[Publications] 市野隆雄,市岡孝朗: "熱帯雨林のアリとアリ植物-相利共生と共進化1.数百万年にわたる共進化"インセクタリウム. 36・6. 172-179 (1999)
[Publications] 市岡孝朗,市野隆雄: "熱帯雨林のアリとアリ植物-相利共生と共進化2.アリとマカランガの利害関係"インセクタリウム. 36. 188-194 (1999)
[Publications] Itioka,T. and T.Inoue: "The alternation of mutualistic ant species affects the population growth of their trophobiont meallybug."Ecography. 22. 169-177 (1999)
[Publications] Ishihara,M.: "Geographical variation in insect developmental period : effect of host plant phenology on the life cycle of the bruchid seed feeder Kytorhinus sharpianus."Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 87. 311-319 (1998)
[Publications] Ishihara.M.,T.Hayashi and T.Ohgushi: "Life cycle of the willow leaf beetle, Plagiodera versicolora (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae) in Ishikari (Hokkaido, Japan)."Entomological Science. 2. 57-60 (1999)
[Publications] Ishihara,M.and M.Shimada: "Geographical variation in photoperiodic response fpr diapause induction between univoltine and multivoltine populations of Kytorhinus sharpianus (Coleoptera : Bruchidae)"Environmental Entomology. 28. 195-200 (1999)
[Publications] Ishihara,M.: "Adaptive phenotypic plasticity and its difference between univoltine and multivoltine populations in a bruchid beetle, Kytorhinus sharpianus."Evolution. 54(in press).
[Publications] Koike,T.,R.Tabuchi,K.Takahashi,S.Mori and T,T,Lei.: "Characteristics of the light response in seedlings and saplings of two mid successional species ash and kalopanax during the early stage of regeneration in a mature forest."Journal of Sustainble Forestry. 6. 73-84 (1998)
[Publications] Koike,T.,T.Watabnabe,H.Toda and K.Haibara: "Morphorogical diversity of stomata of representative broadleaved trees in a temperate region detection with the Sump method."Forest Resources and Environment. 36. 57-65 (1998)
[Publications] Koike,T.,K.Yazaki,R.Funada,Y.Maruyama,S.Mori and K.Sasa: "Forest health and vitality in norhtern Japan."Research Note in Faculty of Forestry Univ.of Joensuu. 18. 95-101 (1999)
[Publications] Lei,T.T.and T.Koike: "Some observations of phenology and ecophysiology of Daphne kamtschatica (Maxim.) Ohwi a shade deciduous shurb in the forest northern Japan."Journal of Plant Research. 111. 207-212 (1998)
[Publications] Lei,T.T.and T.Koike: "Functional leaf phenotypes for shade and open environments of a dominant dwarf bamboo (Sasa senansis) in northern Japan. International."Journal Plant Science. 159. 812-820 (1998)
[Publications] Momose,K.,A.Hatada,R.Yamaoka and T.Inoue: "Pollination biology of the genus Artocarpus (Moraceae)."Tropics. 7. 165-172 (1998)
[Publications] Momose.K.,T.Nagamisu and T.Inoue: "Thrips cross-pollination of Popowia pisocarpa (Annonaceae) in a lowland dipterocarp forest in Sarawak."Biotropica. 30. 444-448 (1998)
[Publications] Momose,K.: "A new species of the genus Tetrapetalum (Annonaceae) from Borneo."Blumea. 43. 117-120 (1998)
[Publications] Momose,K.,T,Yumoto,T.Nagamitsu,M.Kato,H.Nagamasu and S.Sakai et al.: "Pollination biology of a lowland dipterocarp forest I. Characteristics of the plant-pollinator community in a lowland dipterocarp forest."American Journal of Botany. 85. 1477-1501 (1998)
[Publications] Momose,K.,R.Ishii,S.Sakai and T.Inoue: "Plant reproductive intervals and pollinators in the aseasonal tropics : A new model."Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 265. 2333-2339 (1998)
[Publications] 百瀬邦泰: "一億年の命の宝庫を守りたい"エコソフィア. 1. 22-25 (1998)
[Publications] 百瀬邦泰: "熱帯林の生物多様性をなぜどのように保全するのか"地球環境. 3. 21-27 (1999)
[Publications] 永光輝義,百瀬邦泰,井上民二: "マレーシア・ランビルの低地雨林にみられる送粉システムとハナバチによる花資源の利用"個体群生態学会会報. 54. 47-52 (1997)
[Publications] Nomura,M.,T.Itioka and T.Itino: "Variation in abiotic defense among myrmecophytic and non-myrmecophytic species of Macaranga in a Bornean dipterocarp forest."Ecological Research. (in press).
