[Publications] Matsumoto, N., Hanakawa, T., Maki, S., Graybiel, A. M., and Kimura, M.: "Role of nigrostriatal dopamine system in learning to perform sequential motor tasks in a predictive manner"J. Neurophysiol.. 82. 978-998 (1999)
[Publications] 132. Mushiake H., Fujii N., Tanji J.: "Microstimulation of the lateral wall of the intraparietal sulcus compared with the frontal eye field during oculomotor tasks"J Neurophysiol. 81. 1443-1448 (1999)
[Publications] akamura K., Sakai K., Hikosaka O.: "Effects of local inactivation of monkey medial frontal cortex in learning of sequential procedures"J Neurophysiol. 82. 1063-1068 (1999)
[Publications] Sakai K., Hikosaka O., Miyauchi S., Sasaki Y., Fujimaki N., Puetz: "Pre-SMA activation during sequence learning reflects visuo-motor association"J Neurosci. 19. 1-6 (1999)
[Publications] Sakai K., Hikosaka O., Miyauchi S., Takino R., Tamada T., Iwata NK., Nielsen M.: "Neural representation of a rhythm depends on its interval ratio"J Neurosci. 19. 10074-10081 (1999)
[Publications] Hikosaka O., Sakai K., Nakahara H., Lu X., Miyachi S., Nakamura K., Rand M.K.: "Neural mechanisms for learning of sequential procedures"The New Cognitive Neurosciences. 553-572 (1999)
[Publications] Hikosaka O., Nakahara H., Rand M.K., Sakai K., Lu X., Nakamura K., Miyachi S., Doya K.: "Parallel neural networks for learning sequential procedures"Trends Neurosci. 22. 464-471 (1999)
[Publications] haruno, M., Wolpert, D., and Kawato, M.: "M. Multiple paired forward-inverse models for human motor learning and control"Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 11. 31-37 (1999)
[Publications] Kawato, M.: "Internal models for motor control and trajectory planning"Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 9. 718-727 (1999)
[Publications] 川人光男: "小脳多重内部モデル仮説:感覚運動統合からコミュニケーションへ"ATR technical Report. TR-H-271. 1-24 (1999)
[Publications] 162. Schweighofe-N ; Doya-K ; Kawato-M.: "Electrophysiological properties of inferior olive neurons : A compartmental model"J-Neurophysiol.. 82・2. 804-817 (1999)
[Publications] 163. Watanabe-H ; Polick-FE ; Koenderink-JJ ; Kawato-M.: "Using motor tasks to quantitatively judge 3-D surface curvatures"Percept-Psychophys. 61・6. 1116-1139 (1999)
[Publications] 164. Nakano-E ; Imamizu-H ; Osu-R ; Uno-Y ; Comi-H ; Yoshioka-T ; Kawato-M.: "Quantitative examinations of internal representations for arm trajectory planning : minimum commanded torque change model"J-Neurophysiol. 81・5. 2140-2155 (1999)
[Publications] 165. Tamada-T ; Miyauchi-S ; Imamizu-H ; Yoshioka-T ; Kawato-M.: "Cerebro-cerebellar functional connectivity revealed by the laterality index in tool-use learning"Neuroreport. 10・2. 325-331 (1999)
[Publications] 166. Hiroshi Imamizu, Satou Miyauchi, Tomoe Tamada, Yuka Sasaki, Ryousuke Takino, Benno P*z, Toshinori Yoshioka, Mitsuo Kawato: "Human cerebellar activity reflecting an acquired internal model of anew tool"Nature. 403・13. 1458-1468 (1999)
[Publications] Toma, K., Honda, M., Hanakawa, T, Okada, T., Fukuyama, H., Ikeda, A., Nishizawa, S., Konishi, J., and Shibasaki, H.: "Activities of the primary and supplementary motor areas increase in preparation and execution of voluntary muscle relaxation : an event-related fMRI study"J Neurosci.. 19. 3257-3534 (1999)
[Publications] Ikeda, A., Yazawa S., Kunieda, T., Ohara, S., Terada, K., Mikuni, N., Nagamine, T., Taki, W., Kimura, J., and Shibasaki, H.: "Cognitive motor control in human pre-supplementary motor area studied by subdural recording of decrimunation/selection-related cortical potentials"Brain. 122. 915-931 (1999)
[Publications] Ikeda, A., Taki, W., Kunieda, T., Terada, K., Mikuni, N., Nagamine, T., Yazawa, S., Ohara, S., Hori, T., Kaji, R., Kimura, J. and Shibasaki, H.: "Focal ictal DC shifts in humanepilepsy as studied by subdural and scalp recording"Brain. (in press).
[Publications] Ikeda, A., Yazawa, S., Kunieda, T., Ohara, S., Terada, K., Mikuni, N., Nagamine, T., Taki, W., Kimura, J. and Shibasaki, H.: "Congnitive motor control in human pre-supplementary motor area studied by subdural recording of decrimunation/selection-related cortical potentials"Brain. (in press).
[Publications] Yazawa, S., Ikeda, A., Kunieda, T., Ohara, S., Mima, T., Nagamine, T.,Taki, W., Hori, T., and Shibasaki, H.: "Human pre-supplementary motor area is active before voluntary movement : subdural recording of Bereitschaftspotentials from mesial frontal cortex"Exp Brain Res. (in press).
[Publications] Ohara, S., Ikeda, A., Kunieda, T., Yazawa, S., Baba, K., Nagamine, T., Taki, W., Hashimoto, N., Mihara, T., and Shibasaki, H.: "Movement-related oscillatory change in human SMA proper"Brain. (in press).
[Publications] Ikeda, A., Ohara, S., Matsumoto, R., Kunieda, T., Nagamine, T., Miyamoto, S., Kohara, N., Taki, W., Hashimoto, N., and Shibasaki, H.: "Role of primary sensorimotor cortices in generating inhibitory motor response in humans"Brain. (in press).
[Publications] 疋田真一、笠井健: "頭部直線運動時の補償性眼球運動について"電子情報通信学会技術研究報. MBE99-26. (1999)
[Publications] Kamiyama, Y., Aoyama, T., Usui, S.: "Analysis of the spatio-temporal charactereistics of the rod"Society For Neuroscience 29th annual meeting. 1431 (1999)
[Publications] Usui, S., Kamiyama, Y., Ishii, H., Ofura, T., Ishihara, A.: "Ionic current model of the outer retinal cells"Modeling in the Neurosciences. 293-319