[Publications] Mizuochi,S.: "Immunohistochemical study on a macrophage calcium-type lectin 〜." Glycoconjugate J.15. 397-404 (1998)
[Publications] Nakatsubo,N.: "Direct evidence of nitric oxide production from 〜." FEBS Lett.427. 263-266 (1998)
[Publications] Mizuno,N.: "Importance of heputic first-pass removal in 〜." J.Hepatol. 28. 865-877 (1998)
[Publications] Koike,C.: "How platelet aggregation affects B16BL6 〜." FEBS Lett.427. 286-290 (1998)
[Publications] Kano,M.: "Effects of longterm orsodeoxycholate administration." Hepatology. 28. 302-313 (1998)
[Publications] Mizuno.N: "Mechanizm of initial distribution of blood-borne 〜." Hepatology. 28. 878-885 (1998)
[Publications] Tsuiji,H.: "Novel carbohydrate specificity of a monoclonal〜." Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun. 253. 374-381 (1998)
[Publications] Nemoto,Y.: "Comparison of 16 human colon carcinoma cell 〜." Clin.Exp.Metastasis. 16. 569-576 (1998)
[Publications] Endo,T.: "Expression of solfated carbohydrate chain 〜." J.Gastoroenterol. 33. 811-815 (1998)
[Publications] Loveless,R: "Monoclonal antibody 91.9 Hraized against 〜." Glycobiol.8. 1237-1242 (1998)
[Publications] Fujita,K.: "Expression on MUC1 mucins inversely correlated" Brit.J.Cancer. <in press>. (1999)
[Publications] Tsuiji,H.: "Malignant and other properties of of human 〜." Clin.Exp.Metastasis. <in press>. (1999)
[Publications] Yonezawa,S.: "MUC-1 mucin expression in invasive areas 〜." Pathology Int.48. 319-322 (1998)
[Publications] Hosoi,T.: "Coordinated binding of sugar,calcium and 〜." Glycobiology. 8. 791-798 (1998)
[Publications] Shirotani,K.: "Purification of nuclear proteins that 〜." J.Biochem.124. 585-598 (1998)
[Publications] Sato,K.: "Contribution of dermal macroghage trafficking 〜." J.Immonol. 161. 6835-6844 (1998)
[Publications] Tsuiji,H.: "Expression of mucin-associated sulfo-Le^a 〜." Jpn.J.Cancer Res.89. 1267-1275 (1998)
[Publications] Utsunomiya,T.: "Expression of MUC1 and MUC2 mucins in 〜:" Clin.Cancer Res.4. 2605-2614 (1998)
[Publications] Miyata,S.: "Stimulation and celluar growth and adhesion〜." Clin.Exp.Metastasis. <in press>. (1999)
[Publications] Koshikawa,N.: "Expression of trypsin by epithelial cells 〜." J.Pathol.<in press>. (1999)
[Publications] Akatsu,T.: "Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing 〜." J.Bone Miner Res. 13. 1251-1259 (1998)
[Publications] Kawada,M.: "Up-regulation of p27kipl correlates inversely 〜." Jpn.Cancer Res.89. 110-115 (1998)
[Publications] Yoshikawa,H.: "Mice lacking smooth moscle calponin display 〜." Genes to Cells. <in press>. (1999)
[Publications] Go,H.: "Aogmentation in the expression of a ribosomal 〜." Biochem Molecolar Biol.Int.<in press>. (1999)
[Publications] Habelhan,H.: "PSK induces Mn-SOD in tumor tissues 〜." Cancer Immurel.Immunother.<in press>. (1999)
[Publications] Iwai,K.: "Selective transedothelial migration of 〜." Blood.<in press>. (1999)
[Publications] Iwaya,K.: "Activation of b-catenin by intrertitional 〜." Cancer Res.58. 1021-1026 (1998)
[Publications] Okamoto,H.: "Docun-regulation of focal adhesion kinase〜." Clin Exp.Merastasis. 16. 234-252 (1998)
[Publications] Murata,J.: "Induction of autocrine factor inhibiting 〜." Int.J.Cancer. <in press>. (1999)
[Publications] Ogasawara: "Inhbitory effect of vasoactive intestinal 〜." Oncol.Res.<in press>. (1999)
[Publications] 入村達郎: "腫瘍マーカー研究会誌" 腫瘍マーカー, (1998)
[Publications] 森本恵.入村達郎: "実験医学・増刊" 羊土社, (1998)