[Publications] Sakoda,A.et al: "Rapid Bioassay of Toxicity in Environmental Water by LDL-Upkaking Activity of Human Cell" Water Sci.Tech.38(7). 271-278 (1998)
[Publications] Sakoda,A.et al: "Activated Carbon Membranes for Water Treatments" Fundamentals of Adsorption. 6(印刷中). (1998)
[Publications] Sakoda,A.et al: "Effects of Surface Oxygen of Activated Carbon on Alkaloid Adsorption" Adsorption. 5(4)(印刷中). (1999)
[Publications] Hano,T.et al: "Solveny screening for production of lactic acid by extractive fermentation" Separation Science and Technology. 33(10). 1439-1453 (1998)
[Publications] Hano,T.et al: "Extraction of lactic acid from fermented broth with microporous hollow fiber membranes" J.Membrane Science. 143. 81-91 (1998)
[Publications] Hano,T.et al: "Analysis of acclimation behavior against nitrification inhibitors in activated sludge processes" J.Fermentation and Biotechnology. 86(2). 207-214 (1998)
[Publications] 藤江幸一 他: "ゼロエミッションプロダクション" 化学装置. 10. 79-84 (1998)
[Publications] 藤江幸一 他: "農耕地土壌における有機物の挙動および物質収支の解析" 用水と廃水. 40(5). 409-413 (1998)
[Publications] 藤江幸一 他: "ゼロエミッションを目指したデーターベースの構築と地域物質収支" 化学工業. 50(2). 89-95 (1999)
[Publications] Yoshida,H.et al: "Adsorption of Organic Acids on Polyaminated Highly Porous Chitosan:Equilibria" Ind.Eng.Chem.Res.37(4). 1300-1309 (1998)
[Publications] Yoshida,H.et al: "Adsorption of Organic Acids on Weakly Basic Ion Basic Ion Exchanger.Equilibria for Binary Systems" AIChE J.44(5). 1216-1221 (1998)
[Publications] Yoshida,H.et al: "Recovery of HgC12 Using Polyaminated Highly Porous Chitosan Beads-Effect of Salt and Acid-" J.Chem.Eng.Japan. 31(1). 1-6 (1998)
[Publications] 岡田光正 他: "精密ろ過膜における有機物除去特性" 水道協会雑誌. 67(4). 30-34 (1998)
[Publications] 岡田光正 他: "下降管注入式オゾン反応槽の水理特性及び物質移動に関する検討" 水道協会雑誌. 67(7). 11-18 (1998)
[Publications] Okada,M.et al: "Detection of domestic wastes in Kurose River using synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy" Water Research. 32(7). 2232-2239 (1998)
[Publications] Okada,M.et al: "Detection of domestic wastes in Kurose River using synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy" Water Research. 32(7). 2232-2239 (1998)
[Publications] Okada,M.et al: "Effect of lineat-dodecylbenzenesulfonate ad humic acid on the adsorption of tricresy1 phosphate isomers onto clay minerals" Environmental Science & Technology. 32(24). 3907-3912 (1998)
[Publications] Okada,M.et al: "Effect of HRT and MLSS on THM precursor removal in the activated sludge process" Water Research. 33(1). 131-136 (1998)
[Publications] 松尾友矩 他: "流域水管理シミュレーションに用いる流量の作成手法に関する研究" 土木学会論文集. 601/VII(8). 23-33 (1998)
[Publications] 松尾友矩 他: "水・汚濁物質収支シミュレーションを用いた水量・水質管理施策の相対的確率評価" 土木学会論文集. 601/VII(8). 45-57 (1998)
[Publications] 松尾友矩 他: "異なる形式の廃棄物処分場の浸出水中の微量有機成分の計測とその浸出水処理過程での挙動" 水環境学会誌. 22(1). 40-45 (1999)
[Publications] 原口絋〓 他: "プラズマ分光法による産業廃棄物焼却飛灰試料の多元素分析と濃縮係数の評価" 環境科学会誌. 11(4). 363-371 (1998)
[Publications] 原口絋〓 他: "拡張元素普存説と生体微量元素" 微量栄養素研究. 15. 11-22 (1998)
[Publications] 原口絋〓 他: "プラズマ分光法による生体試料の多元素定量分析" 微量栄養素研究. 48(1). 57-67 (1999)
[Publications] 内藤正明: "ゼロエミッション産業団地-地域振興の新しい切札になるか-" 地域開発. 8. 5-9 (1998)
[Publications] 内藤正明: "循環・共生社会に向けた地域づくり" 産業立地. 37(9). 4-13 (1998)
[Publications] 内藤正明: "ゼロエミッションとは何か" 化学工学. 63(2). 73-75 (1999)
[Publications] Asano,N.: "Legislation of Environmental Impact Assesmennto Law and New Measures for New Measures for Waste Disposal and Chemical Substance Manegement Trends of Mnvironmenntal Laws and Administration in Japan from 1996 to 1997" WATER REPORT 97. 10. 1-2 (1998)
[Publications] 浅野直人: "廃棄物の定義と分類の現状および問題点" 産業と環境. 27(9). 22-27 (1998)
[Publications] 浅野直人: "環境影響評価と環境管理" 環境法政策学会誌. 1. 14-23 (1998)
[Publications] 真柄泰基: "水道水中のホウ素とその一日摂取量への寄与に関する研究" 水道協会雑誌. 67(10). 36-43 (1998)
[Publications] Magara,Y.et al: "Analysis of pesticides in water with liquid chromatography/Atomospheric pressure chemical onization mass spectrometry" Walter Research. 33(2). 417-425 (1998)
[Publications] 浅野 直人: "環境影響評価の制度と法" 信山社, 257 (1998)