[Publications] Abe,M., Mizutani,H.and Ooe,M.: "Influence of continental drift on the tidal evolution of the Earth-Moon system" Proc.30th Int.Geol.Congr.26. 1-29 (1997)
[Publications] Sato,T., Ooe,M., Nawa,K., Shibuya,K., Tamura,Y., et al.: "Long-period tides observed with a superconduction gravimeter at Syowa Station,Antarctica,and their implication to global ocean tide modeling" Phys.Earth planetary Inter.103. 39-53 (1997)
[Publications] 高根澤隆, 青山雄一, 松本晃治, 大江昌嗣, 佐藤忠弘: "Mf 海洋潮汐から見積もった昭和基地での重力潮汐について" 第7回超伝導重力計ワークショップ収録. 90-97 (1997)
[Publications] 松本晃治, 大江昌嗣, 佐藤忠弘, 田村良明, 今西祐一: "Loading Tideの位相遅れは見えるか?" 第7回超伝導重力計ワークショップ収録. 104-109 (1997)
[Publications] Fuse,T., Nakamura, T.and Kinoshita,H.: "Searching for pre-breakup images of the split comet D/Shoemaker-Levy 9 from Kiso Schimidt plates," Plant.Space Sci.45. 1351-1357 (1997)
[Publications] Souchay,J.and Kinoshita,H.: "Corrections and new indirect development in rigid mutation theory:II.Influence of second-order geopotential and direct planetary effect," Astron.& Astrophys.318. 639-652 (1997)
[Publications] Sakurai,K.: "Ultra-heavy nuclei in the source composition of cosmic rays and their origin as related to the interstellar matter" Nuclear Phys.A621,56C. (1997)
[Publications] Sakurai,K.: "Ultra heavy nuclei in the source composition of cosmic rays as related to the interstellar matter," Todai Internat.Symp.Cosmochoronology and Related Topics. 68. (1997)
[Publications] Yabushita,S.and Allen,J.A.: "Did an impact alone kill the Dinosauers?" Astronomy & Geophysics of Roy,Astr.Soc.38,2. 15-19 (1997)
[Publications] Yabushita,S.: "On the efficiency of nuclear explosives in deflecting the orbits of NEO's" Earth,Moon & Planets. 74. 183-189 (1997)
[Publications] Yabushita,S.: "On the transfer of radiation at asteroidal surface in relation to their orbit deflection-I" MNRAS. (in press). (1997)
[Publications] Yabushita,S.: "A statistical test of correlations and periodicities in the geological records" Dynamics of Comet and Asteroids and theirroles in the Earth History (edt.S.Yabushita & J.Henrard,Kluwer Acad.Publisher). (in press). (1996)
[Publications] Hirata,T.and Nesbitt,R.W.: "Distribution of platinum group elements and rhenium between metallic phases of iron meteoriotes" Earth Plant.Sci.Lett.147. 11-24 (1997)
[Publications] Hirata,T.: "Isotopic variations of germanium for iron and stony iron meteorites" Geochim.Cosmochum.Acta. 61. 4439-4448 (1997)
[Publications] Hirata,T.: "Soft ablation tecnique for laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" J.Anal.Atom.Spectrom. 12. 1337-1342 (1997)
[Publications] Hirata,T., Hattori,M.and Tanaka T.: "In-situ osmiumo isotope ratio analyses of iridosmines by laser ablation-multiple collector-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry" Chem.Goel.(Isotope Geoscience). in press.
[Publications] Ikeya,M., Sasaoka,H., Toda, Kanosue,K.and Hirai,M.: "Future ESR and optical dating of outer planet icy materials" Quaten.Sci.Rev.16. 431-435 (1997)
[Publications] Ikeya,M., Ochiai,H.and Tani,A.: "Total dose formula for uranium-uptake model for ESR and TL dating" Radiation Measurements. 27. 339-343 (1997)
[Publications] Oka,T., Grun,R., Tani,A., Yamanaka,C., Ikeya,M.and Huang,P.: "ESR microscopy of fossil teeth" Radiation Measurements. 27. 331-337 (1997)
[Publications] Kanosue,K., Toda,H., Hirai,M., Kanamori,H.and Ikeya,M.: "Thermoluminescence (TL) and ESR study of γ-irradiated S02 frost for future dating in outer planets." Radiation Measurements. 27. 399-403 (1997)
[Publications] Takaki,S., Ikeya, M.and Yamanaka,C.: "Remote TL and OSL for asteroidand meteorite study." Radiation Measurements. 27. 393-397 (1997)
[Publications] Bartoll,J.and Ikeya,M.: "ESR dating of pottery:a trial" Appl.Tadiat.Isot.49. 981-984 (1997)
[Publications] Tani,A., Bartoll, J., Ikeya,M., Komura,K., et al.: "ESR study of thermal history of a stone tool" Appl.Magn.Reson.13. 561-569 (1997)
[Publications] 高野雅夫, 川上紳一, 岡庭輝幸, 楢崎由起子, 熊沢峰夫、: "走査型X線分析顕微鏡で見るバイオマット" 鉱物学雑誌. 26. 107-112 (1997)
[Publications] H.Sakai, K.Shirai, M.Takano, M.Horii,and M.Funaki,: "Analysis of fine structure of chert and BIF by measurement of high resolution magnetic field and scanning X-ray analyzed mireoscope" Proc.NIPR. 1059-1067 (1997)
[Publications] 小出良幸, 山下浩之, 佐藤武宏: "惑星進化論へのアプローチ:要因と概要" 神奈川県立博物館研究報告自然科学. 26. 1-24 (1997)
[Publications] 小出良幸, 平田大二、 山下浩之, 佐藤武宏: "惑星科学の現状-惑星の調べ方とわかったこと-" 神奈川県立生命の星・地球博物館,神奈川県立博物館調査研究報告自然科学. 8. 13-29 (1997)
[Publications] 小出良幸: "宇宙階層概論-宇宙の階層内における私たちの普遍性と特異性-" 神奈川県立生命の星・地球博物館編,神奈川県立博物館調査研究報告自然科学. 8. 131-170 (1997)