[Publications] Kohmura E,Yamada K: "Expression of c-fos mRNA after cortical ablation in rat brain is modulated by basic fibroblast growth factor(bFGF)and the NMDA receptor is involved in c-fos expression." Mol Brain Res. 28. 117-121 (1995)
[Publications] Yuguchi T,Yamada K: "Changes in growth inhibitory factor mRNA expression compared with those in c-jun mRNA expression following facial nerve transection." Mol Brain Res. 28. 181-185 (1995)
[Publications] Kubo T,Yamada K: "Assessment of auditory and vestibular functions after vestibular neurectomy for Meniere′s Disease." Acta Otoraryngol(Stockh). 115. 149-153 (1995)
[Publications] Yuguchi T,Yamada K: "Expression of growth inhibitory factor mRNA following cortical injury in rat." J Neurotrauma. 12. 299-306 (1995)
[Publications] Anezaki T,Yamada K: "Expression of growth inhibitory factor(GIF)in normal and injured rat brains." Neurochem Int. 27. 89-94 (1995)
[Publications] Sakaki T,Yamada K: "Brief exposure to hypoxia induces bFGF mRNA and protein,and protects rat cortical neurons from prolonged hypoxic stress." J Cereb Blood Flow Metabol 15[Suppl 1]. 68- (1995)
[Publications] Otsuki H,Yamada K: "Time course of bFGF mRNA and protein induction following hypoxic neuronal injury and inhibition of bFGF protein synthesis in the peri-infarcted cortex." J Cereb Blood Flow Metabol 15[Suppl 1]. 342- (1995)
[Publications] Kohmura E,Yamada K: "Altered expression of growth inhibitory factor(GIF)messenger RNA after middle cerebral artery occlusion in rat." J Cereb Blood Flow Metabol 15[Suppl 1]. 343- (1995)
[Publications] Yamashita T,Yamada K: "Changes in glutamate-aspartate transporter(GLAST)mRNA expression following facial nerve transection." J Cereb Blood Flow Metabol 15[Suppl 1]. 575- (1995)
[Publications] Sakaki T,Yamada K: "Brief exposure to hypoxia induces bFGF mRNA and protein and protects rat cortical neurons from prolonged hypoxic stress." Neurosci Res. 23. 289-296 (1995)
[Publications] Mase M: "Endovascular stent placement for multiple aneurysm of the extracranial internal carotid artery:Technical case report." Neurosurgery. 37. 832-835 (1995)
[Publications] Yamashita N,Kamiya K: "Experience with a programmable valve shunt system in pediatric hydrocephalus." Current Tr Hyd(Tokyo). 5. 38-42 (1995)
[Publications] 布施 孝久、山田 和雄: "幼児期にSTA-MCA吻合術を行ったモヤモヤ病2症例の長期予後." 小児の脳神経. 20. 47-53 (1995)
[Publications] 榊 孝之、山田 和雄: "神経細胞での低酸素耐性獲得機構の解析-ラット初代培養大脳皮質細胞でのin vitro実験-." Brain Hypoxia. 9. 13-17 (1995)
[Publications] 早川 徹、山田 和雄: "神経内視鏡の臨床応用." Brain Update. 2. 8-9 (1995)
[Publications] 木下 章、山田 和雄: "進行性脳底動脈塞栓症に対してtPA動注療法が有効であった1例." 救急医学. 19. 985-987 (1995)
[Publications] 松本 勝美、山田 和雄: "手術所見よりみた未破裂脳動脈瘤の破裂危険性および手術リスクの検討." The Mt.Fuji Workshop on CVD講演集. 13. 161-164 (1995)
[Publications] 松本 勝美、山田 和雄: "ラット中大脳動脈閉塞モデルに対するプロペントフィリン(HWA285)の保護効果の検討-線条体虚血に対する有効性について-." Brain Hypoxia. 9. 93-98 (1995)
[Publications] 山田 和雄、山田 謹子: "高次脳機能検査と脳循環代謝の評価法." Brain Nursing. 11. 855-861 (1995)
[Publications] 山下 伸子、神谷 健: "脳卒中を起こす脳血管の奇形." 循環科学. 10. 1014-1016 (1995)
[Publications] 大槻 秀夫、山田 和雄: "機能負荷SPECTとMRI重ね合わせによる大脳感覚運動野、視覚野の同定." CI研究. 17. 177-183 (1995)
[Publications] 真砂 敦夫: "水頭症性脳浮腫における上衣下細胞群のグルタメートトランスポーター(GLAST)遺伝子の発現." 第18回脳浮腫研究会報告集. 65-74 (1995)
[Publications] 間瀬 光人: "ステントを用いた多発性頭蓋外内頚動脈瘤の治療." 第10回日本脳神経血管内手術研究会講演集. 77-83 (1995)
[Publications] 間瀬 光人: "くも膜下出血後正常圧水頭症における髄液循環動態のMRIによる評価." Progress in Research on ICP. 65-71 (1995)
[Publications] 布施 孝久、山田 和雄: "可変式シャントシステム(SOPHY):バルブ前胸部設置における問題点." 脳外. 24. 41-45 (1996)
[Publications] 山田 和雄: "国際学会見聞録、第17回国際脳循環代謝学会(Brain95 ケルン)" 脳と循環. 1. 94-97 (1996)
[Publications] 山田 和雄: "神経栄養因子とその臨床的意義-特にFGFの虚血損傷修復に果たす役割について." PTM. 7. (1995)
[Publications] 山田 和雄: "山口 武典、早川 徹、高橋 睦正(編)中枢神経疾患の画像診断" 最新医学社, 7 (1995)
[Publications] 山田 和雄: "佐藤 潔、福井 仁士、山浦 晶(編集)脳神経外科レビュー3" 三輪書店, 19 (1995)
[Publications] 山田 和雄: "今日の治療指針1996年版" 医学書院, 1 (1996)
[Publications] 山田 和雄: "山浦 晶(編)脳動脈瘤の外科" 医学書院, 6 (1995)
[Publications] Yamada K: "in Hakuba A(ed)Surgery of the Intracranial Venous System" 7 (1995)