[Publications] N.Sasaki et al.: "Visualization of Thermally Fluctuating Surface Structure in Noncontact Atomic-Force Microscopy and Tip Effects on Fluctuation : Theoretical Study of Si(111)-√3×√3-Ag Surface"Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol.88, No.4. 046106-1-046106-4 (2002)
[Publications] N.Watanabe, M.Tsukada: "Efficient method for simulating quantum electron dynamics under the time-dependent Kohn-Sham equation"Phys. Rev. E. Vol.65, No.3-2B. 036705-1-036705-6 (2002)
[Publications] H.Kawai et al.: "Time-Fluctuation of the Dimer Structure on a Ge(001) Surface Studied by a Monte Carlo Simulation and a First-Principles Calculation"J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.. Vol.71, No.9. 2192-2199 (2002)
[Publications] M.Gautier et al.: "Interplay between Nonlinearity, Scan Speed, Dapming, and Electronics in Frequency Modulation Atomic-Force Microscopy"Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol.89, No.14. 146104-1-146104-4 (2002)
[Publications] 塚田 捷: "電子放出機構の量子力学的基礎"表面科学. Vol.23, No.1. 9-17 (2002)
[Publications] 佐々木成朗, 塚田捷: "動的モード原子間力顕微鏡に現れる非保存的過程"表面科学. Vol.23, No.2. 111-115 (2002)
[Publications] S.Araragi et al.: "Atomic resolution imaging of Si(100)1x1:2H dihydride surface with noncontact atomic force microscopy(NC-AFM)"Appl. Surf. Sci.. Vol.188, Nos.3-4. 272-278 (2002)
[Publications] T.Uozumi et al.: "Observation of Si(100) surface with noncontact atomic force microscope at 5 K"Appl. Surf. Sci.. Vol.188, Nos.3-4. 279-284 (2002)
[Publications] Y.Sugawara et al.: "Atom manipulation and image artifact on Si(111)7x7 surface using a low temperature noncontact atomic force microscope"Appl. Surf. Sci.. Vol.188, Nos.3-4. 285-291 (2002)
[Publications] K.Okamoto et al.: "The elimination of the 'artifact' in the electrostatic force measurement using a novel noncontact atomic force microscope/electrostatic force microscope"Appl. Surf. Sci.. Vol.188, Nos.3-4. 381-385 (2002)
[Publications] S.Morita, Y.Sugawara: "Atomically Resolved Imaging of Si(100)2x1, 2x1:H and 1x1:2H Surfaces with Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy"Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.. Vol.41, No.7B. 4857-4862 (2002)
[Publications] S.Morita, Y.sugawara: "Mapping and Control of Atomic Force on Si(111) √3×√3-Ag Surface Using Noncontact Atomic Force Microscope"Ultramicroscopy. Vol.91. 89-96 (2002)
[Publications] 森田清三, 菅原康弘: "非接触原子間力顕微鏡で半導体の何がどこまで見えるか?"表面科学. Vol.23, No.3. 132-140 (2002)
[Publications] 森田清三, 菅原康弘: "走査プローブ顕微鏡による複合極限場での原子イメージング"まてりあ. Vol.41, Vol.9. 604-609 (2002)
[Publications] 森田清三, 菅原康弘: "走査プローブ顕微鏡によるナノ加工と評価"電子情報通信学会誌. Vol.85, No.11. 858-865 (2002)
[Publications] 森田清三他: "1.非接触原子間力顕微鏡による静電気力観察"まてりあ. Vol.41、No.12. 840-841 (2002)
[Publications] K.Kobayashi et al.: "Dopant profiling on semiconducting sample by scanning capacitance force microscopy"Appl. Phys. Lett.. Vol.81, No.14. 2626-2628 (2002)
[Publications] T.Fukuma et al.: "Experimental Study on Energy Dissipation Induced by Displacement Current in Non-contact Aomic Force Microscopy Imaging of Molecular Thin Films"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.. Vol.41, No.7B. 4903-4907 (2002)
[Publications] T.Miyazaki et al.: "Fabrication of Nanometer-Scale Pattern Using Current-Controlled Scanning Probe Lithography"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.. Vol.41, No.7B. 4948-4951 (2002)
[Publications] H.Yamada et al.: "Local structures and electrical properties of organic molecular films investigated by non-contact atomic force microscopy"Appl. Surf. Sci.. Vol.188. 391-398 (2002)
[Publications] N.Satoh et al.: "Dynamic-mode AFM using the piezoelectric cantilever : investigations of local optical and electrical properties"Appl. Surf. Sci.. Vol.188. 425-429 (2002)
[Publications] K.Kobayashi et al.: "Dynamic force microscopy using FM detection in various environments"Appl. Surf. Sci.. Vol.188. 430-434 (2002)
[Publications] H.Aoki et al.: "Two-dimensional phase separation of block copolymer and homopolymer blend studied by scanning near-field optical microscopy"Appl. Surf. Sci.. Vol.188. 534-538 (2002)
