[Publications] Hayakawa, M., R.Kawate, O.A.Molchanov, and K.Yumoto: "Results of ultra-low-frequency magnetic field measurements during the Guam earthquake of 8 August 1993" Geophys.Res.Lett.23,No.3. 241-244 (1996)
[Publications] Kawano, H, K.Yumoto, H.Matsumoto, T.Murata, et al.: "A quasi-stagnant plasmoid observed with Geotail on October 15,1993" J.Geomag.Geoelectr. 48. 525-539 (1996)
[Publications] Kokubun, S., L.A.Frank, K.Hayashi, Y.K.Yumoto, et al.: "Large field events in the distant magnetotail during magnetic storms" J.Geomag.Groeletcr. 48. 561-576 (1996)
[Publications] Nakamura, R.S.Kokubun, Y.Kamide, K.Yumoto, H.Huhr, et al.: "Magnetosheath observations near hte center of magnetotail during a weak geomagnetic storm on January 25 1993" J.Geomag.Geoelectr. 48. 577-588 (1996)
[Publications] Osaki, H, K.Yumoto, K.Fukao, K.Shiokawa, the 210 MM Magnetic Observation Group, et al.: "Characteristics of low-latitude Pi 2 pulsations along the 210 magnetic meridian" J.Geomag.Geoelectr. 48. 1421-1430 (1996)
[Publications] Petrinec, S.M., K.Yumoto, H.Luhr, D.Orr, D.Miling, K.Hayashi, T.Araki, et al.: "The CME event of February 21,1994 ; Response of the magnetic field at the Earth′s surface" J.Geomag.Geoelectr. 48. 1341-1380 (1996)
[Publications] Pilipenko, V.A., N.G., Kleimenova, O.V.Kozyreva, K.Yumoto, J.Bitterli, et al.: "Is Cusp the source of mid-latitude Pc 3 pulsations?" Geomag.and Aeronomy. 36,No.2. 39-48 (1996)
[Publications] Seto, M., K.Yumoto, Y.Kitamura the 210o MM Magnetic Observation Group, et al.: "Induction arrows computed for the 210o MM magnetic observation stations" Mem.Fac.Sci.,Kyushu Univ.29,No.2. 145-157 (1996)
[Publications] Watanabe, T.M.Seto, K.Yumoto, and the 210o MM Magnetic Observation Group: "Theory of induction arrow based on 2D subsurface conductivity distribution model" Men.of Tohoku Inst.of Technology,Ser.17. 35-43 (1996)
[Publications] Yumoto, k, and the 210o MM Magnetic Observation Group: "The STEP 210 magnetic meridian network project" J.Geomag.Geoelectr.48. 1297-1309 (1996)
[Publications] Yumoto, K., K.Shiokawa, Y.Tanaka, H.Tachihara, M.Shinohara, S.I.Solovyev E.F.Vershinin, S.L.Manurung, B.J.Fraser, F.W.Menk, K.JW.Lynn, D.G.Cole, et al.: "North/south asymmetry of sc/si magnetic variations observed along the 210magnetic meridian" J.Geomag.Geoelectr.48. 1333-1340 (1996)
[Publications] Angelopoulos, V., F.S.Mozer, R.P.Ln, K.Turuda, H.Hayakawa, S.Kokubun, T.Yamamoto, H.J.Singer, K.Yumoto, et al.: "Mmagnetotail flow bursts assocation to global magnetospheric circulation,relationship to ionospheric activity and direct evidence for localization" Geophys.Res.Lett.24,No.18. 2271-2274 (1997)
[Publications] Araki, T., S, Fujitani, M., Emoto, K.Yumoto, K.Shiokawa, T.Ichinose, et al.: "Anomaus sudden commencement on March 24,1991" J.Geophys.Res.102,A7. 14075-14086 (1997)
[Publications] Baishev, D.G., K.Yumoto, S.I., Solovyev, N.E.Molochushkin and E.S.Barkova, et al.: "Variations of magnetic field in an appearance period of large-scale diffuse luminosity waves in the evening sector during magnetic storm" Geomag. and Aeronomy. 37,No.6. 39 (1997)
