[Publications] 輪笠一浩、沖大幹、虫明功臣: "マイクロ波散乱計による土壌水分抽出アルゴリズムの理論的検討" 水工学論文集. 39. 875-878 (1995)
[Publications] Katumi Musiake,Kazuhiko Miura,Taikan Oki,Masahiro Koike: "Soil Moisture Measurement Using Active Microwave Remote Sensing and Its Application to Estimate of Evaporation" 1992 Proc.Workshop on the Effect of Global Climate Change on Hydrology and Water Resources at the Catchment Scale. 137-146 (1993)
[Publications] M.Aoki,T.Machimura et al.: "Estimation of Bowen ratio by climate factors" American Society of Agricultural. 341-346 (1996)
[Publications] M.Aoki,T.Machimura et al.: "EvaLuation of changes in the Bowen ratio and evapotranspiration with climatic change in the wet temperate zone" J.Agr.Met.823-826 (1993)
[Publications] 広田知良,福本昌人: "裸地面の地表面温度についての考察およびルーチン気象観測データからの日平均顕熱輸送量の推定" 水文・水質源学会誌. 9,5. 395-403 (1996)
[Publications] 広田知良,福本昌人,城岡竜一,村松謙生: "Force-Restoreモデルによる日平均地温の推定" 農業気象. 51,3. 269-277 (1995)
[Publications] Takeuchi,K.T.Nakabayashi and H.Kishi: "Relation between GMS-Visible Ray Reflectivity and Solar Radiation on the Ground in Japan" Liu Xinren and Li Jiren(ed.)Proc.Intern.Workshop on Macro-scale Hydrological Modelling. 41-45 (1996)
[Publications] Takeuchi,K.and M.Hujita: "Regional Comparison of Flood and Lowflow Characteristics in Southeast Asia and the Pacific" Ann.Journal of Hydraulic Eng.(in press). 41- (1997)
[Publications] Nakajima,T.,T.Hayasaka,A.Higurashi,G.Hashida,N.Moharran-Nejad,Y.Najafi and H.Valavi: "Aerosol Optical Properties of Persian Gulf Region Part I.Ground-based Solar Radiation Measurement in Iran" J.Appl.Meteor.35. 1265-1278 (1996)
[Publications] Nakajima,T.,G.Tonna,R.Rao,Y.Kaufan and B.Holben: "Use of sky brightness measurements from ground for remote sensing of particulate polydispersions" Appl.Opt.35. 2672-2686
[Publications] Hayasaka,T.,N.Kikuchi and M.Tanaka: "On the absorption of solar radiation by stratocumulus clouds : Aircraft measurements and theoretical calculation" J.Appl.Meteor.34. 1047-1055 (1995)
[Publications] Hayasaka,T.,T.Nakajima,Y.Fujiyoshi,Y.Ishizaki,T.Takeda and M.Tanaka: "Geometrical thickness,liqiud water content and radiative properties od statocumulus clouds observed over the Western North-Pacific" J.Appl.Meteor.34. 460-470 (1995)
[Publications] Ohsaki,Y.and K.Nakamura: "A simulation study of the bias error analysis of mean rainfall rates with spacebron radar" J.Atmos.Ocean Technol.13,3. 762-768 (1996)
[Publications] Nakamura,K.,T.Kozu and S.Uratsuka: "Interference of sea surface echo and rain echo observed by a real aperture airborn imaging radar" IEICE Trans.E79-B. 786-792 (1996)
[Publications] Oatipat Patvivatsiri and Dunyapon Bisonyabut: "Rainfall Observation and Expected Result" The abstract proceeding workshop on GAME-T in Thailand. 13- (1996)
[Publications] Warawut Khantiyanan: "Weather Observation Progran as a Part of AARRP" 13- (1996)
[Publications] Watanabe,A: "Observation of atmospheric circulation with a boundary-layer at Fukushima University" Sci.Rep.Fukushima Univ.55. 13-18 (1995)
[Publications] Watanaba,A.,Fukao,S.,Yamanaka,M.D.,Sumi,A.: "A rotor circulation near the Baiu front observed by MU radar" J.Meteor.Soc.Japan. 72,1. 91-105 (1994)