[Publications] Ohgushi,T.and H.Sawada: "What changed the demography of an introduced population of an herbivorous lady beetle?"Journal of Animal Ecology. 67. 679-688 (1998)
[Publications] Price,P.,H.Roininen and T.Ohgushi: "Comparative plant-herbivore interactions involving willows and three gall-inducing sawfly species in the genus Pontania (Hymenoptera : Tenthredinidae)."Ecoscience. 6. 41-50 (1999)
[Publications] Sakai,S.,K.Momose,T.Yumoto,M.Kato and T.Inoue: "Beetle Pollination of Shorea parvifolia (section Mutica, Dipterocarpaceae) in a general flowering period in Sarawak, Malaysia."American Journal of Botany. 86. 62-69 (1999)
[Publications] Tamura,S.and G.Kudo: "Wind pollination and insect pollination of two temperate willow species, Salix miyabeana and Salix sachalinensis."Plant Ecology. (in press).
[Publications] Yamaga,Y.and T.Ohgushi: "Preference-performance linkage of an herbivorous lady beetle : consequences of variability in natural enemies."Oecologia. 119. 183-190 (1999)
[Publications] Yumoto,T.,K.Momose,T.Nagamitsu,T.Inoue and H.Nagamasu et al.: "Monitoring of plant phenology in an aseasonal tropical rainforest."Thai Studies in Biodivesity. 2. 289-306 (1998)
[Publications] Inoue,M.and S.Nakano: "Habitat structure along channel-unit sequences for juvenile salmon : an analysis on in-stream landscapes."Freshwater Biology. 42. 597-608 (1999)
[Publications] Kuhara,N.,S.Nakano and H.Miyasaka: "Interspecific competition between two stream insect grazers mediated by non-feeding predatory fish."Oikos. 87. 27-35 (1999)
[Publications] Miyasaka,H.and S.Nakano: "Sublethal effects of drift and benthic foraging fishes on the drift dispersal of three stream mayflies."Oecologia. 118. 99-106 (1999)
[Publications] Nakano,S.: "Diet differentiation in polymorphic Brachymystax lenok in streams of southern Prior'e, Russia."Ichthyological Research. 46. 100-102 (1999)
[Publications] Nakano, S.,K.D.Fausch and S.Kitano: "Flexible niche partitioning via a foraging mode shift : a proposed mechanism for coexistence in stream-dwelling charrs."Journal of Animal Ecology. 68. 1079-1092 (1999)
[Publications] Nakano,S.,Y.Kawaguchi,Y.Taniguchi,H.Miyasaka,Y.Shibata,H.Urabe and N.Kuhara: "Selective foraging on terrestrial invertebrates by rainbow trout in a forested headwater stream, northern Japan."Ecological Research. 14. 351-360 (1999)
[Publications] Nakano,S.N,Kuhara and H,Miyasaka: "Terrestrial-aquatic linkages : riparian arthropod inputs alter trophic cascades in a stream food web."Ecology. 80. 2435-2441 (1999)
[Publications] Saito,T.and S.Nakano: "Differences in the impacts of a weir on the reproductive activities in white-spotted charr and Dolly Varden in a Japanese pond-associated stream system."Fisheries Science. 656. 898-903 (1999)
[Publications] Saito,T.and S.Nakano: "Reproductive-timing-dependent alteration of life histories in female threespine stickleback in."Canadian Journal of Zoology. 77. 1314-1321 (1999)
