[Publications] H.Yoshizawa,Y.Uemura,Y.Kawano,Y.Hatate: "Stripping Rate of Propionic Acid from Styrene-Divinylbenzene Copolymeric Microcapsules with Tri-n-octyl Amine as Core Material" Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchamge. 13. 333-351 (1995)
[Publications] Y.Kawano,S.Osada,K.Shiomori,Y.Baba,K.Kondo,H.Yoshizawa,Y.Hatate: "Distribution Equilibriun of Palladium Between Aqueous Hydrochioric Acid Solution and Tri-n-octylamine in Toluene" Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan. 28. 227-230 (1995)
[Publications] H.Yoshizawa,M.Anwar,K.Motomura,Y.Uemura,K.Ijichi,T.Ohtake,Y.Kawano,Y.Hatate: "Preparation of Extractive Microcapsules with Supported Liquid Membrane" Solvent Extraction Research and Development,Japan. 2. 185-195 (1995)
[Publications] 古沢秀和・幡手泰雄: "溶媒抽出と吸着樹脂との融合技術" 表面. 33. 552-562 (1995)
[Publications] 徳田・夏越・熊之細・島田・古澤・幡手・中村・山田・根建・愛甲: "Cisplatin内包マイクロスフェアの実験的検討" 癌と化学療法. 22. 1641-1643 (1995)
[Publications] 吉澤・永井・上村・伊地知・幡手: "制癌剤担持生分解性高分子微粒子の調製" ケミカルエンジニアリング. 41. 97-103 (1996)
[Publications] Y.Hatate,T.Haraguchi,M.Matsumoto,Y.Uemura,H.Yoshizawa: "Surface Modification of Polymeric Microspheres Using Low Temperature Plasma" Proceeding of 7th APCChE Congress. 322-326 (1996)
[Publications] H.Yoshizawa,Y.Kawano,K.Kondo,K.Ijichi,Y.Uemura,Y.Hatate: "Separation and Recovery of Palladium (II), Platinum (IV) and Gold (III) in a Packed Column with Divinylbenzene Homopolymeric Microcapsule Containing Tri-n-octylamine [1996,ISEC '96,in press]" Proceeding of International Solvent Extraction Conference '96 (IEC '96). 2. 899-904 (1996)
[Publications] 幡手・太田・上村・伊地知・古澤・河野: "SPG膜乳化法により調製したトナー微粒子の帯電特性" 第24回機能材料と利用に関するフォーラム“微粒子の設計,調製及び応用"講演要旨集. 18-21 (1995)
[Publications] 吉澤・有水・上村・伊地知・馬場・河野・幡手: "混合W/Oエマルション系架橋反応による異形キトサンミクロスフィアの調製" 第24回機能材料と利用に関するフォーラム“微粒子の設計,調製及び応用"講演要旨集. 22-25 (1995)
[Publications] Y.Hatate,Y.Uemura,Y.Ijichi,Y.Kato,T.Hano,Y.Baba,Y.Kawano: "Preparation of GPC Packed Polymer Beads by a SPG Membrane Emulsifler" Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan. 28. 656-659 (1995)
[Publications] 井出・原口・畑中・山田・磯村・幡手: "DEHPAゲルカラムの金属イオン吸着分離への応用(第2報)DEHPAゲルカラムによる重希土類金属イオンの吸着,分離,濃縮" 北九州工業高等専門学校研究報告. 29. 129-135 (1996)
[Publications] 後藤雅宏,中塩文行,岩間道夫,吉澤秀和,伊地知和也,上村芳三,幡手泰雄: "合成脂質を被覆した二重膜マイクロカプセルの調製とその徐放特性" 化学工学論文集. 22. 923-926 (1996)
[Publications] H.Yoshizawa,Y.Uemura,K.Ijichi,T.Hano,Y.Kawano,and Y.Hatate: "Permeability Control of Active Agent from Polymeric Microcapsules by Coating of Gelatin/Gum Arabic Membrane" Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan. 29. 379-381 (1996)
[Publications] H.Yoshizawa,H.Ohta,Y.Uemura,K.Ijichi,and Y.Hatate: "Noble Procedure for Monodispersed Polymeric Microspheres with High Electrifying Additive Content by Particle-shrinking Method via SPG Membrane Emulsification" Jornal of Chemical Enigneering of Japan. 29. 1027-1029 (1996)
[Publications] 伊地知和也・吉澤秀和・芦刈務・上村芳三・幡手泰雄: "中空マイクロカプセルの調製" 化学工学論文集. 23. 125-128 (1996)
[Publications] Y.Hatate, H.Ohta,Y.Uemura,K.Ijichi and H.Yoshizawa: "Preparation of Mono-dispersed Polymeric Microspheres for Toner Particles by SPG Membrane Emulsification Technique" Journal of Applied Polymer Science. (in print).
[Publications] H.Yoshizawa,Y.Uemura,S.Natsugoe,K.Tokuda,M.Shimada,K.Nakamura,T.Aikou and Y.Hatate: "Cisplatin Inorporated Polylactide Microspheres Blending with Water-soluble Polymers" Proceeding of 23rd International Symposium on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials. 381-382 (1996)
[Publications] K.Tokuda,S.Natsugoe,M.Shimada,T.Kumanohoso,H.Yoshizawa,Y.Uemura,Y.Hatate,K.Nakamura,K.Yamada,M.Nedachi and T.Aikou: "In Vivo Activity of Cisplatin Microspheres Incorporated with Polylactic Acid and Polyethylene Glycol Acid" Proceeding of 23rd International Symposium on controlled Release of Bioactive Materials. 385-386 (1996)
[Publications] :H.Yoshizawa,Y.Mizunuma,Y.Uemura,Y.Kawano and Y.Hatate: "Thermo-responsed Release from Liquid Crystalline Polymeric Microcapsules" Proceeding of World Congress V on Chemical Engineering. 4. 495-499 (1996)
[Publications] Y.Hatate and H.Yoshizawa: "Encapsulated Particles (The Polymeric Materials Encyclopedia : Synthesis,Properties and Applications" CRC Press, 10 (1996)