[Publications] T. SUZUKI: "A note on the stability of stationary solutions to a system of chemotaxis"Communications in Contemporary Mathematics. (to appear).
[Publications] T. NAGAI, T. SENBA,and T. SUZUKI: "Chemotactic collapse in a parabolic system of mathematical biology"Hiroshima Math J.. (to appear).
[Publications] T. SENBA and T. SUZUKI: "Chemotactic collapse in a parabolic-elliptic system of mathematical biology"Advances on Differential Equations. to appear).
[Publications] A. KOHDA and T. SUZUKI: "Blow-up criteria for semilinear parabolic equtations"J. Math. Anal. Appl.. to appear).
[Publications] T. SENBA and T. SUZUKI: "Local and norm behavior of blowup solutions to a parabolic system of Chemotaxis"J. Korean Math. Soc.. to appear).
[Publications] Y. NAITO and T. SUZUKI: "Radical symmetry of self-similar solutions for semilinear heat equation"J. Differntial Equations. to appear).
[Publications] T. SENBA and T. SUZUKI: "Some Structure of the solution set for a stationary system of chemotaxis"Adv. Math. Sci. Appl.. to appear).
[Publications] A. HAMATAKE and T. SUZUKI: "Singular solutions for a nonlinear Dirichlet problem"Communications in Applied Analysis. to appear).
[Publications] R. IKEHATA and T. SUZUKI: "Semilinear parabolic equations involving critical Soboler exponent : local and asymptotic behavior of solutions"Integral and Differntial Equations. to appear).
[Publications] S. SAKAGUCHI and T. SUZUKI: "On a class of L^1-illposed quasilinear parabolic equations"Advances on Differntial Equtations. 4. 671-696 (1999)
[Publications] Y. ADACHI, H. KADO,and T. SUZUKI: "Parameter descending method and the magnetoence phalography"Information. 2. 443-458 (1999)
[Publications] Y. NAITO and T. SUZUKI: "A note on the moving sphere method"Pacific J. Math.. 189. 107-116 (1999)
[Publications] Y. ISOZAKI and S. KOTANI: "Asymptotic estimates for the first hitting time of fluctuating addictive functionals on Browman motion"Seminar on Probability. (to appear).
[Publications] S. BENVENUTI and T. NISHTANI: "Necessary conditions for the hyperbolicity of 2×2 systems"Japanese J. Math.. 25. 377-408 (1999)
[Publications] F. COLOMBINI and T. SUZUKI: "Two by Two strongly hyperbolic systems and Gevreg classes"Ann. Mat. Univ. Ferrara. (to appear).
[Publications] A. MATSUMURA and M. MEI: "Convergence to travelling fronts of solutions of the p-system with viscosity in the presence of a boundary"Arch. Rational Mech. Anal.. 146. 1-22 (1999)
[Publications] A. MATSUMURA and K. NISHIHARA: "Global asymptotics toward rarefaction wave for solutions of the viscous p-system with boundary effect"Quart. Appl. Math.. (to appear).
[Publications] K. HIRACHI,G. KOMATSU and N. NAKAZAWA: "CR inovariants of weight five in the Bergman hernel"Adv. Math.. 143. 185-250 (1999)
[Publications] K. HIRACHI and G. KOMATSU: "Local Sobolev-Beryman kernels of stuctly pseudoconvex domains"Analysis acid Geometry on Several Complex Variables (Birk hauser). 63-96 (1999)
[Publications] 原澤隆一,四方順司,鈴木譲,今井秀樹: "楕円曲線暗号におけるMOV帰着とFR帰着の比較について"電子情報通信学会論文集A. 1278-1290 (1999)
[Publications] J. SUZUKI: "Learning Baysian belief networks based on the MDL principle : basic properties"IEI. CE Trans. on Foundamentals. 82A. (1999)
[Publications] J. SHIKATA,Y. ZHENG,J. SUZUKI,H. IMAI: "Realizing the Menezes-Okamoto-Vanstone (MOV) reduction efficiently for general alliptis curves"IEI. CE Trans. on Foundamentals. (to appear).
[Publications] A. MATSUO and K. NAGATOMO: "A note on free bosanic vertex algebra and its conformal vectors"J. Algebra. 212. 365-418 (1999)
[Publications] A. MATSO and K. NAGATOMO: "Axioms for vertex algebra and the locality of quantum fields"Memories of Math Soc. Japan. 4. (1999)
[Publications] M. MIKI.: "Toroidal and level O U^'_8 (<sl>^^^∧_<n+1>) actions on U_8(<gl>^^^∧_<n+1>) modules"J. Math. Phys.. 40. 3191-3210 (1999)
[Publications] A. Atsuji: "A Casorati -Weierstrass theorem for holomorphic maps invariant Q-field of helomorphic diffusions"Bull. Sci. Math.. 123. 371-383 (1999)
[Publications] A. Atsuji: "Remarks on harmoric maps into a core for stochastic complete manifolds"Proc. Japan Acad.. 75. 105-108 (1999)
[Publications] A. Atsuji: "A remark on a limiting behavior of the occupation times on unbounded domains of Browman motion"J. Math. Sci. University of Tokyo. (to appear).
[Publications] K. HIRACHI: "Construction of boundary onvariants and the logarithmic singularity of the Borgman kernel"Ann. Math.. (to appear).
[Publications] T. MORIOKA: "Regulari te de ondes Eastiques dans la reian Glancing des ondes P."Publ. RIMS. Kyoto Univ.. 35・4. 599-619 (1999)
[Publications] T. WADA: "A remark on long range scattering for the Hartree type eqation"Kyusyu J. Math.. (to appear).
[Publications] G. KOMATSU and M. KURANISHI(ed.): "Analysis and Geometry on Several Complex Variables Proceedings of 40 th Toniguchi Symposium"Birkkauser. (1999)
[Publications] 鈴木譲: "情報源符号化・無歪みデータ圧縮"培風館. (1999)