[Publications] Urabe,H.and S.Nakano: "Linking microhabitat availability and local density of rainbow trout in low-gradient japanese streams."Ecological Research. 14. 341-349 (1999)
[Publications] Akashi,N.and T.Nakashizuka: "Effect of bark-stripping by Sika deer (Cervus Nippon) on population dyanmics of a mixed forest in Japan."Forest Ecology and Management. 113. 75-82 (1999)
[Publications] Abe,S.,H.Tanaka and T.Nakashizuka: "Effect of canopy gaps on the demography of the sub-canopy tree species, Styrax obbasia."Journal of Vegetation Science. 9. 787-796 (1999)
[Publications] Homma,K.,N.Akashi,T.Abe, M.Hasegawa,K.Harada and Y.Hirabuki et al.: "Geographical variation in the early regeneration process of Siebold's beech (Fagus crenata Blume) in Japan."Plant Ecology. 140. 129-138 (1999)
[Publications] Hoshizaki,K.,W.Suzuki and T.Nakashizuka: "Evaluation of secondary dispersal in a large seeded tree Aesculus turbinata : a test of directed dispersal."Plant Ecology. 144. 167-176 (1999)
[Publications] Marod,D.,U.Kutintara,C.Yarwudhi,H.Tanaka and T.Nakashizuka: "Structural dynamics of the natural mixed deciduous forest, Kanchanaburl, western Thailand."Journal of Vegetation Science. 10. 777-786 (1999)
[Publications] Sakai,T.,H.Tanaka,M.Shibata,W.Suzuki,H.Nomiya and T.Kanazashi et al.: "Riparian disturbance and community structure of a Quercus-Ulmus forest in central Japan."Plant Ecology. 140. 99-109 (1999)
[Publications] Masaki,T.,H.Tanaka,H.Tanouchi,T.Sakai and T.Nakashizuka: "Structure, dynamics and disturbance regime of temperate broad-leaved forests in Japan."Journal of Vegetation Science. 10. 805-814 (1999)
[Publications] Nagaike,T.,T.Kamitani.and T.Nakashizuka: "The effect of shelterwood logging on the diversity of plant species in a beech (Fagus orenata) forest in Japan."Forest Ecology and Management. 118. 161-171 (1999)
[Publications] Nakashizuka,T.,T. Kohyama,T.Whitmore and P.S.Ashton: "Tree diversity and dynamics of Western Pacific and Eastern Asian forests."Journal of Vegetaton Science. 10. 763-764 (1999)
[Publications] Sakai,S.,K.Momose,T.Yumoto,T.Nagamitsu,H.Nagamasu and A.A.Hamid et al.: "Plant reproductive phenology over four years including an episode of general flowering in a lowland dipterocarp forest, Sarawak, Malaysia."American Journal of Botany. 86. 1414-1436 (1999)
[Publications] Hirobe,M.,N.Tokuchi and G.Iwatsubo: "Spatial variability of soil nitrogen transformation patterns along a forest slope in a Cryptomeria japonica D.Don plantation."European Journal of Soil Science. 34. 123-131 (1999)
[Publications] Nimpha T.and H.Takeda: "Carbon and nitrogen dynamics of decomposing leaf litter in a tropical hill evergreen forest."European Journal of Soil Biology. (in press).
[Publications] 大園享司,武田博清: "ブナ落葉の分解に関与する菌類相査、-培養法の検討-"森林応用研究. 8. 103-108 (1998)
[Publications] 大園享司,武田博清: "冷温帯ブナ天然林下の鉱質土壌の微小菌類相"森林応用研究. 9(in press).
