakami,F.: "Axonal growth-associated intracellular molecule in the rat central nervous system recognized by the monoclonal antibody 5H." Dev.Neurosci.17. 38-46 (1995)
[Publications] Kobayashi,H.,Watanabe,E.& Murakami,F.: "Growth cones of dorsal root ganglion and but not retina collapse and avoid oligodendrocytes in culture." Dev.Biol.168. 383-394 (1995)
[Publications] Song,W.-J.,Kanda,M.& Murakami, F.: "Prenatal development of cerebrorubral and cerebellorubral projections in cats." Neurosci,Lett.200. 41-44 (1995)
[Publications] 佐藤洋一、葉原芳昭、菅野富夫: "マウス十二指腸と回腸の陰窩上皮細胞の細胞内カルシウム動態:カルバコールとカテコールアミンに対する反応" 消化器ホルモンXIII. 254. 254-258 (1995)
[Publications] Satoh,Y.,Habara,Y.,Ono,K.& Kanno,T.: "Carbamylcholine-and catecholamine-induced intracellular calcium bynamics of epithelial cells in mouse ileal crypts." Gastroenterol. 108. 1345-1356 (1995)
[Publications] Okada,N.,Ohshio,G.,Manabe,T.Imamura,M.,Habara,Y.& kanno,T.: "Intracellular Ca^<2+> dynamics and in vitro secretory response in acute pancreatitis induced by a choline-deicient,ethionine-supplemented diet in mice." Digestion. 56. 502-508 (1995)
[Publications] 佐藤洋一、葉原芳昭: "細胞内カルシウムイオン解析顕微鏡の組織標本への応用" 細胞. (印刷中). (1996)
[Publications] Habara,Y.,Nakamura,R.,Sakaguch i,K.,satoh,Y.& Kanno,T.: "Ratiometric imaging of [Ca^<2+>]_idynamics by UV-laser scanning confocal microscopy in indo-I-loaded rat pancreatic acinus." Biomed,Res.(in press). (1996)
[Publications] Kanno,T.,Asada,N.,Habara,Y.,Ishida,T.,Saijo,N.& Abe,S.: "Defferentiation of Ca^<2+> signalling between Adriamycin-sensitive and resistance cell lines of human lung cancer,SBC-3." Biomed.Res.17. 81-86 (1996)
[Publications] Habara,Y.& Kanno,T.: "Perimetric[Ca^<2+>]_i rise and exocytosis detected by UV-laser scanning confocal microscopy in rat peritoneal mast cells." Experimental Physiol.(in press). (1996)
[Publications] Hayashi,T.,Hirono,J.,Suzuki,T. & ohtsuka,T.: "Diurnal variation of opsin transport in goldfish cones." Assoc.Res.Vis.& Opthalmol.36. Abst.19 (1995)
[Publications] Arii,T.,Butzer,C.& Yoshimura,N.20GB20:Characteristics of Fuji FDL 5000 "Imaging Plate system and EM films for HVTE,applications.: J.Electron Microsc.44. 258- (1995)
[Publications] 有井達夫、Butxer,Christine,吉村伸明: "超高圧電顕によるフィルム像とイメージングプレート像の特性" 第51回日本電顕学会予稿集. 201- (1995)
[Publications] 有井達夫、吉村伸明: "超高圧電顕によるイメージングプレート像の特性" 日本物理学会(秋の分科会)予稿集. 543- (1995)
[Publications] 有井達夫、吉村伸明: "電子線二次元検出器としてのイメージングプレートの感度と分解能" 日本結晶学期予稿集. 113- (1995)
[Publications] 有井達夫: "超高圧電顕に対する電子線二次元検出器としてのイメージングプレートとしての特性" 高性能電子顕微鏡技術講演会予稿集. 35. 24-25 (1995)
[Publications] 村上富士夫: "神経ネットワークとその可変性" オーム社, 15 (1995)
[Publications] 村上富士夫: "記憶のメカニズム「機械の知識化」" 日刊工業新聞社(印刷中), (1996)
[Publications] 葉原芳昭、菅野富夫: "細胞内カルシウム実験法「分泌細胞」実験医学UPシリーズ" 羊土社(印刷中), (1996)