[Publications] H.Yoshida: "A type of uniqueness for the Dirichlet problem on a half-space with continuous data," Pacific J.Math.(to appear).
[Publications] H.Yoshida,I.Miyamoto,: "Solutions of the Dirichlet problem on a cone with continuous data" Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan.
[Publications] T.Inada and P.Walczak: "Transverse Hausdorff dimension of codim-1 C^2-foliations" Fundamenta Mathematicae. (to appear).
[Publications] R.ISHIMURA: "The condition(s) of Kawai,the property of completely regular growth and the estimate of the micro-support of the complex of a convolution operator" Proceedings of the sixth intarnational colloguium on differential equations,Plovdiv,BULGARIA. (to appear).
[Publications] R.ISHIMURA: "The micro-support of the complex defined by a convolution operator in tube domains" Proceedings of Banach Cantre Symposium on Singularities and Differential Equations,. 33. (1995)
[Publications] Masami Kurano Youqiang Huang: "Average Reward Markov Decision Processes with Multiple Cost Constraints" Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences. Vol.16. 403-415 (1995)
[Publications] Tanemura,H.: "Critical behavior for a continuum percolation model," Proc.Seventh Japan-Russia Svmp on Probability Theory,. (to appear). (1995)
[Publications] Tanemura,H.: "A system of infinitely many mutually reflecting Brownian balls in R^d" Probabilty Theory and Related Fields.(to appear).
[Publications] 汪 金芳・田栗正章: "ブートストラップ法-2標本問題からの考察" 統計数理. Vol.44(受理済). (1996)
[Publications] Y.Okada,H.Yamane.: "Acharacteristic Cauduy problem in the comolex domain" J.Math.Pures et oppl.(to appear).
[Publications] M.Nagisa: "Cocycle corjugacy of finary shifts on the hyperfinite factor of type II," Proc.Fourteenth. Symposium on Applied Functional Analyois. 123-127 (1995)
[Publications] M.Nagisa: "Stable rank of some full group C^*-clgebas of groups oftalned by the free product" International Journal of Malteuiatics. (to appear).
[Publications] M.Kurano,M.Yasuda,J.Nakagami,Y.Yoshida: "Markov-type fuzzy decision processes with a discounted reward on a closed interval," European Journal of Oprational Research,. (to appear).
[Publications] M.Yasuda: "Explicit optimal value for Dynkin′s stopping Game," Mathl.Comput.Modelling,. Vol.22. 313-324 (1995)
[Publications] J.Li,M.Yasuda,Q.Jiang,H.Suzuki,Z.Wang,G.J.KLir;: "Convergence of sequence of measurable functions of fuzzy measure space" Fuzzy Sets and Systems. (to appear).
[Publications] Q.Jiang,H.Suzuki,Z.Wang,G.J.Klir,J.Li,M.Yasuda: "Property(p.g.p.)of Fuzzy Measures and Convergence in Measure," The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics,. Vol.3. 669-710 (1995)
[Publications] I.Miyamoto: "Harmonic functions in a cylinder which vanish on the boundary," Japanese J.Math.,. 1996 (22(2))
[Publications] I.Miyamoto: "A type of uniqueness of solutions for the Dirichlet problem on a cylinder," Tohoku Math.J.(to appear).
[Publications] H,Fujita,H.Kawahara,H.Kawarada.: "Distribution theoretic approach to fictitious domain method for Noumann problems" East-West J.Numer.Math. Vol.3. 111-126 (1995)
[Publications] H.Kawarada.H.Koshigoe.A.Sasamoto.: "On Penctration phenomenon of magnetic ficld into superconducting mathcrials(Modcling and simulation)" Mathematical and Numcrial Aspects of Wavc propagation INRIA SIAM. 385-394 (1995)
[Publications] H.Fujita,H.Kawarada A.Sasamoto: "Analytical and numerical approachcs to statinary fow problems with lesak and slip boundary conditions." Lecturc Notcs in Num.Appl.Anal.22GD21:14. 17-31 (1995)
[Publications] B.Dacorogna H.Koshigoe.: "The quasiconvex cnvclope of the Saint Venant-Kirchhoff stored energy function in dimention 2" Analyse et Analyse numcrique. Nr.08.95. (1995)
[Publications] T.Tsutsui: "Interaction of regular singularities in linear propagation" Kyuhu J.Math.49. 331-404 (1995)
[Publications] N.Kenmochi M.Niezgodka: "Viscosity approach to modelling non-isothermal diffusive phase separation" Japan J.Industrial Appl.Math.Vol.13. 135-169 (1996)
[Publications] N.Kenmochi.M.Niezgodka,I.Pawlow: "Subdifferential operator approach to the Cahn-Hilliard equation with constraint" J.Differential Equations. Vol.117. 320-356 (1995)
[Publications] N.Kenmochi,M.Niezgodka S.Zheng: "Global attractor of a non-isothermal model for phase separation" Gakuto Intern.Ser.Math.Sci.Vol.5. 129-143 (1995)
[Publications] N.Kenmochi: "Uniqueness of the solution to a nonlinear system arising in phase transition" Gakuto Intern.Ser.Math.Sci.Vol.7. 261-271 (1995)
[Publications] J.Shirihzu,N.Sato N.Kenmochi: "Asymptotic convergence in models for phase change problems" Gakuto Intern.Ser.Math.Sci.Vol.7. 361-385 (1995)
[Publications] Wang,J.and Taguri,M.: "Jackknifing:higher order accurate cenfidence intervals" Journal of the Japan Statistical Society. Vol.26(受理済). (1996)
[Publications] Wang,J.,Ohuchi,S.and Taguri,M.: "Higher order accurate confidence internals for smooth funclions of means with application to the conelction coeffiend" Journal of Saiety of Computational Statistics. Vol.8(受理済). (1996)
[Publications] R.Takagi,U-Hang Ki,T.Takahashi: "On some CR oubmanifolds uvith parallel mean curvature vector field in a umplex space form" Nihonkai Math.J.6. 215-226 (1995)
[Publications] R Takagi Y-W.Choe H.S.Kim I-B.Kim: "Rigidity theorems fer real typersurfaces in a complex pojective space" Hokkaido Math.J. (to appear).
[Publications] Y.Hino,S.Murakami: "Stability properties in abstract linear functional differential eguations with infinite deloy" WSSIAA(Dynamical sustoms and Applications. 329-341 (1995)
[Publications] Y.Hino,S.Murakami: "Existence of an almoet periodic linear functional difforential equations with infinite clelay" Dynamical systems and applications. (to appear).