[Publications] Suda,N.,K.Nawa and Y.Fukao: "Earth's background freeoscillations" Science. (accepted.). (1998)
[Publications] Nawa,K.,N.Suda,Y.Fukao,T.Sato,Y.Aoyama and K.Shibuya: "Incessant excitation of the Earth's free oscillation" Earth Planets Space. 50. 3-8 (1998)
[Publications] Suyehiro,K.,and J-P Montagner: "Seafloor observations and geophysical networks:the present and future" Physics Earth Planet.Inter.105(印刷中). (1998)
[Publications] Kato,T.,Y.Kotake,S.Nakao,K.Hirahara,M.Okada,M.Hoshiba,and M.Kasahara et al.: "Initial results from WING,the continuous GPS network in the wes tern Pacific area" Geophys.Res.Lett.25. 369-372 (1998)
[Publications] Suyehiro,K.: "Borehole observatiories-global networking and 4-D monitoring" JOIDES J.23-2. 18-19 (1997)
[Publications] Cummins,P.R.,Takeuchi,N.& Geller,R.J.: "Computation of complete synthetic seismograms for laterally heterogeneous models using the Direct Solution Method" Geophys.J.Int.130. 1-16 (1997)
[Publications] Furuya,M.,Hamano,Y.and Naito,I.: "Interpretatiion of wind for the excitation of Chandler wobble as inferred from wobble domain analysis" J.Phys.Earth. 45. 177-188 (1997)
[Publications] Toh,H.and Hamano,Y.: "The first realtime measurement of seafloor geomagnetic total force-Ocean Hemisphere Project Network" J Jap.Soc.Marine Surveys and Technology. 1-13 (1997)
[Publications] Mochizuki,E.,Yokoyama,Y.,Shimizu,I.,and Hamano,Y.: "Spherical harmaonic analysis in terms of unevenly distributed observation points and its applications to geomagnetic data" J.Geomag.Geoelectr.49. 1013-1033 (1997)
[Publications] Yamano,M.,Kinoshita,M.,and Goto,S.: "Long-term monitoring of temperature profiles in sea floor sediments" Proc.Int.Workshop on Scientific Use of Submarine Cables.Okinawa,Japan. Feb.62-66 (1997)
[Publications] Takemoto,S.,T.Higashi,A.Mukai,H.Nose,M.Murakami,K.Nitta,H.Yamamoto,K.Onoue,Y.Fukuyama,K.Yamaguchi,K.Matsuo and M.Machida: "Effects of Ground Vibrations on Absolute Gravity Measurement in Kyoto,International Association of Geodesy Symposia" Gravity,Geoid and Geodesy. 117. 69-74 (1997)
[Publications] Kaminuma,K.,K.Tsukahara and S.Takemoto: "Absolute Gravity Value Measured at Syowa Station" Bulletin D'Information BGI. 80. 26-29 (1997)
[Publications] Okubo S.,S.Yoshida,T.Sato,Y.Tamura,and Y.Imanishi: "Verifying the precision of a new generation absolute gravimeter FG5-Comparison with superconducting gravimeter" Geophys.R.Letters. 24. 489-492 (1997)
[Publications] Hanada H.,Y.Tamura and T.Sato: "Absolute gravimetric constraint on ocean tide model" J.Geodetic Soc.Japan. 43. 67-77 (1997)
[Publications] Fukuda Y.and T.Sato: "Gravity effects of sea level variation at the superconducting gravimeter site,estimated from ERS-1 and TOPEX/POSEIDON" Gra.Geo.Mar.,ed Segawa et al.,IAG Symposia. 117. 107-114 (1997)
[Publications] Sato T.,K.Nawa,K.Shibuya,Y.Tamura,M.Ooe,K.Kaminuma,and Y.Aoyama: "Polar motion effect on gravity observed with a superconducting gravimeter at Syowa Station" Antarctica,Gra.Geo.Mar.,ed Segawa et al.,IAG Symposia. 117. 99-104 (1997)
[Publications] Sato T.,M.Ooe,K.Nawa,K.Shibuya,Y.Tamura,and K.Kaminuma: "Long-period tides observed with a superconducting gravimeter at Syowa Station,Antarctica,and their implication" Phys.Earth and Planetary Int.103. 39-53 (1997)
[Publications] Sato T.,H.McQueen,B.Murphy,K.Lumbeck,Y.Hamano,K.Asari,Y.Tamura,and M.Ooe: "On the observations of gravity tides and Earth's free oscillations with superconducting gravimeter CT#031 at Mt.Stromlo.Australia" Proceedings of the 13th Int.Sympo.on Earth Tides,Brussels. (in press). (1997)