[Publications] Matsuoka, H., K.Takahashi, S.Kokubun, K.Yumoto, T.Yamamoto, S.I.Solovyev, and E.F.Vershinin: "Phase and amplitude structure of Pc 3 magnetic pulsations as determined from multipoint observations" J.Geophys.Res.102,A2. 2391-2404 (1997)
[Publications] Pilipenko, V., K.Yumoto, E.Fedorov, N.Yagova, S.Solovyev, E.Vershinin: "Variations of the Pc 3 spectral content along the 210AKmagnetic" Geomagnetic & Aeronomy. 37,No.1. 66-74 (1997)
[Publications] Pilipenko, V., N.Kleivenova, U.Kozyreva, K.Yumoto, and T.Bitterli: "Longitudinal features of Pc 5 gecomagnetic pulsations in the morning and evening sectors" Geomagnetic & Aeronomy. 37,No.3. 64-76 (1997)
[Publications] Shinohara, k., K.Yumoto, A.Yoshikawa, O.Saka, S.I.Solovyev, E.F.Vershinin, N.B.Trivedi, J.M.Da Costa and the 210 ÅK MM Magnetic Observation Group: "Wave characteristics of daytime and nihgttime Pi 2 pulsations at the equatorial and low latitudes" Geophys.Rea.Lett.24,No.18. 2279-2282 (1997)
[Publications] Solovyev, S.I., K.Yumoto, D.G.Baishev, and N.E. Molochushkin: "About the reason of excitation and formation of a spectrum high-latitude Pi2 gecomagnetic pulsations during the pseudobrakups and multiple onsets of substorms" Geomag.and Aeronomy. 37,No.5. 60-69 (1997)
[Publications] Yumoto, K., V.Pilipenko, E.Fedorov.N.Kurneva, M.De Lauretis and K.Kitamura: "Magnetospheric ULF phenomena stimulated by ssc" J.Geomag.Geoelectr.49. 1179-1195 (1997)
[Publications] Li., Y., B.J.Fraser, F.W. Menk, D.J.Webster, and K.Yumoto: "Properties and sources of low and very low latitude Pi 2 pulsations" J.Geophys.Res.103. in press (1998)
[Publications] Vershinin, E.F., A.V.Buzevch, K.Yumoto, K.Saita, and Y.Tanaka: "Correlations of seismic activity with electromagnetic emssions and variations in Kamchatka region" Monograph on "Seismo-Electromagnetics",Ed.by M.Hayakawa. (in press). (1998)
[Publications] Colqui, R., K.Yumoto, H.Tachihara, T.-I.Kitamura, N.B.Trivedi, and Jose Marques da Costa: "Two-dimensional equatorial electrojet current system deduced from the Brazilian network,1.Based on the H component" Mem.Fac.Sci.,Kyushu_Univ.30. 1-14 (1998)
[Publications] Pilipenko, V.A., K.Yumoto, E.N.Fedorov, N.Kurneva, and F.W.Menk: "Field line Alfven oscillations at low latitudes" Mem.Fac.Sci.,Kyushu_Univ.30. 23-43 (1998)
[Publications] Yomoto, K.E.F.Vershinin, A.V.Buzevich, K.Saita and Y.Tanaka: "Relationships among seismc activity,atmospheric electric field,electromagmetic emissions and local magnetic activity in Kamchatka" Mem.Fac.Sci.,Kyushu_Univ.30. 15-22 (1998)
[Publications] Kitamura, K, K.Yuoto, K.J.W.Lynn, E.F.Vershinin, B.J. Fraser and the 210 MM Magnetic Observation Group: "Nothern/southern hemisphere asymmetry of sc/si in the nighttime sector" Proc,NIPR Symp.,Upper Atmos,Phys.(in press). (1998)
[Publications] Shiokawa, K., K.Yumoto, N.Nishitani, K.Hayashi, T.Oguti, D.J. McEwen, Y.Kiyama.F.J.Rich, and T.Mukai: "Quase-periodic poleward motions of sun-aligned auroral arcs in the high-latitude morning sector:A case study" J.Geophys.Res.101. 19,789-19,800 (1996)
