[Publications] Jun Adachi: "NACSIS Electronic Library Project" Proc.Int.Conf.on Digital Libraries(KOLISS DL'96). 168-175 (1996)
[Publications] Masatoshi Arikawa: "Dynamic LoD for QoS Management in the Next Generation VRML" IEEE Proc.Int.Conf.Multimedia Computing. 24-27 (1996)
[Publications] 富井尚志・有澤 博: "マルチメディアデータベースにおける映像モデリングと操作言語" 電子情報通信学会論文誌 D-II. J79-DII,4. 520-530 (1996)
[Publications] Ishimaru,T.& Uemura,S: "An Object-Oriented Data Model for Multiple Representation of Object Semantics" Systems and Computers in Japan. 27,9. 875-888 (1996)
[Publications] 植村俊亮: "ローマ字圏でない国の情報処理" 電子情報通信学会誌. 80,2. 192-194 (1996)
[Publications] 清木 康: "意味の数学モデルによる画像データベース探索方式とその学習機構" 電子情報通信学会論文誌 D-II. J79,4. 509-519 (1996)
[Publications] Adachi,J.: "Probabilistic Retrieval Methods for Text with Miss-Recognized OCR Characters" Proceedings of the Workshop on Information Retrieval with Oriental Languages. 35-41 (1996)
[Publications] 安達 淳: "学術情報センターのディジタル図書館プロジェクト" 情報処理. 37,9. 826-830 (1996)
[Publications] Jun Adachi: "A Query Processing Method for Integrated Access to Multiple Databases" 7th Conference on DEXA 96. 387-399 (1996)
[Publications] Jun Adachi: "A Universal Query Interface for Heterogeneous Distributed Digital Libraries" DEXA96 Workshop. 332-339 (1996)
[Publications] Jun Adachi: "Logical structure Transformation between SGML documents" Working Papers of the Information and Process Integration Conference. 201-215 (1996)
[Publications] Masatoshi ARIKAWA: "QoS Management for Live Videos in Networked Virtual Spaces" Proceedings of the International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia 1996. 467-472 (1996)
[Publications] 有川 正俊: "VRML空間への実時間映像の導入" アドバンスト・データベース・シンポジウム'96論文集. 187-192 (1996)
[Publications] Masatosi ARIKAWA: "Management of QoS for Real-Time Shared Three Dimensional Virtual Spaces" Proceedings of the International Symposium of Cooperative Database Systems for Advanced Applications. 535-538 (1996)
[Publications] 有川 正俊: "仮想空間におけるコミュニケーション" 画像電子学会誌. 25,6. (1996)
[Publications] H.ARISAWA: "Design of Multimedia Database and a Query Language for Video Image Data" Proceedings of Multimedia Systems '96 IEEE. 462-467 (1996)
[Publications] H.ARISAWA: "Working Simulation based on Info-Ergonomics and Multimedia Database Concept Design" Proceeding of JAPAN-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation. 493-499 (1996)
[Publications] H.Arisawa: "Functional Data Model and a Query Language for Multimedia Databases" Proceedings of the Workshops Challenges of Application and Challenges of Design. 161-174 (1996)
[Publications] 有澤 博: "リアルワールドデータベースにおける3次元情報の取得と表現" アドバンスト データベース シンポジウム '96. 99-106 (1996)
[Publications] Uemura,S.: "Active Dissemination of Information by Autonomous Information Resource" Proceedings of International Sympsium on Cooperative Database Systems for Advanced Applications. 1. 228-231 (1996)
[Publications] Uemura,S.: "Signature Cache:An Efficient Access Structure for Distributed Mediated Environments" Proceedings of International Symposium on Cooperative Database Systems for Advanced Applications. 2. 384-387 (1996)
[Publications] Y.Kiyoki: "An adaptive learning mechanism for semantic associative search in databases and Knowledge bases" Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases(IOS Press). VIII. (1997)
[Publications] Y.Kiyoki: "A lightweight process facility supporting meta-leval programming" Journal of Parallel Computing. (1997)
[Publications] Y.Kiyoki: "The optimal memory allocation by the utilization of dick space for stream oriented parallel database processing" Proceedings of the 1997 IASTED. (1997)
[Publications] T,Kunishima: "Flexible Workflow Framework for Supporting Collaborative Work" Proceedings of International Symposium on Cooperative Database Systems for Advanced Applications. 2. 501-508 (1996)
[Publications] K,Saisho: "Desigin and Implementation of Dynamically Reconstructing System Software" Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference. 278-287 (1996)
[Publications] Shimojo,S.: "A News On Demand System with Automatic Program Compostion and QOS Control Mechanism" International Journal of Information Technology. 2,1. 1-22 (1996)
[Publications] Masatoshi ARIKAWA: "QoS Management for Live Videos in Networked Virtual Spaces" Proc.Int.Conf.Virtual Systems and Multimedia 1996. 467-472 (1996)
[Publications] Shinji SHIMOJO: "Management of QoS for Real-Time Shared Three Dimensional Virtual Spaces" Proc.Int.Symp.Cooperative Database Systems for Advanced Applications. 535-538 (1996)
[Publications] 有川正俊・下條真司: "VRML空間への実時間映像の導入" アドバンスト・データベース・シンポジウム'96論文集. 187-192 (1996)