[Publications] Yamanaka,M.D.,S.Ogino,S.Kondo,T.Shimomai,S.Fukao,Y.Shibagaki,Y.Maekawa and I.Takayabu: "Inertio-gravity waves and subtropical multiple tropopauses : Vertical Wavemumber spectra of wind and temperature observed by the MU radar.radiosondes and operational rawinsonde network" J.Atmos.Terr.Phys. 58. 785-805 (1996)
[Publications] Shibagaki,Y.,M.D.Yamanaka,H.Uyeda,A.Watanabe,Y.Maekawa and S.Fukao: "Hierarchical structures of medium-scale cyclones and cloud clusters near the Baiu fromt observed by MU and meteorological radars : Outline and preliminary results of three-week observation campaign" J.Geomag.Geoelectr.48. 151-160 (1996)
[Publications] T.Satomura: "Numerical simulation of lee-wave events over the Pyrenees" J.Meteor.Soc.Japan. 74,1. 147-153 (1996)
[Publications] 佐藤純二,里村雄彦,佐々木,秀孝,村治能孝: "硫黄酸化物の長距離輸送モデルと東アジア地域への適用" 気象研究所技術報告. 34. 101- (1995)
[Publications] Murakami,T.and Matsumoto,J.: "Summer monsoon over the Asian Coutinent and the Western North Pacific" J.Met.Soc.Japan. 72. 719-745 (1994)
[Publications] Matsumoto,J: "The seasonal changes in Asian and Australian monsoon regions" J.Metor.Soc.Japan. 70. 257-273 (1992)
[Publications] T.Nippon,S.Boonyawat and W.Udomchok: "Inpacts of Land-Use Development on Water Balance of Chao Phraya River Basin" Proc.The Second Intl.Stusy Conf.on GEWEX in Asia and GAME. 291- (1995)
[Publications] S.Boonyawat: "Applied Watershed Management" Dep.of Conservation,Fac.of Forest. (1992)
[Publications] 鈴木雅一: "森林の水保全機能と森林の管理(I)森林の水源涵養機能" 農業土木学会誌. 64. 585-590 (1996)
[Publications] Shimizu,T.,Shiraki,K.,Shuin,Y.and Suzuki.M.,Proc: "Application of eddy correlation method to estimate momentum and sensible heat flux above forest on rolling hills" Inrl.Symp.For.Hydrol.131-138 (1994)
[Publications] 蔵治光一郎: "熱帯林の水文特性に関する研究" 東京大学農学部演習林報告. 95. 93-208 (1996)
[Publications] 蔵治光一郎: "世界の熱帯林流域における水収支研究" 日本林学学会誌. 78. 89-99 (1996)
[Publications] Sugita,M.and Brutseart: "Optimal measurement strategy for surface temperature to determine sensible heat flux from anisothermal vegeration" Water Resources Research. 32,7. 2192-2134 (1996)
[Publications] Hiyama,T.,Sugita,M.and Kotoda K.: "Regional Roughness Parameters and Momentum Fluces over a Complex Area" J.Appl.Meteor.35,12. 2179-2190 (1996)
[Publications] Ohte,N.,N.Tokuchi and M.Suzuki: "An in situ lysimeter experiment on soil moisture influence for inorganic nitrogen discharge from forest soil" Journal of Hydrology,(in press). (1996)
[Publications] Ohte,N.,N.Tokuchi and M.Suzuki: "Biogeochemical influences on the determination of water chemistry in a temperate forest basin : factors determining the pH value" Water Respurces Research. 31. 2823-2834 (1995)
[Publications] 中根和郎: "NOAA AVHRRのGACデータを用いたアジア地域の月平均気温の推定" 自動制御学会第22回リモートセンシングシンポジウム講演論文. 7-10 (1996)
[Publications] Kazurou Nakane: "Regional water balance model based on the concept of the Tank Model : Develpoment and application for Huaihe River Basin and Chaophraya River Basin" Proc.the Intl.Workshop on the Climate System of Monsoon Asia.
