[Publications] T. Calinski: "The randouization model for experiments in block designs and the recovery of inter-block information" J. Statist. Plann. Inference. 52. 359-374 (1996)
[Publications] K. Sinha: "Some ner non-proper variance-balanced designs with unequal replications" Statist. & Prob. Lett.27. 149-153 (1996)
[Publications] S. Kageyama: "A few results and block-colurings of designs" Hiroshima Math. J.26. 245-251 (1996)
[Publications] X. Duan: "Robustness of variance balanced designs against the unavailability of some observations" Hiroshima Math. J.26. 351-362 (1996)
[Publications] S. Kageyama: "The spectrum of nested designs with block size three or four" Congressus Numerantium. 114. 73-80 (1996)
[Publications] S. Kageyama: "Some non-ewbeddable quasi-derived designs" J. Combinatorial Theory Series A. 76. 295-304 (1996)
[Publications] R. Nishii: "Orthogonal functions of inverse Gaussian distributions" Lifetime Data : Models in Reliability and Survival Analysis. 243-250 (1996)
[Publications] R. Nishii: "The use of univariate Bayes regression models for spatcal Smoothing" Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. (印刷中).
[Publications] S. Tanaka: "A model of deforestation by human population intersections" Environmental and Ecological Statistics. (印刷中).
[Publications] M. Minami: "Estimation for a common intraclass correlation in bivariate normal distributions with missing observations" American Journal of Mathematizal and Management Sciences. 16. (1996)
[Publications] 清水邦夫: "修正ベータ・2項分布とその雑誌購買度数データへの応用" 応用統計学. 25. 49-60 (1996)
[Publications] T. Shirakura: "Searching probabilities for nouzero effects in search designs for masy case" Annals of Statistics. (印刷中).
[Publications] S. Kagayama: "Some constructions of Semiframes" Ars Combinattoria. 43. 17-31 (1996)
[Publications] S. Banerjee: "Non-isomorphic solutions of group devisible designs with R=3 and X_1=0" J. Statist. Plann. Inference. 56. 23-32 (1996)
[Publications] S. Kageyama: "General methods of construction of balanced designs" Bull. Fac. Sch. Educ. Hiroshima Univ. Part II. 19. 57-64 (1997)
[Publications] S. Kageyama: "An error-correcting code through PBIB designs" Bull. Fac. Sch. Educ. Hiroshima Univ., Part II. 19. 65-76 (1997)
[Publications] S. Mase: "The threshold method for estimating total rainfall" Ann. Inst. Statist. Math.48. 201-213 (1996)
[Publications] R. Nishii: "Enhancement of low spatial resolution image based on high resolution bands" IEEE Transaction of Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society. 34. 1151-1158 (1996)
[Publications] S. Tazawa: "Enumeration of unlabelled bicolored grapho by degree parties" J. Statist. Plann. Inference. (印刷中).
[Publications] T. Shirakura: "Weighted A-optimality for fractional 2^m factorial designs of resolution" J. Statist. Plann. Inference. 56. 243-256 (1996)
[Publications] M. Kuwada: "Balanced fractional 3^m factorial designs of resolution IV" J. Statist. Plann. Inference. (印刷中).
[Publications] M. Kuwada: "On some estimable parametric functions for balanced fractional 2^m factorial designs" J. Combin. Inf. & Syst. Sciencs. (印刷中).
[Publications] S. Yamamoto: "New light on fractional 2^m factorial designs" J. Statist. Plann. Inference. 56. 269-287 (1996)
[Publications] 折笠秀樹: "糖尿病治療研究におけるQOL評価とメタアナリス" 内分泌・糖尿病科. 2. 8-15 (1996)
[Publications] 酒井弘憲: "高血圧薬剤治療における有害事象評価へのメタアナリシスの応用" 薬剤疫学. 1. 39-40 (1996)
[Publications] 折笠秀樹: "統計数字のトリック" ファルマシア. 32. 531-533 (1996)
[Publications] M. Owa: "Predictive validity of the Braunwald classification of unstable angina for angiographic findings, short-term progroses, and…" Angiology. (印刷中).
[Publications] 折笠秀樹: "糖尿病の臨床疫学" DITN. 221. 2-3 (1996)
[Publications] M. Otani: "Use of the Weibull hazard model to estimate age-specific probability of permanent tooth loss" J. of Dental Research. 75. 1453-1463 (1996)
[Publications] H. Watanabe: "Influence of Paternal Cf252 Neutron exposure on abnormal sperm, embryonal lethality and liver tumorigenesis in the F1" Japanese J. of Cancer Research. 87. 51-57 (1996)
[Publications] A. Taguchi: "Usefulness of panoramic radiography in the diagnosis of post menopausal osteoporosis in women, Width and…" Dentomaxillofac Radiology. 25. 263-267 (1996)
[Publications] Y. Fujikoshi: "Statistical inference in growth curve model with hierachical within-individuals design matrics" Contenporary Multivariate Analysis and Its Applications. (印刷中).
[Publications] H. Wanatabe: "Strain differences in Conference in the induction" Japanese Journal Cancer Research. (印刷中).
[Publications] 宮原英夫: "混合性結合組織癌(MCTD)のクラスター分析" 行動計量学. 23. 63-82 (1996)
[Publications] 浅井憲義: "健常男性の総合的性機能指標と性機能等価年齢" 行動計量学. (印刷中).
[Publications] 土沢健一: "入学時のMMPI尺度得点とそれによる留年予測の困難性" 行動計量学. (印刷中).
[Publications] T. Caliuski: "Design and Analysis of Experiments" North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1229(66) (1996)
[Publications] 折笠秀樹: "今日の疫学(メタアナリシス)" 医学書院, 240-250 (1996)