[Publications] Osono,T.and H.Takeda: "Decomposing ability of interior and surface fungal colonizers of beech leaves with reference to lignin decomposition."European Journal of Soil Biology. 35(in press).
[Publications] Tian X.,H.Takeda and J.Azuma: "Behavior difference of organic-chemical components in needle litter during 3.5-year decomposition."Transactions of the Japanese Forestry Society. 110. 341-342 (1999)
[Publications] Tokuchi,N.and G.Iwatsubo: "Soil solution chemistry at different positions on slope in a conifer plantation forest."Journal of Forest Research. 4. 99-106 (1999)
[Publications] Tokuchi,N.,H.Takeda,K.Yoshida.and G.Iwatsubo: "Topographical variations in plant-soil system along a slope on Mt.Ryuoh, Japan."Ecological Research. 14. 361-369 (1999)
[Publications] Gurung,T.B.,J.Urabe and M.Nakanishi: "Regulation of the relationship between phytoplankton Scenedesmus acutus and heterotrophic bacteria by the balance of light and nutrients."Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 17. 27-35 (1999)
[Publications] Nakanishi,M.,T.Sekino,T.Kimoto,R.Tsuda and M.Kumagai: "A hypothesis on formation of the subsurface chlorophyll maximum observed in Lake Biwa in September of 1994."The Japanese Journal of Limnology. 62・2. 125-137 (1999)
[Publications] Urabe,J.,T.Sekino,K.Nozaki,A.Tsuji,C.Yoshimizu,M.Kagami and T.Koitabashi et al.: "Light, nutrients and primary productivity in Lake Biwa : An evaluation of the current ecosystem situation."Ecological Research. 14. 233-242 (1999)
[Publications] Kobayashi,Y.and N.Yamamura: "Evolution of Seed Dormancy due to Sib Competition : Effect of Dispersal and Inbreeding."Journal of theoretical Biology. (in press).
[Publications] Yoshii,K.,N.G.Melnik,O.A.Timoshkin,N.A.Bondarenko and P.N.Anoshko et al.: "Stable isotope analyses of the pelagic food web in Lake Baikal."Limnology and Oceanography. 44. 502-511 (1999)
[Publications] Hori,M.and K.Watanabe: "Aggressive mimicry in the intra-populational color variation of the Tanganyikan scale-eater, Perissodus microlopis (Cichlidae)."Environmental Biology Fishes. 56(in press).
[Publications] Ochi,H.,Y.Sato and Y.Yanagisawa: "Obligate feeding of cichlid eggs by Caecomastacembelus zebratus in Lake Tanganyika."Journal of Fish Biology. 54. 450-459 (1999)
[Publications] 三橋弘宗,野崎健太郎: "三重県宮川における糸状緑藻Spirogyra sp.の大発生"陸水生物学報. 14. 9-15 (1999)
[Publications] Miyamoto,H.and H.Morino: "Taxonomic studies of the Talitridae (Crustacea, Amphipoda) from Taiwan, I. The genera Talorchestia and Sinorchestia n.gen."Publications of the Seto Marine Biolgical Laboratory. 38・(5/6). 169-200 (1999)
[Publications] 森野浩,戸塚利明: "十和田湖におけるトゲオヨコエビ(Eogammarus kygi)の分類・分布及び繁殖活動"国立環境研究所研究報告. 146. 87-94 (1999)
[Publications] 野崎健太郎,辻彰洋: "中池見湿地(福井県敦賀市)の水質(予報)"陸水生物学報. 14. 1-8 (1999)
[Publications] Nozaki,K.: "Algal community structure in a littoral zone in the north basin of Lake Biwa."Japanese Journal of Limnology. 60. 139-157 (1999)
