[Publications] Sakai T., Horii T., Himeno K., et al.: "DNA immunization with Plasmodium falciparum serine repeat antigen : Regulation of humoral immune response by coinoculation of cytokine expression plasmid"Parasitology International. 48. 27-33 (1999)
[Publications] Pang X.-L. Mitamura T. and Horii T.: "Antibodies specific to N-terminal domain of Plasmodium falciparum serine repeat antigen (SERA) agglutinate merozoites and schizonts"Infection and Immunity. 22. 1321-1327 (1999)
[Publications] Kim H. S., Horii T., et al.: "Cycloprodigiosin hydrochloride obtained from Pseudoalteromonas denitrificans is a potent antimalarial agent"Biol. Pharm. Bull.. 22. 532-534 (1999)
[Publications] Wang P., Brogey R. K. B., Horii T., Sims P. F. G. and Hyde J. E.: "Utilization of exogenous folate in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum and its critical role in antifolate drug synergy"Molecular Microbiology. 32. 1254-1262 (1999)
[Publications] Belperron, A. A., Feltquate, D., Fox, B. A., Horii T. and Bzik D. J.: "Immune responses induced by gene gun or intramuscular infection of DNA vaccines that express immunogenic regions of the Serine Repeat Antigen from Plasmodium falciparum"Infection and Immunity. 67. 5163-5169 (1999)
[Publications] S. He, A. Saito-Ito, K. Tanabe and T. Matsumura: "Plasmodium falciparum : effective use of the CO_2-NaHCO_3 buffere system for evaluating chloroquine resistance"Experimental Parasitology. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] J. Fu, K. Tanabe, N. Ohta, et al.: "Epitope-specific impairment of antibody production to MSP1 of Plasmodium falciparum in symptomatic patients with malaria"Parasitology Research. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] S. Takeo, K. Tanabe et al.: "Succinate dehydrogenase in Plasmodium falciparum mitochondria : Molecular characterization of the SDHB genes for the catalyticsubunits, the flavoprotein (Fp) and iron-sulfur (Ip) subunits"Molecular and Biochemkical Parasitology. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] M. Kimura, K. Tanabe, et al.: "Gametocyte-dominant expression of a novel type ATPase in Plasmodium yoelii"Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology. 104. 331-336 (1999)
[Publications] K. Tanabe et al.: "Selection and genetic drift of polymorphisms within the merozoite surface protein-1 gene of Plasmodium falciparum"Gene. 241. 325-331 (2000)
[Publications] L. A. Da Silva, K. Tanabe, et al.: "Allelic diversity and antibody revognition of Plasmodium merozoite surface protein-1 under hypoendemic malaria transmission in the Brazilian Amazon"Infection and Immunity. 67. 5906-5916 (1999)
[Publications] Y. Hirano, K. Tanabe, M. Oka and T. Hayashi: "Theoretical conformational analysis on model polypeptides of merozoite surface antigen"Reports on Progress in Polymer Physics in Japan. 41. 575-578 (1999)
[Publications] Matsumoto S., Yukitake H., Kanbara H. & Yamada T.: "Long-lasting protective immunity against rodent malaria parasite infection at the blood stage by recombinant BCG secreting merozoite surface protein 1"Vaccine. 13. 332-334 (2000)
[Publications] Luo, E., H. Matsuoka, et al.: "Changes of salivary proteins during feeding and detection of saliva proteins in the midgut after feeding in a malaria vector mosquito, Anopheles stephensi (Diptera : Culicidae)"Medical Entomology and Zoology. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] Yoshida, S., H. Matsuoka.a, et al.: "A single-chain antibody fragment specific for the Plasmodium berghei ookinete protein Pbs21 confers transmission blockade in the mosquito midgut"Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology. 104. 195-204 (1999)
[Publications] Fu, J., Matsuoka H., Chinzei Y. & Ohta N. et al.: "A simple screening method detecting bindings between oligopeptides and HLA-DR molecules on filter papers : Possible application for mapping of putative helper T cell epitopes on MSP1 of Plasmodium falciparum"Microbiological Immunology. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] Fu, J., J. Matsuoka et al.: "Epitope-specific impaiment of antibody production to MSP1 of Plasmodium falciparum in symptomatic patients with malaria"Parasitology Research. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] Tantular, I. S., H. Matsuoka, et al.: "Field trials of a rapid test for G6PD deficiency in combination with a rapid diagnosis of malaria"Tropical medicine and International Health. 4. 245-250 (1999)
[Publications] Ando K., Matsuoka H., Chizei Y et al.: "Sporozoite in version of Plasmodium berghei, rodent malaria parasite, to the salivary glands of the vector mosquito, Anopheles stephensi : An electromicroscopic study"Jpn Trop med Hyg. 27. 7-12 (1999)
[Publications] Yoshida A, Himeno K & Ohta N., et al.: "Schistosoma mansoni infection cancels the suceptibility to Plasmodium chabaudi through induction of Th1-dominant circumstances in the susceptible A/J mice"International Immunology. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] Zhang, M., Hisaeda, H., Tsuboi, T., Torii, M., Sakai, T., Himeno, K., et al.: "Stage specific expression of heat shock protein 90 in murune malaria parasite Plasmodium yoelii"Experimental Parasitology. 93. 61-65 (1999)