[Publications] N.Satoh et al.: "Investigations of Local Surface Properties by SNOM Combined with KFM Using a PZT Cantilever"IEICE Trans. Electron.. Vol.E85-C No.12. 2071-2076 (2002)
[Publications] 山田啓文: "非接触原子間力顕微鏡による有機分子薄膜の構造・表面電位評価"表面科学. Vol.23, No.3. 36-47 (2002)
[Publications] A.Ikai et al.: "Force Measurements for Membrane Protein Manipulation"Colloids and Surfaces, B : Biointerfaces. Vol.23. 165-171 (2002)
[Publications] H.Kim et al.: "Quantification of Fibronectin and Cell Surface Interactions by AFM"Colloids and Surfaces B : Biointerfaces. Vol.25. 33-43 (2002)
[Publications] T.Wang et al.: "Mechanical identification of the core structure of bovine carbonic anhydrase B by atomic force microscope"Ultramicroscopy. Vol.91. 253-259 (2002)
[Publications] Y.Sun et al.: "Tapping and Contact Mode Imaging of Native Chromosomes and Extraction of Genomic DNA using AFM Tips"Applied Surface Science. Vol.188. 499-505 (2002)
[Publications] H.Kim et al.: "Quantification of Cell Adhesion Interactions by AFM : Effects of LPS/PMA on the adhesion of C6 glioma cell to collagen type I"Applied Surface Science. Vol.188. 493-498 (2002)
[Publications] H.Sekiguchi et al.: "Non-destructive Force Measurement in Liquid Using Atomic Force Microscope"Applied Surface Science. Vol.188. 489-492 (2002)
[Publications] S.Nishida, A.Ikai: "Combination of AFM with an objective-type TIRFM (total internal reflection fluorescence microscope) for nano-manipulation of single cells"Ultramicroscopy. Vol.91. 269-274 (2002)
[Publications] T.Yamada et al.: "Use of AFM for imaging and measurement of the mechanical properties of light-convertible organelles in plant"Ultramicroscopy. Vol.91. 261-268 (2002)
[Publications] A.Ikai et al.: "Intra-and Intermolecular Mechanics of Proteins and Polypeptides Studied by AFM : with Applications"Applied Surface Science. Vol.188. 506-512 (2002)
[Publications] R.Hertadi, A.Ikai: "Unfolding Mechanics of Holo and Apo Calmodulins studied by Atomic Force Microscope"Protein Science. Vol.11. 1532-1538 (2002)
[Publications] M.T.Alam et al.: "The importance of being knotted : effects of the C-terminal knot structure on enzymatic and mechanical properties of bovine carbonic anhydrase II(1)"FEBS Lett.. Vol.519. 35-40 (2002)
[Publications] A.Ikai: "Nanomechanics of proteins with possible applications"Superlattices and Microstructures. Vol.31, No.1. 43-62 (2002)
[Publications] 塚田捷分担執筆: "ナノテクノロジーのための走査プローブ顕微鏡"(日本表面科学会編)丸善(株). 257(20) (2002)
[Publications] 塚田捷・田村了分担執筆: "新しいクラスターの科学"講談社サイエンティフィック. 255(28) (2002)
[Publications] M.Gauthier et al.分担執筆: "Scanning Probe Microscopy Analytical Methods"Springer. 300(24) (2002)
[Publications] M.Tsukada et al.分担執筆: "Scanning Probe Microscopy Analytical Methods"Springer. 300(22) (2002)
[Publications] 河津璋, 塚田捷 共編著: "ナノテクノロジー最前線"東京教育情報センター. 300(43) (2002)
[Publications] M.Tsukada et al.分担執筆: "Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy"Springer. 439(22) (2002)
[Publications] M.Gauthier et al.分担執筆: "Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy"Springer. 439(24) (2002)
[Publications] 塚田捷, 佐々木成朗: "原子・分子のナノ力学"丸善(株). 200(34) (2002)
[Publications] S.Morita et al.分担執筆: "Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy"Springer. 439(41) (2002)
[Publications] 森田清三分担執筆: "大学改革とナノテクノロジーの未来"(阪大フロンティア研究機構編)大阪大学出版会. 201(14) (2002)
[Publications] 森田清三, 菅原康弘分担執筆: "ナノテクノロジーのための走査プローブ顕微鏡"(日本表面科学会編)丸善(株). 257(16) (2002)
[Publications] 森田清三他: "原子・分子のナノ力学"丸善(株). 200(17) (2002)
[Publications] H.Yamada分担執筆: "Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy"Springer. 439(31) (2002)
[Publications] 山田啓文: "原子・分子のナノ力学"丸善(株). 200(35) (2002)
[Publications] 猪飼 篤分担執筆: "ナノテクノロジー最前線"東京教育情報センター. 300(23) (2002)
[Publications] 猪飼 篤分担執筆: "ナノテクノロジーのための走査プローブ顕微鏡"(日本表面科学会編)丸善(株). 257(13) (2002)
[Publications] 猪飼 篤分担執筆: "原子・分子のナノ力学"丸善(株). 200(7) (2002)
[Publications] 猪飼 篤他分担執筆: "原子・分子のナノ力学"丸善(株). 200(21) (2002)
[Publications] 岡嶋孝治他分担執筆: "原子・分子のナノ力学"丸善(株). 200(9) (2002)