[Publications] 大高明史,加藤秀男,上野隆平,石田昭夫,安倍弘,井田宏一,森野浩: "十和田湖の底生動物相"国立環境研究所研究報告. 146. 55-71 (1999)
[Publications] 辻彰洋,唐崎千春,神松幸弘,山本敏哉,村山恵子,野崎健太郎: "中池見湿地(福井県敦賀市)における水質環境と生物群集"陸水学雑誌. 60. 201-213 (1999)
[Publications] Urabe J.,T,Sekino,K.Nozaki,A.Tuji.,C.Yoshimizu,M.Kagamin and T.Koitabashi et al.: "Light, nutrients and primary productivity in Lake Biwa : An evaluation of the current ecosystem situation."Ecological Research. 14. 233-242 (1999)
[Publications] Yamamoto,S.,K.Morita and A.Goto: "Marine growth and survival of white-spotted charr, Salvelinus leucomaenis, in relation to smalt size."Ichthyological Research. 46. 85-92 (1999)
[Publications] Yamamoto S.,K.Morita and A.Goto: "Geographic variations in life history characteristics of white-spotted charr (Salvelinus leucomaenis)."Canadian Journal of Zoology. 77. 871-878 (1999)
[Publications] Yamazaki,Y.,A.Goto,H.Byeon and S.Jeon: "Geographic distribution patterns of the two genetically divergent forms of Lethenteron reissneri (Pisces : Petromyzonidae)."Biogeography. 1. 49-56 (1999)
[Publications] Yamazaki,Y. and A.Goto: "Breeding season and nesting assemblages in two forms of Lethenteron reissneri, with references to reproductive isolating mechanisms."Ichthyological Research. (in press).
[Publications] Yamagi,T.and A.Goto: "Patchy distribution of a fluvial sculpin, Cottus nozawae, in the Gakko River system at the southern margin of its native range."Ichthyolological Research. (in press).
[Publications] Matsumasa.M.,M.Hamaguchi and M.Nishihira: "Morphometric characteristics and length of the 'variable region' in the nonrepetitive domain of the adhesive protein of Mytilu s species in the Asamushi area, northern Japan."Zoological Science. 16. 985-991 (1999)
[Publications] Nanami,A.and M.Nishihira: "Nest construction by the labrid fish Choerodon jordani (Snyder 1908)."Coral Reefs. 18. 292 (1999)
[Publications] Nishihira,M.and N.Higa: "Observations of bleaching patterns and recovery of massive Porites in the moat of Kudaka Island Okinawa."Galaxea. 1. 103-107 (1999)
[Publications] 西平守孝: "多種共存のからくり 生物が生物の棲み場所をつくるサンゴ礁"サイアス. 65. 68-72 (2000)
[Publications] Hiura,T.and K.Fujiwara: "Density-dependence and coexistence of conifer and broad-leaved trees in a northern mixed forest."Journal of Vegetation Science. 10. 843-850 (1999)
[Publications] Kato,E.and T.Hiura,: "Fruit set in Styrax obassia : the effect of light resource, display size, and local floral density."American Journal of Botany. 86. 495-501 (1999)
[Publications] 小池文人,日浦勉: "林冠研究の意義と方法"日本生態学会誌. (in press).
[Publications] 日浦勉: "ジャングルジムで樹冠にアプローチする"日本生態学会誌. (in press).
[Publications] Maeno,H. and T.Hiura: "Effects of leaf phenologies of overstory trees on the female reproductive success of a shrub, Staphylea bumalda DC."Canadian Journal of Botany. (in press).
[Publications] Suzuki,M.and T.Hiura: "Allometric differences between current-year shoots and large branches of deciduous broad-leaved tree species."Tree Physiology. (in press).
