[Publications] 麻生 茂、前川昌三、辛島桂一、佐藤 清: "種々の可視化法による衝撃波/乱流境界層干渉場の流れの可視化" 日本航空宇宙学会誌. 44. 354-359 (1996)
[Publications] Shigeru ASO et.al.: "Experimental Study on Heat Protection by Film Cooling in Hypersonic Flows" Proceedings of 20th International Symposium on Space Techology and Science,96-d-20,held on May 19-25,1996,at Gifu,Japan.(1996)
[Publications] Shigeru ASO et.al.: "Experimental and Computational Studies on Supersonic Mixing by Parallel Injectiors" Proceedings of 20th Internationa Symposium on Space Techology and Science,96-d-33,held on May 19-25,1996,at Gifu,Japan.(1996)
[Publications] Shigeru ASO et.al.: "Numerical Simulations on Aerodynamic Heating Phenomena in Chemically and Thermally Nonequilibrium" Proceedings of 20th International Symposium on Space Techology and Science,96-d-32,held on May 19-25,1996,at Gifu,Japan.(1996)
[Publications] 麻生 茂 他: "フィルムクーリングによる鈍頭物体の空力加熱防御の研究" 九大工学集報. 69. 359-363 (1996)
[Publications] Shigeru.ASO et.al.: "An Example of Code Validation on Three-Dimensional Supersonic Mixing Flows Invited Lectures and Special Technological Sessions of the third ECCOMAS" Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference and the Second ECCOMAS Conf.on Numerical Methods in Engineering,held on Sep.9-13,1996,at Paris,France. 294-299 (1996)
[Publications] Shigeru.ASO et.al.: "Chemically and Thermally Nonequilibrium SHock Induced Aerodynamic Heating Phenomena" Third ECCOMAS Computational Fluid Dynamics onference,help on September 9-13,1996,at Paris,France. 45-49 (1996)
[Publications] 麻生 茂 他: "鈍頭模型による弓型衝撃波-乱流境界層干渉場の実験的研究" 日本航空宇宙学会誌. 44. 662-667 (1996)
[Publications] 麻生 茂 他: "鈍頭突起物に誘導された衝撃波-乱流境界層干渉場の実験的研究" 日本航空宇宙学会誌. 44. 735-740 (1996)
[Publications] Shigeru ASO et.al.: "A Study on Chemical Reactions in the Strong Shock Wave Reflection Processes" Proceedings of the Second Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference December 15-18,1996,Tokyo,Japan. 99-104 (1996)
[Publications] Shigeru.ASO et.al.: "Three-Dimensional Supersonic Mixing Flows with Normal and Parallel Injections" Proceedings of the Second Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics Workshop,held on December 19-21,1996,at Tokyo,Japan. 97-102 (1996)
[Publications] Shigeru.ASO et.al.: "A Study on Supersonic Mixing Flowfield with Swept Ramp Injectors" Proceedings of 35th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit,AIAA 97-0397,held on January 6-9,1997,at Reno,Nevada,U.S.A.(1997)
[Publications] Shigeru.ASO et.al.: "Experimental and Computational Study on Reduction of Aerodynamic Heating Load by Film Cooling in Hypersonic Flows" Proceedings of 35th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit,AIAA 97-0770,held on January 6-9,1997,at Reno,Nevada,U.S.A.(1997)
[Publications] Syzo MAEKAWA,Shigeru ASO et.al.: "Studies on Separated Flow Structure and Oscillating Separation Shock Waves in Shock Wave/Turbulent Boundary Layer Interaction Regions Induced by Blunt Protuberance" 20th International Symposium on Shock Waves,held at Pasadina,CA,U.S.A.on July 23-28,1995. Vol.I. 759-764 (1996)
[Publications] Kazuyuki UMII,Shigeru ASO et.al.: "A Study on Three-Dimensional Supersonic Mixing Flow Phenomena" 20th International Symposium on Shock Waves,held at Pasadina,CA,U.S.A.on July 23-28,1995. Vol.I. 355-360 (1996)
[Publications] Shigeru ASO et.al.: "A Numerical Study of Shock Wave Reflections in Nonequilibrium Chemically Reacting Flows" 20th International Symposium on Shock Waves,held at Pasadina,CA,U.S.A.on July 23-28,1995. Vol.I. 765-770 (1996)
[Publications] 辛島桂一,藤田昌大: "超音速逆噴射ジェット流れの自励振動" 第28回流体力学講演会 講演集. 137-140 (1996)
[Publications] T.Minota,M.Nishida and M.G.Lee: "Vortex Ring Impingement on the Wall with Shock Formation" Proc.20th Int.Symp.on Shock Waves. Vol.I. 545-550 (1996)
[Publications] T.Minota,M.Nishida and G.Lee: "Shock Waves Generated by the Interaction of Two Vortex Rings" Proc.20th Int.Symp.on Shock Waves. Vol.I. 563-568 (1996)
[Publications] M.Nishida and M.G.Lee: "Reflected-Shock/Side-Boundary-Layer Interaction in a Shock Tube" Proc.20th Int.Symp.on Shock Waves. Vol.I. 705-710 (1996)