[Publications] Araki,T.,S.Fujitani,M.,Emoto,K.Yumoto,K.Shiokawa,T.Ichinose,H.Luhr,D.Orr,D.K.Milling,H.Singer,G.Rostoker,S.Tsunomura.Y.Yamada.and C.F.Liu: "Variations of magnetic field in an appearance period of large-scale diffuse luminosity waves in the evening sector during magnetic storm" J.Geophys.Res.102. 14075-14086 (1997)
[Publications] Itonaga,M.,A.Yoshikawa,and K.Yumoto: "One-dimensional transient response of the inner magnetosphere at the magnetic equator,1.Transfer function and poles" J.Geopmag.Geoelectr.49. 21-48 (1997)
[Publications] Itonaga,M.,A.Yoshikawa,and K.Yumoto: "One-dimensional transient response of the inner magnetosphere at the magnetic equator,2.Analysis of waveforms" J.Geopmag.Geoelectr.49. 49-68 (1997)
[Publications] Matsuoka,H.,K.Takahashi,S.Kokubun,K.Yumoto,T.Yamamoto,S.I.: "Phase and amplitude structure of Pc 3 magnetic pulsations as determined from multipoint observations" J.Geophys.Res.102. 2391-2404 (1997)
[Publications] Yumoto,K.,V.Pilipenko,E.Fedorov,N.Kurneva,M.De Lauretis and K.Kitamura: "Magnetospheric ULF phenomena stimulated by ssc" J.Geomag.Geoelectr.49. 1179-1195 (1997)
[Publications] Sibeck,D.G.,K.Takahashi,K.Yumoto and G.D.Reeves: "A relationship between transient signatures in equatorial dayside groundmagnetograms and substorm/pseudosubstorm onset" Abstracts of 8thScientific Assembly of IAGA,held at Uppsala. Aug.4-15 (1997)
[Publications] Yumoto,K.,M.Seto,and the CPMN project group: "Circum-pan Pacific magnetometer network project" International Symp.on New images of the Earth's interior through long-term ocean-floor observations. Nov.(1997)
[Publications] Palshin,N.A.,L.L.Vanyan,V.A.Kuznetsov,R.D.Medzhitov,V.M.Nikiforov,H.Utada,and H.Shimizu: "Voltage Measurements with the Cable Crossing the Sea of Japan from Nakhodka to Naoetsu" Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica. 36. 11-24 (1997)
[Publications] Shimoizumi,M.,T.Mogi,M.Nakada,T.Yukutake,S.Handa,Y.Tanaka,and H.Utada: "Electrical conductivity anomalies beneath the western sea of Kyushu,Japan" Geophys.Res.Lett.24. 1551-1554 (1997)
[Publications] Utada,H.,H.Shimizu,and Y.Hamano: "Geoelectromagnetic component of the Ocean Hemisphere Network" Proc.OHP International Symp.Nov.43-45 (1997)
[Publications] Tanaka,Y.,M.Shimoizumi,S.Ooba,H.Utada,and Y.Hamano: "Electric field observation with the sea bottom communication cables near Kyushu Island,Japan" Proc.OHP International Symp.Nov.48-51 (1997)
[Publications] Goto,T.,H.Shimizu,and H.Utada: "On the mantle electrical conductivity beneath western Pacific constrained by onland and submarine cable measurements" Proc.OHP International Symp.Nov.54-56 (1997)
[Publications] Utada,H.,T.Koyama,and H.Shimizu: "Possible attenuation of electric field from the core through the D"layer" Proc.OHP International Symp.NOv.173-175 (1997)
[Publications] Schultz,A.and H.Utada: "Geomagnetism and needs for seafloor observa tories" Proc.International Workshop on Scientific Use of Submarine Cables. Feb.1-6 (1997)
[Publications] Tanaka,Y.,S.Ooba,H.Utada,and M.Shimoizumi: "Electric field obs ervations with the sea bottom communication cable between Nagasaki and Fukue west part of Japan" Proc.International Workshop on Scientific Use of Submarine Cables. Feb.31-34 (1997)