[Publications] Akino,T.and R.Yamaoka: "Trunk trail network of Lasius fulginpsus Latreile (Hymenopter : Formicidae) : Distribution between conspecific neighboring colonies."Entomological Science. 341-346 (1999)
[Publications] Takematsu,Y. and R.Yamaoka: "Cuticular hydrocarbon of Reticuritermes (Isoptera : Rhinotermitidae) in Japan and neighboring countries as chemotaxonomic characters."Applied Entomology and Zoology. 34. 109-188 (1999)
[Publications] 山岡亮平: "化学物質でつながる昆虫社会"生命誌. 23. 4-9 (1999)
[Publications] Fujiki,Y.,T.Sato,M.Ito and A.Watanabe: "Isolation and characterization of cDNA clones for the E1 and E2 subunits of branched-chain -keto acid dehydrogenase complex in Arabidopsis."Journal of Biological Chemistry. (in press).
[Publications] Nakabayashi.K.,M.Ito,T.Kiyosue,K.Shinozaki and A.Watanabe: "Identification of clp genes that are expressed in senescing Arabidopsis leaves."Plant Cell Physiology. 40. 504-514 (1999)
[Publications] Nozawa,A.,M.Ito,H.Hayashi,and A.Watanabe: "Dark-inducible expression of genes for asparagine synthetase and cytosolic glutamine synthetase in radish cotyledons is dependent on the growth stage."Plant Cell Physiology. 40. 942-948 (1999)
[Publications] Umeda,Y.,A.Hirano,M.Ishibashi,H.Akiyama,T.Onizuka.M.Ikeuchi and Y.Inoue: "Cloning of cellulose synthase genes from Acetobacter xylinum JCM 7664 : Implication of a novel set of cellulose synthase genes."DNA Research. 6. 265-273 (1999)
[Publications] Sonoike,K.: "The different roles of chilling temperatures in the photoinhibition of photosystem I and photosystem II."Journal of Photochemistry and photobiology. 48. 136-141 (1999)
[Publications] Fujii,S.,M.Akiyama,K.Aoki,and Y.Sugaya,K.Higuchi,M.Hiraoka and Y.Miki et al.: "DNA Replication Errors Produced by the Replicative Apparatus of Esherichia coli."Journal of Molecular Biology. 289. 935-850 (1999)
[Publications] Fujita,Y.,K.Mise,and I,Furusawa: "Genotype and phenotypic analysis of bromovirus adaptive mutants derived from a single plant."Microbiology and Immunology. 43. 181-185 (1999)
[Publications] Hattori,M.,E.Yamato,N.Itoh,T.Fujisawa,M.Yoshino,M.Fukuda and E.Matsumoto et al.: "Cutting edge : homologous recombination of the MHC class I K region defines new MHC-linked diabetogenic susceptibility gene (s) in nonobese diabetic mice."Journal of Immunology. 163. 1721-1724 (1999)
[Publications] Kawabe,A.and N.T.Miyashita: "DNA variation in the basic chitinase locus (ChiB) region of the wild plant Arabidopsis thaliana."Genetics. 153. 1445-1453 (1999)
[Publications] Komine,Y.,N.K.Tanaka,R.Yano,S.Takai,S.Yuasa and T.Shiroishi et al.: "A novel type of non-coding RNA expressed in the rat brain."Molcular Brain Research. 66. 1-13 (1999)
[Publications] Miyashita,N.T.,A.Kawabe and H.Innan: "DNA variation in the wild plant Arabidopsis thaliana revealed by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis."Genetics. 152. 1723-1731 (1999)
[Publications] 大串隆之: "生態系に見る共生のしくみ「生命の地球:生態系=生物生存を支える共生系=」"三友社出版(in press).
[Publications] 前川光司・中野繁・井口恵一郎: "「地球温暖化による淡水魚の分布変化」In(河野昭一,井村治編)環境変動と生物集団"海遊舎. (1999)
[Publications] Ogawa,O.N.: "Fluctuations of Lacustrine Environments during the last several decades revealed from stable isotope ratios of fish specimens."Ph.D.Thesis, Faculty of Science, Kyoto University. 119 (1999)
[Publications] Nojima,S.and T.Yeemin: ""Community structure and verticaldistribution of hermatypic corals in non-coral-reef area," in Updated Progress in Aquatic Invertebrate Zoology, eds. T,Okutani, S.Ota and R.Ueshima"Tokai Univ.Press. (1999)
[Publications] Higashi,M.,N.Yamamura and T.Abe: ""Theories on the sociality of termite, "in Termites : their symbiosis, sociality and global diversification, edes, T.Abe, M.Higashi and D.E. Bignell"Kluver(in press).