[Publications] Shiokawa, K, K.Yumoto, Y.Tanaka, H.Osaki, M.Sato, T.Kato, Y.Kato, M.Sera, Y. Ikegami, S.-I.Akasofu, K.Hhayashi, T.Oguti, and Y.Kiyama: "Auroral observations using automatic opeical instruments : relations with multiple Pi2 magnetic pulsations" J.Geomag.Geoelectr.48. 1407-1419 (1996)
[Publications] Shiokawa, K.C.I.Meng, G.D.Reeves, F.J.Rich, and K.Yumoto: "A multievent study of broadband electrons observed by the DMSP satellites and their relation to red aurora observed at midlatitude stations" J.Geophys.Res.102. 14,237-14,253 (1997)
[Publications] Kikuchi, T, .H.Luehr, T.Kitamura, O.Saka, and K.Schlegel: "Direct penetration of the polar electric field to the equator during a DP2 event as detected by the auroral and equatorial magnetometer chains and the EISCAT radar" J.Geophys.Res.101. 17161-17173 (1996)
[Publications] Kikuchi, T, .H.Luehr, T.Kitamura, L.Saka, and K.Schlegel: "Correlated auroral and equatorial magnetic variations due to penetration of magnetospheric electric field during DP2 and substorm events" Proc.Solar and Terrestrial Prediction. (in press). (1997)
[Publications] Saka, O., M.Shinohara, H.Tachihara, H.Aakaki, H. Inoue, T. Uozumi, and T.Kitamura: "A time source of data acquisition system designed for phase propagation study of the magnetic pulsations" J.Geomag.Geoelectr.48. 1321 (1996)
[Publications] Tachihara H., M. Shinohara, M.Shimoizumi, O.Saka, and T.Kitamura: "Magnetometer system for studies of the equatirial electrojet and micropulsations in equatorial regions" J.Geomag.Geoelectr.48. 1311 (1996)
[Publications] Tachihara H., T.Uozumi, H.Akaki, O.Saka, and T.Kitamura: "Use of a flash memory card for long-term geomagnetic data recording" J.Geomag.Geoelectr.48. 1327 (1996)
[Publications] 加藤 賢一、利根川 豊、桜井 亨: "長周期地磁気脈動の周波数解析に対する自己回帰法の次数決定基準の検証" 東海大学紀要工学部. 36,No.1. 201-205 (1996)
[Publications] Misawa, H, Y.Miyoshi, A.Morioka, T.Kondo, M.Kojima, Y.Koyama, and J.Nakajima: "Investigations of Jupiter′s inner--magnetosphere with the observations of Jovian decimetric radiations" Proc.29th ISAS Lunar Planet.Symp.193--196 (1996)
[Publications] 三澤 浩昭, 高橋 慎, 野澤 宏大, 森岡 昭, 岡野 章一: "衛星イオを起源とする火山性ガスの観測" 第18回宇宙科学研究所太陽系科学シンポジウム集録集. 46--49 (1997)
[Publications] 三澤 浩昭, 高橋 慎, 野澤 宏大, 森岡 昭, Ravi Sood, 岡野 章一, 湯元清文: "衛星イオを起源とする火山性ガスの観測-II" 第19回宇宙科学研究所太陽系科学シンポジウム集録集. (in press). (1998)
[Publications] Itonaga M.: "Control of smoothness in non-linear filtering of geomagnetic data by a one-pass method with a piecewise cubic polynomial" Geophys.J.Iint.128. 451-458 (1997)
[Publications] Itonaga M., A.Yoshikawa and K.Yumoto: "Transient response of the non-uniform equatorial ionosphere to compressional MHD waves" J.Atmos.Solar-Terr.Phys. (in press). (1997)
[Publications] Hall, D.L., K.Munakata, S.Yasue, S.Mori, C.Kato, M.Koyama, S.Akahane, Z.Fujii, K.Fujimoto, F.E.Humble, A. G.Fenton, K.B.Fenton and M.L.Duldig: "Perliminary analysis of two hemisphere observations of sidereal anisotropies of galactic cosmic rays" J.Geophys.Res.103,No.A1. 367-372 (1998)
[Publications] Munakata, K., T.Kiuchi, S.Yasue, et al,: "Large-scale anisotropy of the cosmic-ray muon flux in Kamiokande" Phys.Rev.D.56,No.1. 23-26 (1997)