[Publications] K.Fukami T.Engman and A.Terakwa.: "Comparison of basinwide surface soil moiswrc between hydrologic-model simulations and observations using airbome micorowave radiometer in the Little Washita Watershed" Proc.the Intl.Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research : Towards the 21st Century. 1. 571-578 (1996)
[Publications] 寺川陽,深見和彦,坂尾祥文,河内泰幸: "流域規模での土壌水分リモートセンシングに関する予備的検討-その水文学的意義と初期実験結果報告" 土木技術資料. 36,8. 30-35 (1994)
[Publications] T.Endo and R.Shibasaki: "An Analysis on Soil Erosion Factors at the Global Scale" J.Global Environment Engineering. 2. (1996)
[Publications] R.Shibasaki and Shaobo Huang: "Spatio-temppral Interpolation by Integrating Observation Data and a Behavioral Model" Proc Spatial Data Handing. (1996)
[Publications] Shiiba,M.,Y.Ichikawa,S.Ikebuchi,Y.Tachikawa and T.Takasao: "Scale-up of a runoff model using GIS and an object-oriented hydrological modelling system" HydroGIS'96,IAHS Publicayion. 235. 67-70 (1996)
[Publications] 高棹琢馬,椎葉充晴,堀智晴,立川康人,市川温: "流出系の構造的モデル化システムについて" 京都大学防災研究所年報. 38,B-2. 395-406 (1995)
[Publications] Nirupara,Y.Tachikawa,A.Fujita,M.Shiba and T.Takasao: "Development of Hydrologic and Geograohic Data Base for Yodo River Basin" Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 40. 101-106 (1996)
[Publications] Tachikawa,Y.,M.Shiiba and T.Takasao: "TIN-based topograohic modeling and runoff prediction using a basin geomorphic informationsystem" HydroGIS'96,IAHS publication. 235. 225-232 (1996)
[Publications] V.Hansa: "Water Quality Analysis Using LANDSAT (TM) Data" NRCT Report. 40 (1996)
[Publications] 砂田憲吾,伊藤強,虫明功臣,開発一郎: "表層土壌水分の空間分布特性に関する調査と検討" 水工学論文集. 37. 173-178 (1994)
[Publications] S.Harath,K.Musiake and S.Hironaka: "Development and Application of a GIS based Distributed Catchment Model for Urban Areas" Proc.7th Intl.Conference on Urban Storm Drainage. 1695-1700 (1996)
[Publications] G.Ni,S.Herath and K.Musiake: "A Distributed Catchment Model and Its Application to Simulate Urbanization Effect" 9th APD-IAHR. 254-261 (1994)
[Publications] T.Nakaegawa,T.Oki and K.Musiake: "Application of Macro Hyfrological Model Considering Subgrid-Scale Distribution of Physical Quantities to Actual Basin" The Second Intl.Study Conference on GEWEX in Asia and GAME. 2. 203-205 (1995)
[Publications] T.Nakaegawa,T.Oki and K.Musiake: "Verification Experiment of Extraction of Soil Moisture Information using SAR Mounted on J RES-1 and ERS-1" Resulting Report Meeting of J ERS-1/ERS-1 System Verification Program-Abstract-. 111- (1994)
[Publications] 開発一郎: "「雨水浸透と地下水涵養」2地下水涵養に係わる新しい観測・計測法" 地下水学会誌. 37. 193-206 (1995)
[Publications] 近藤昭彦,開発一郎: "広島市街地におけるランドサットデータによる輝度温度と気温および年キャノピ-層の構造との関係" 地学雑誌. (1995)
[Publications] Y.Ohno,A.,Manyanon,N.Leelaruji,N.Hemmakorn and Y.Masuda: "Tropical boundary layer observations using Lower Atmosphere Observation Radar in Thailand" Proc.The Second Intl.Conference on DEWEX in Asia and GAME. (1995)
[Publications] Y.Ohno: "Land and sea breezes observed by a1357 MHz wind profiler" Proc.the 7th workshop on technical and scientific aspects on MST radar. (1995)
[Publications] R.Toriumi,H.Tai and N.Takeuchi: "T unable solid-state blue laser DIAL system for NO2 monitoring" Optical Engineering. 35,8. 2371-2375 (1996)
[Publications] Masao Moriyama and Nobuo Takeuchi: "Effects of misestimated far-end boundary values on two common lidar inversion solutions" Aoolied Optics. 33,27. 6451-6456 (1994)
[Publications] J.Uozumi,Y.Sakurada and T.Asakura: "Fraunhofer diffraction from apertures bounded by regular fractals" J.Mod.Opt.42,12. 2309-2322 (1995)
[Publications] Y.Sakurada,J.Uozumi and T.Asakura: "Fresnel diffraction by one-dimensional regular fratals" Pure Appl.Opt.1,1. 29-40 (1992)