[Publications] 野口航: "「夜の葉の呼吸に関する生理学と経済学」In(渡辺昭・篠崎一雄・寺島一郎監修)植物細胞工学シリーズ11植物の環境応答 生存戦略とその分子機構"秀潤社. (1999)
[Publications] 寺島一郎: "「光環境と葉の光合成-生理生態学からの視点」In(渡辺昭,篠崎一雄,寺島一郎監修)植物細胞工学シリーズ11植物の環境応答 生存戦略とその分子機構"秀潤社. (1999)
[Publications] 渡辺昭,篠崎一雄,寺島一郎: "植物細胞工学シリーズ11植物の環境応答 生存戦略とその分子機構"秀潤社. (1999)
[Publications] 石弘之: "地球環境報告"岩波新書. 218 (1999)
[Publications] 藤本武: "「エチオピア西南部の農耕民マロの植物利用-特にその野生植物の環境認知的利用について-」In(石,福井,吉村編)生物多様性と人間社会の相互作用(仮題)"(in press).
[Publications] 福井勝義: "「文化・文明を環境とする生物-ヒト」In(岡田節人他編)岩波講座科学/技術と人間7 生命体のなかのヒト"岩波書店. (1999)
[Publications] 福井勝義: "「農耕・牧畜民」In(川田順造編)アフリカ入門"新書館.
[Publications] 福井勝義: "「家畜を通して見る世界」In(川田順造編)アフリカ入門"新書館.
[Publications] 福井勝義(共著): "世界の歴史24:アフリカの民族と社会(赤阪賢・大塚和夫共著)"中央公論社. 534 (1999)
[Publications] 福井勝義: "NHK人間講座 東アフリカ・色と模様の世界:無文字社会の豊かな創造力"NHK人間講座 東アフリカ・色と模様の世界:無文字社会の豊かな創造力. (1999)
[Publications] 縄田浩志: "「マングロープ・サンゴ礁生態系へのラクダ牧畜民のかかわり-スーダン領紅海海岸部ベジャ族の資源利用を事例にして-」In(石,福井,吉村編)生物多様性と人間社会の相互作用(仮題)"(in press).
[Publications] 冨永達: "「ムギ類の擬態随伴雑草ドクムギのエチオピアにおける多様性の進化」In(石,福井,吉村編)生物多様性と人間社会の相互作用(仮題)"(in press).
[Publications] 八田洋章,佐藤廉也: "「エチオピアの熱帯林における焼畑火入れ後の植生回復」In(石,福井,吉村編)生物多様性と人間社会の相互作用(仮題)"(in press).
[Publications] Takasu,F.,M.Shiraishi,K.Kawasaki,N.Shigesada: ""Mathematical models for biological invasions-competition for open spaces," Biological Invasions of Ecosystem by Pests and Beneficial Organisms eds.E.Yano,K.Matsuo, M.Shiyomi and D.A.Andow, Niaes Series 3."(1999)
[Publications] Takasu,F.: ""The role of theoretical models explaining the relationships between brood' parasite and their hosts," in Proceeding of 22 International Omithology Congress, eds.D.Adams and R.Slorow"University of Natal. (1999)
[Publications] Yamane,Sk.,S.Ikudome and M.Terayama: "Identification Guide to the Aculeata of the Nansei Islands, Japan"Hokkaido University Press. (1999)
[Publications] 菊沢喜八郎: "森林の生態"共立出版. (1999)
[Publications] 菊沢喜八郎: "地球変化と樹木フェノロジー「環境変動と生物集団」(河野昭一,井村治編)"海遊社.