Research Abstract |
Applying the Distinct Element Method, which is one of promising methods to analyze behaviors of granular material assembly, the following trials were done to simulate the interactions between machine and soil. It was shown that the rational design of machine part would be realyzed using the DEM, if the adequate parameters were found. The interactions were : 1. tri-axial compression, 2. track shoe and soil, 3. tire lug and soil, 4. rotary blade and soil, 5. subsoiler and soil. Furthermore, three-dimensional DEM program was constructed according to the real world dimension. The problem that the computation time increases very much in the case of three-dimensional DEM should be solved hereafter. The final report was written in English with the following contents : Chapter 1. Introduction, Chapter 2. Outline of Distinct Element Method, Chapter 3. Simulation of soil deformation and resistance at bar penetration by DEM, Chapter 4. Simulation of soil deformation and stress variation at 3-axial compression by DEM, Chapter 5. Simulation of track shoe-soil interaction by DEM, Chapter 6. Application of DEM to simulate interaction between soil and tire lug, Chapter 7. Application of DEM to simulate interaction between soil and rotary blade, Chapter 8. Application of DEM to simulate interaction between soil and subsoiler shank, Chapter 9. 3-dimensional DEM for simulation of interaction between soil and tire lug, Chapter 10. Conclusion.