[Publications] Takemura,R.et al.: "mRNA expression of KIF1A,KIF1B,KIF2,KIF3A,KIF3B,KIF4,KIF5and cytoplasmicdynein during axonal regeneration." Journal of Neuroscience. 16. 31-35 (1996)
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[Publications] Hirokawa,N.: "Organelle transport along microtubules-the role of KIFs (Kinesin superfamily proteins)." Trends in Cell Biology. 6. 135-141 (1996)
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[Publications] Funakoshi,T.et al.: "Active transport of photoactivated tubulin molecules in growing axons revealed by a new electron microscopic analysis." Journal of Cell Biology. 133. 1347-1353 (1996)
[Publications] Terada,S.et al.: "Visualization of slow axonal transport in vivo." Science. 273. 784-788 (1996)
[Publications] Yamazaki,H.et al.: "Cloning and characterization of KAP3 : a novel kinesin superfamily associated protein of KIF3A/3B." Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA. 93. 8443-8448 (1996)
[Publications] Grayer Wolf,S.et al.: "Interpreting a medium-resolution model of tubulin : comparison of Zinc-sheet and microtubule structure." Journal of Molecular Biology. 262. 485-501 (1996)
[Publications] Sato-Harada,R.et al.: "Microtubule-associated proteins regulate microtubule function as the track for intracellular membrane organelle transports." Cell Structure and Function. 21. 283-295 (1996)
[Publications] Hirokawa,N.: "The molecular mechanisms of organelle transport along microtubules : the identification and characterization of KIFs." Cell Structure and Function. 21. 357-367 (1996)
[Publications] Saito,N.et al.: "KIFC2,a novel C-terminal motor domain type kinesin superfamily,is a neuron specific motor for the transport of multivesicular body-like organelles in dendrites." Neuron. (in presss.). (1997)
[Publications] Kutsuwada,T.et al.: "Impairment of suckling response,trigeminal neuronal pattern formation and hippocampal LTD in NMDA receptor e2 subunit mutant mice." Neuron. 16. 333-344 (1996)
[Publications] Hori,Y.et al.: "Long-lasting synaptic facilitation induced by secretion in superficial dorsal horn neurones of rat spinal cord." Journal of Physiology. 492. 867-876 (1996)
[Publications] Silver,R.A.et al.: "Non-NMDA glutamate receptor occupancy and open probability at a rat cerebellar synapse with single and multiple release sites." Journal of Physiology. 494. 231-250 (1996)
[Publications] Takahashi,T.et al.: "Functional correlation of NMDA receptor e subunis expression with the properties of single0channel and synaptic current in the developing cerebellum." Journal of Neuroscience. 16. 4376-4382 (1996)
[Publications] Yokoi,M.et al.: "Impariment of hippocampal mossy fiber LTD in mice lacking mGLUR2." Science. 273. 645-647 (1996)
[Publications] Kobayashi,K.et al.: "Presynaptic long-term depression at the hippocampal mossy fiber-CA3 synapse." Science. 273. 648-650 (1996)
[Publications] Takahashi,T.et al.: "Presynaptic calcium current moduration by a metabotropic glutamate receptor." Science. 274. 594-597 (1996)
[Publications] Morimoto,T.et al.: "Transient ischemia depletes free ubiquitin in the gerbil hippocampal CA1neurons." Am.J.Pathol.148. 249-257 (1996)
[Publications] Fukumoto,H.et al.: "Amyloid β protein (Aβ) deposition in normal aging has the same characteristics as that in Alzheimer's disease : Predominance of Aβ 42(43) and association of Aβ40 with cored plaques." Am.J.Pathol.148. 259-266 (1996)
[Publications] Mann,D.N.A.et al.: "MLC : predominant deposition of Aβ 42 (43) in plaques in cases of Alzheimer's disease and hereditary cerebral hemorrhage associated with mutants in the APP gene." Am.J.Pathol.148. 259-266 (1996)
[Publications] Iwatsubo,T.et al.: "Purification and characterization of Lewy bodies from the brains of patients with diffuse Lewy body disease." Am.J.Pathol.148. 1517-1529 (1996)
[Publications] Gu,Y.et al.: "τ is widely expressed in rat tissues." J.Neurochem.67. 1235-1244 (1996)
[Publications] Hasegawa,M.et al.: "Characterization of mAb AP422, anovel phosphorylation-dependent monoclonalantibody against tau protein." F EBS Lett.384. 25-30 (1996)
[Publications] Funato,H.et al.: "Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) expresed in leptomenings." J.Histochem.Cytochem.44. 1261-1265 (1996)
[Publications] Kimura,T.et al.: "Sequential changes of tau-site-specific phosphorylation during development of paired helical filaments." Dementia. 7. 177-181 (1996)
[Publications] Kanemaru,K.et al.: "Comparable amyloid β-protein (Aβ) 42 (43) and Aβ 40 deposition in the aged monkey brain." Neurosci.Lett.214. 196-198 (1996)