[Publications] Palshin,N.,V.N.,Stephan,L.L.Vanyan and H.Utada: "Numerical modeling of the motionally induced electrical field for the Sea of Japan" Proc.International Workshop on Scientific Use of Submarine Cables. Feb.39-41 (1997)
[Publications] Nozaki,K.,H.Utada and K.Yumoto: "Geomagnetically induced voltage observation system of Trans Pacific Cable -2" Proc.International Workshop on Scientific Use of Submarine Cables. Feb.49-51 (1997)
[Publications] Shimizu,H.,T.Koyama and H.Utada: "Observation of short-term secular variations in the geoelectric field by using a submarine cable network" Proc.International Workshop on Scientific Use of Submarine Cables. Feb.52-55 (1997)
[Publications] Kasahara,J.,H.Utada,T.Sato,and H.Kinoshita: "A submarine cable OBS by use of the retired submarine telecommunication cable:GeO-TOC program" Proc.International Workshop on Scientific Use of Submarine Cables. Feb.91-102 (1997)
[Publications] Kasahara,J.,H.Utada,J.Baur,R.D.Medzhitov,L.L.Vanyan and N.A.Palshin: "Reuse of submarine Japan Cable(JASC)for Japan Sea Monitoring(Future plan)" Proc.International Workshop on Scientific Use of Submarine Cables. Feb.134-136 (1997)
[Publications] 下泉政志、田中良和、歌田久司、浜野洋三: "海底同軸ケーブルを用いた地電位差観測" 北九州職業能力開発短期大学校紀要. 10. 29-38 (1998)
[Publications] Niu,F.,and H.Kawakatsu: "Depth variation of the mid-mantle seismic discontinuity" Geophys.Res.Lett.24. 429-432 (1997)
[Publications] Kinoshita,M.and M.Yamano: "ydrothermal regime and constraints on reservoir depth of the Jade site in the Mid-Okinawa Trough inferred from heat flow measurements" J.Geophys.Res.102. 3183-3194 (1997)
[Publications] Hyndman,R.D.,M.Yamano,and D.A.Oleskevich: "The seismogenic zone of subduction thrust fault" Island Arc. 6. 244-260 (1997)
[Publications] Iidaka,T.,N.Hirata and T.Yoshihara: "Sepectrum analysis of the reflected waves observed in the Nikko region,central Japan" Pure Appl.Geophys. 150. 37-52 (1997)
[Publications] Iidaka,T.and K.Obara: "Seismological evidence for the existence of anisotropic zone in the metastable wedge inside the subducting Izu-Bonin slab" Geophys.Res.Lett.24. 3305-3308 (1997)
[Publications] Shimizu,H.and D.E.Loper: "Time and length scales of buoyancy-driven flow structures in a rotating hyromagnetic fluid" Physics of the Earth and PlanetaryInteriors. 104. 307-329 (1997)
[Publications] Obayashi,M.and Y.Fukao: "P and PcP travel time tomography for thecore-mantle boundary" J.Geoph.Res.102. 17825-17841 (1997)
[Publications] Breger,L.,B.Romanowicz and L.Vinnik: "Test of tomographic models of D" using differential travel time data" GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS. 25. 5-8 (1998)
[Publications] Okal,E.A.,and C.R.Bina: "On the cessation of seismicity at the base of the transition zone" Journal of Seismology. in press (1998)
[Publications] Tono,Y,.and K.Yomogida: "Short-period Pdiff scattering for the 1994 great Bolivian deep earthquake" Phys.Earth Planet.Inter.103. 1-16 (1997)
[Publications] Yomogida,K.,K.Aki,and R.Benites: "Coda Q in two-layer random media,128,425-433,1997." Geophys.J.Int.128. 425-433 (1997)
[Publications] Tajima,F.,and S.P.Grand: "Variation of Transition Zone HIgh Velocity Anomalies and Depression of "660"km Discontinuity Associated with Subduction Zones from the Southern Kuriles to Izu-boninn" J.Geophys.Res.(in press). (1998)
[Publications] Yamada,T.,and K.Yomogida: "Group velocity measurement of surface waves by the wavelet transform,45,313-329,1997." J.Phys.Earth. 45. 313-329 (1997)
[Publications] 金沢敏彦: "三陸沖リアルタイム海底地震・津波観測所" 月刊地球. 19-12. 757-762 (1998)