[Publications] H.Komuro,A.Nakamoto and S.Negami: "Diagonal flips in triangulations of closed surfaces with minimum degree at least 4"J.Combinatorial Theory,Ser.B. 76. 68-92 (1999)
[Publications] S.Lawrencenko and S.Negami: "Constructing the graphs that triangulate both the torus and the Klein bottle"J.Combinatorial Theory,Ser.B. 77. 211-218 (1999)
[Publications] S.Negami: "Diagonal flips of triangulations on surfaces,a survey"Yokohama Math.J.. 47. 1-40 (1999)
[Publications] S.Negami: "Note on frozen triangulations on closed surfaces"Yokohama Math.J.. 47. 191-202 (1999)
[Publications] T.Watanabe and S.Negami: "Diagonal flips in pseudo-triangulations of closed surfaces without loops"Yokohama Math.J.. 47. 213-223 (1999)
[Publications] R.Brunet,A.Nakamoto and S.Negami: "Every 5-connected triangulations of the Klein bottle is hamiltonian"Yokohama Math.J.. 47. 239-244 (1999)
[Publications] H.Imai,K.Sekine and K.Imai: "Computational investigations of all-terminal network reliability via BDDs"IEICE Trans.Fundamentals. E82-A. 714-721 (1999)
[Publications] 田島 玲,今井 浩: "三角形分割の最適性と整数計画による定式化"情報処理学会論文誌. 40. 2861-2871 (1999)
[Publications] H.Imai and M.Inaba: "Geometric clustering by divergence and its underlyingdiscrete proximity structures"IEICE Trans.Information and Systems. E83-D. 27-35 (2000)
[Publications] H.Maehara: "Lexell's theorem via an inscribed angle theorem"Amer.Math.Monthly. 106. 352-352 (1999)
[Publications] H.Maehara and A.Oshiro: "On Knotted necklaces of pearls"European J.Combinatorics. 20. 411-420 (1999)
[Publications] H.Maehara: "Geometry of frameworks"Yokohama Math.J.. 47. 41-65 (1999)
[Publications] H.Maehara: "Configuration spaces of pentagonal frameworks"European J.Combinatorics. 20. 839-844 (1999)
[Publications] H.Maehara and H.Noha: "Arranging solid balls on a table to make a k-component link"Ryukyu Math.J.. 12. 31-35 (1999)
[Publications] H.Enomoto and K.Ota: "Connected subgraphs with small degree sums in 3-connected planar graphs"J.Graph Theory. 30. 191-203 (1999)
[Publications] H.Enomoto,M.S,Miyauchi and K.Ota: "Lower bounds for the number of edge-crossings over the spine in a topological book embedding of a graph"Discrete Applied Mathematics. 92. 149-155 (1999)
[Publications] H.Enomoto and Y.Usami: "Extremal 2-connected graphs with given diameter"Tokyo J.Math.. 22. 1-16 (1999)
[Publications] H.Enomoto and M.S.Miyauchi: "Embedding graphs into a three page book with O(mlogn)crossings of edges over the spine"SIAM J.Discrete Mathematics. 12. 337-341 (1999)
[Publications] Y.Egawa and K.Ota: "Vertex-disjoint claws in graphs"Discrete Mathematics. 197/198. 225-246 (1999)
[Publications] K.Ushio: "S^^<^>_k-factorization of symmetric complete tripartite digraphs"Discrete Mathematics. 197/198. 791-797 (1999)
[Publications] K.Ushio: "Cycle-factorization of symmetric complete multipartite digraphs"Discrete Mathematics. 199. 273-278 (1999)
[Publications] K.Ushio: "Semi-evenly partite star-factorization of symmetric complete tripartite digraphs"Australasian J.Combinatorics. 20. 69-75 (1999)
[Publications] K.Ushio: "Bigraph-factorization of symmetric complete bipartite multi-digraphs"Australasian J.Combinatorics. 20. 261-265 (1999)
[Publications] K.Ushio: "S_k-factorization of symmetric complete tripartite digraphs"Discrete Mathematics. 211. 281-286 (2000)
[Publications] A.Kaneko and M.Kano: "A straight-line embedding of two rooted trees in the plane"Discrete and Computational Geometry. 21. 603-613 (1999)
[Publications] A.Kaneko and M.Kano: "Balanced partitions of two sets of points in the plane"Computational Geometry:Theory and Applications. 13. 253-261 (1999)
[Publications] P.Frankl and N.Tokushige: "Erdos-Ko-Rado theorem for integer sequences"Combinatorica. 19. 55-63 (1999)
[Publications] A.Nakamoto: "Transformations in closed 2-cell embeddings on surfaces preserving specified properties"Discrete Mathematics. 197/198. 607-615 (1999)
[Publications] A.Nakamoto: "Generating quadrangulations of surfaces with minimum degree at least 3"J.Graph Theory. 30. 223-234 (1999)
[Publications] A.Nakamoto: "The YΔ-equivalence of kernels on the torus without taking duals"Yokohama Math.J.. 47. 183-190 (1999)
[Publications] B.Bollobas,O.Riordan,Z.Ryjacek,A.Saito and R.H.Schelp: "Closure and hamiltonian-connectivity of claw-free graphs"Discrete Mathematics. 195. 67-80 (1999)
[Publications] A.Saito: "Long paths,long cycles and their relative length"J.Graph Theory. 30. 91-99 (1999)
[Publications] a.Saito: "Degree sums ad graphs that are not covered by two cycles"J.Graph Theory. 32. 51-61 (1999)
[Publications] Z.Ryjacek,R.H.Schelp and A.Saito: "Closure,2-factors and cycle coverings in claw-free graphs"J.Graph Theory. 32. 109-117 (1999)