[Publications] M.Ohishi,S.Ishikawa,T.Amano,H.Oka,W.M.Irvine,J.E.Dickens,L.M.Ziurys and A.J.Apponi: "Detection of A New Interstellar Molecular Ion" ApJL. 471. L61-L64 (1996)
[Publications] M.Guelin,J.Gernicharo,M.J.Travers,M.C.McCarthy,C.A.Gottlieb,P.Thaddeus,M.Ohishi,S.Saito and S.Yamamoto: "Detection of a new linear carbon chain radical : C7H" A&Ap. 317. L1-L4 (1997)
[Publications] Y.Hoshino,M.Ohishi,K.Akabane,T.Ukai,S.Tsunekawa and K.Takagi: "Laboratory Microwave Spectrum of CH3 18OH" ApJS. 104. 317-328 (1996)
[Publications] K.Ohta,T.Yamada,K.Nakanishi,K.Kohno,M.Akiyama,R.Kawabe: "Detection of Molecular Gas in the Quasar BR1202-0725 at redshift z=4.69" Nature. 382. 426-428 (1996)
[Publications] K.Ohta,T.Yamada,K.Nakanishi,Y.Ogasaka,T.Kii,K.Hayashida: "Discovery of a type-2 Quasar at z=0.9" Astrophys.J.Lett.458. L57-L61 (1996)
[Publications] A.Tomita,F.E.Nakamura,T.Takata,K.Nakanishi,T.Takeuchi,K.Ohta,T.Yamada: "Distribution of Blue Galaxies in a Merging Cluster of Galaxies Abell 168" Astron.J.111. 42-52 (1996)
[Publications] K.Ohta,T.Yamada,K.Nakanishi,K.Kohno,M.Akiyama and R.Kawabe: "Detection of molecular gas in the quasar BR1202-0725 at redshift z=4.69" Nature. 382. 426-428 (1996)
[Publications] Kotaro Kohno,Ryohei Kawabe,Tomoka Tosaki,and Sachiko K.Okumura: "Aperture Synthesis CO and HCN Observations of M51 : Dense Molecular Disk Around a Low-Luminosity Active Galactic Nucleus" Ap.J.461. L29-32 (1996)
[Publications] Y.Hagiwara,K.Kohno,R.Kawabe,and N.Nakai: "Detaction of a Water-Vapour Megamaser in the Active Galaxy NGC 5793" PASJ. (in press). (1997)
[Publications] N.Baba,A.Kishino and N.Miura: "Data analysis of stellar specklegrams with neural networks" Appl.Opt.35. 844-847 (1996)
[Publications] K.Hozumi,N.Baba and N.Miura: "Projection speckle spectroscopy for a real-time mode" Opt.Lett.21. 887-889 (1996)
[Publications] L.Lu,W.L.W.Sargent,D.S.Womble,Hidai Takada: "The Ly-alpha Forest at z〜4 : Keck HIRES M.Observations of Q0000-26" ApJ. 472. 509-531 (1996)
[Publications] M.Takada-Hidai,Y.Takeda: "Non-LTE Abundance Analyses of Nitrogen and Sulfur in Chemically Peculiar Stars of the Upper Main Sequence" PASJ. 48. 739-752 (1996)
[Publications] Yamamura,I.,Onaka,T.,Kamijo,F.,Deguchi,S.,& Ukita,N.: "Structure of the Molecular Envelope of CRL 2688 Based on the 13CO Observations" ApJ. 465. 926-939 (1996)
[Publications] Onaka,T.,Yamamura,I.,Tanabe,Roellig,T.L.,and Yuen,L.: "Detection of the Mid-Infrared Unidentified Bands in the Diffuse Galactic Emission by the IRTS" PASJ. 48. L59-L63 (1996)
[Publications] Yamamura,I.,Onaka,T.,Tanabe,T.,Roellig,T.L.,and Yuen,L.: "Mid-Infrared Spectral Observations of Point Sources by the IRTS" PASJ. 48. L65-L69 (1996)
[Publications] Hajime SUGAI,Matthew A.MALKAN,Martin J.WARD,Richard I.DAVIES,Ian S.MCLEAN: "Excitation Mechanism of Molecular Hydrogen Emission in NGC 6240" Astrophysical Journal. 481. 230 (1997)
[Publications] Hajime SUGAI,Martin J.WARD,Richard I.DAVIES,Matthew A.MALKAN,Ian S.MCLEAN: "NIR Line Observations of Interacting Galaxies" Astrophysical Letters and Communications. (in press). (1997)
[Publications] Kodaira,K.and Yamashita,T.: "Near-Infrared Surface-Photometry of Edge-on Scd Galaxies,NGC3445 and NGC4244" Publication of the Astronomical Society of Japan. 48. 581-590 (1996)
[Publications] Jiang,B.W.,Deguchi,S,Hu,J.Y.,Yamashita,T.,Nishihara,E.,Matsumoto,S.,and Nakada,Y.: "Identification of IRAS Sources in the Outer Disk of the Galaxy" Astronomical Journal. (in press). (1997)