[Publications] M. G. Suzuki: "Bm Kettin, a hojmologue of the Drosophila kettin gene, is located on the Z chromosome in Bombyx mori and is not dosage compensated"Heredity. 82・2. 170-179 (1999)
[Publications] M. G. Suzuki: "Diapause-associated transcription of BmEts, a gene encoding an ETS transcription factor homolog in Bombyx mori"Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 29.4. 339-347 (1999)
[Publications] M. G. Suzuki: "The unfluence of triploidy on gene expression in the silkworm, Bombyx mori"Heredity. 82・6. 661-667 (1999)
[Publications] T. Yoshiga: "cDNA cloning of acyl-CoA desaturase homologs in the silkworm, Bombyx mori"Gene. (印刷中). (2000)
[Publications] Y. Oda: "Role of ecdysteroids in the dynamiccs of insect haemolymph sugar"Zool. Sci.. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] C. Fujii: "Essential tyrosine residues in 3-ketosteroid-delta 1-dehydrogenase from Rhodococcus rhodochrous"J. Biochem.. 126・4. 662-667 (1999)
[Publications] S. Morii: "Steroid monooxygenase of Rodococcus rhodochrous : sequencing of the genomic DNA and hyperexpression, purification, and charactrerization of the recombinant enzyme"J. Biochem. 126・3. 624-631 (1999)
[Publications] K. Moto: "Gene transfer into insect brain and cell-specific expression of bombyxin gene"Dev. Genes Evol.. 209・7. 447-450 (1999)
[Publications] Kamimura, M: "Expression of ecdysone receptor isoforms and trehalase in the anterior silkgland of Bombyx mori during an extra laval molt and precocious pupation induced by 20-hydroxyecdysone administration"Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol.. 41. 79-88 (1999)
[Publications] Takahashi, H: "Transcription analysis of the telemeric repeat-specific retrotransposons TRAS1 and SART1 of the silkworm Bombyx mori"Nucl. Acids Res.. 27. 2015-2021 (1999)
[Publications] Matsuoka, T: "Expression of ecdysteroid-regulated genes is reduced specifically in the wing discs of the wing-deficient mutant (fl) of Bombyx mori"Dev. Genes Evol.. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] Fujiwara, H: "Telomeric structure of chromosomal fragments in two different mosaic strains of the silkworm, Bombyx mori"Zool. Sci. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] 藤原晴彦: "昆虫の擬態と変態:細胞生物学から見た虫の装いと衣替え-第一話 蚕の紋様の話"ミクロスコピア. 16. 254-258 (1999)
[Publications] 藤原晴彦: "昆虫の擬態と変態:細胞生物学から見た虫の装いと衣替え-第二話 華麗なるアゲハの変身"ミクロスコピア. (印刷中). (2000)
[Publications] T. Ichikawa: "Synchronous firing patterns of a set of insect neurosecretory cells"Neurosci. Lett.. 264. 85-88 (1999)
[Publications] T. Ichikawa: "Calling behavior modulates heartbeat reversal rhtythm in the silkmoth, Bombyx mori"Zool. Sci.. 16. 203-209 (1999)
[Publications] S. Stake: "Bombyxin secretion in the adult silkmoth Bombyx mori : Sex-specificity and its correlation with metabolism"J. Insect Physiol.. 45. 939-945 (1999)
[Publications] S. G. Dedos: "Differences between recombinant PTTH and crude brain extracts in cAM=-mediated ecdysteroid secretion from the prothoracic glands of the silkworm, Bombyx mori"J. Insect Physiol.. 45. 415-422 (1999)
[Publications] S. D. Ha: "Isolation and structure determination of a paralytic peptide from the hemolymph of Bombyx mori"Peptides. 20. 561-568 (1999)
[Publications] Y.-J. Hua: "Identification of a prothoracicostatic peptide (PTSP) from the larval brain of the silkworm, Bombyx mori"J. Biol. Chem.. 274. 31169-31173 (1999)
[Publications] K. Nagata: "Prothoracicotropic Activity of SBRPs, the insulin-like peptides of the Saturniid silkworm Samia cynthis ricini"Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.. 266. 575-578 (1999)
[Publications] W. Xu: "Molecular characterization of the cDNA encoding disapause hormone and pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide in Bombyx mandarina"J. Seric. Sci. Jpn.. 68・5. 373-379 (1999)
[Publications] Y. Ishida: "The stage-and cell-specific expression of the Bombyx mori diapausehormone-pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (BomDH-PBAN) gene in the transformed Drosophila"J. Seric. Sci. Jpn.. 68・5. 417-427 (1999)
[Publications] T. Yaginuma: "Oxygen cosumption in relation to sorbitol utilization at the termination of diapause in eggs of the silkworm Bombyx mori"J. Insect Physiol.. 45. 621-627 (1999)
[Publications] Y. Jiang: "Neuroendocrine cascade involved in molting and metamolephosis in the sweetpotato hornworm, Agrius convolvuli"J. Seric. Sci. Jpn.. 68・5. 387-395 (1999)
[Publications] T. Uno: "Molecular cloning of cDNA for a small GTP binding protein, BRno from the embryo of Bombyx mori and its characterization after expression and purification"Arch. Insect Bichem. Physiol.. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] M. Masumura: "Glucose stimulates the release of bombyxin, an insulin-related peptide of the silkworm, Bombyx mori"Gen. Comp. Endocr,. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] Y. Hayakawa: "Distribution of growth-blocking peptide in the insect central nervous system"Cell Tissue Res.. (in press). (2000)