[Publications] Nakada, M., Yanagi, T.and Maeda, S.: "Lower crustal erosion induced by mantle diapiric upwelling : Constraints from sedimentary basin formation followed by voluminous basalt volcanism in northwest Kyushu,Japan" Earth Planetary Science Letters. 146. 415-429 (1997)
[Publications] Shimoizumi, M., Mogi, T., Nakada, M., Yukutake, T., Handa, S., Tanaka, T. and Utada, H.: "Electrical conductivity anomalies beneath the Western Sea of Kyushu,Japan" Geophysical Research Letters. 24. 1551-1554 (1997)
[Publications] S.Miyahara, Y.Tanaka, K.Saita, K.Yumoto and H.Tachihara: "On ULF magnetic field variations associated with the Guam earthquake of 8 August 1993" Monograph on Seismo Electromagnetics. (in press). (1998)
[Publications] Mogi, T.: "Three dimensional modeling of magnetotelluric data using finite element method" Jour.of Applied Geophysics. 35. 185-189 (1996)
[Publications] 茂木 透, 下泉 政志: "西九州の電気伝導度構造" 月刊地球. 号外No. 17. 117-122 (1997)
[Publications] Tohru MOGI, Yoshikazu TANAKA, Djedi, WIDARTO and Edy, M.ARSADI: "Electrical Resistivity Structure of Crust in Central Jawa,Indonesia and A@its Implication to Volcanic Activity" Proceedings of International Symposium of Internaional Disaster. 117-121 (1997)
[Publications] M.Shimoizumi, T.Mogi, M.Nakada, T.Yukutake, S.Handa, Y.Tanaka and H.Utada: "Electrical Conductivity anomalies beneath the western sea of Kyushu,Japan." Geophys.Res.Lett.24.No.13. 1551-1554 (1997)
[Publications] K.Nozaki, H.Utada, K.Yumoto: "Geomagnetically Induced Voltage Observation System of the Transpac-2 Cable" Proc.,Intl.Workshop on Sceince Use of Submarine Cables. 49-51 (1997)
[Publications] I.Fujii, K.Nozaki: "Space Physics and Solid Earth Geophysics Studies Using Submarine Cables" Proc.,Intl.Workshop on Science Use of Submarine Cables. 7-9 (1997)
[Publications] K.Shiokawa, K.Yumoto, N.Nishitami, K.Hayashi, T.Oguti, D.J.McEwen, Y.Kiyama, F.J.Rich and T.Mukai: "Quasi-periodic poleward motions of sun-aligned auroral arcs in the high-latitude morning sector" J.Geophys.Res.101. 19789-19800 (1996)
[Publications] J.W.MacDougall and G.E.Hall and K.Hayashi: "Freigion gravity waves in the central polar cap" J.Geophys.Res.102. 14513-14530 (1997)
[Publications] H.Matsui, and K.Hayashi: "Positioning of auroral arcs in the all-sky TV image as an inverse problem" Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. (in press). (1997)
[Publications] Murayama, Y., H.Mori, S.Kainuma, M.Ishii, I.Nishimuta, K.Igarashi, H.Yamagishi, and M.Nishino: "Development of High-resolution imaging riometer for the middle and upper atmosphere observation program at Poker Flat, Alaska" J.Atmos.Terr.Phys.59,8. 925-937 (1997)
[Publications] Nishimo, M., H.Yamagishi, P.Stauning, T.J.Rosenberg, and J.A.Holtet: "Location,spatial scale and motion of radio wave absorption in the cusp-latitudeionosphere observed by imaging riomater" J.Atmos.Solar-Terr.Phys.59,4. 903-924 (1997)
[Publications] Nishino, M., S.Nozawa, and J.A.Holtet: "Daytime ionospheric absorptions in the polar cap associated woth poleward drifting F-region plasma patches" J.Geomag.Geoelectri. (in press). (1998)