Research Abstract |
Healthy chickens at an abattoir and chicken meats in a processing plant were examined for the prevalence of Erysipelothrix spp. In addition, the infectivity and pathogenicity of Erhusiopathiae isolate from the healty chickens for chickens were examined experimentally. The results obtained were as follows. 1. Erysipelothrix spp. were isolated from 118 (15.7%) of 750 skin samples, 27 (7.3%) of 372 hypoderm samples, 12 (1.9%) of 630 throat samples, 106 (59.2%) of 179 feather samples, and none of 257 spleen samples. Of 66 farms, 55 (83..%) sent Erysipelothrix-positive chickens and 11 (16.7%) sent negative ones. Of 297 Erysipelothrix isolates, 273 and 24 isolates were identified as E.rhusiopathiae and E.tonsillarum, respectively. Erhusiopathiae and E.tonsillarum isolates were serotyped into 9 and 2 different serovars, respectively. Predominant serovans of Erhusiopathiae isolates were 6 (11.1%), 5 (7.4%), 2 (7.4%) and 8 (6.4%), and 59.9% of isolates were untypable. 2. Erysipelothrix was isolat
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ed from 49 (32.0%) of 153 chicken meat samples, 18 (25.3%) of 71 thigh samples, 14 (28.0%) of 50 outer breast samples, and 17 (53.1%) of 32 white meat samples. Of 67 Erysipelothrix isolates, 65 and 2 were identified, respectively, as E.rhusiopathiae and E.tonsillarum. E.rhusiopathiae and Of 67 Erysipelothrix isolates, 65 and 2 were identified, respectively, as E.rhusiopathiae and E.tonsillarum. E.rhusiopathiae Of 67 Erysipelothrix isolates, 65 and 2 were identified, respectively, as E.rhusiopathiae and E.tonsillarum. E.rhusiopathiae and E.tonsillarum isolates were serotyped into 11 and 2 different serovars, respectively. Predominant serovars of E.rhusiopathiae were 2 (17.9%), 6 (16.4%), 21 (11.9%), 8 (10.4%) and 12(10.4%). 3. Of 28 E.rhusiopathiae isolates from chicken, only 4 isolates showed lethal virulence for chickens. In contrast, 22 showed lethal virulence for mice. As the results of experimental infection with E.rhusiopathiae by 5 modes of application of oral, intramuscular, rubbing on the normal skin, rubbing on defeathered skin, and rubbing on injured skin, defeathered skin seems to play an important role as infection route of E.rhusiopathiae for chicken. 4. These findings might be useful in understanding the ecology of Erusipelothrix in nature and in developing preventive measures against human Erysipelothrix infection. Less