[Publications] Helfenbein J, Sandell J, Halldin C, Chalon S, Emond P, Okubo Y, Chou Y, Frangin Y, Douziech L, Gareau L, Swahn C, Besnard J, Frade L, Guilloteau D: "PET examination of three potent cocaine derivatives as specific radioligands for the sertonin transporter."Nuclear Medicine & Biology.. 26. 491-499 (1999)
[Publications] Hirai N, Uchida S, Maehara T, Okubo Y, Shimizu H: "Enhanced gamma (30-150 Hz) frequency in the human medial temporal lobe."Neuroscience.. 90. 1149-1155 (1999)
[Publications] Ito H, Okubo Y, Halldin C, Farde L: "Mapping of central D2 dopamine receptors in man using [11C]raclopride: PET with anatomic standardization technique."NeuroImage.. 9. 235-242 (1999)
[Publications] Sudo Y, Suhara T, Suzuki K, Okubo Y, Yoshikawa K, Uchide S, Sassa T, Okauchi T, Sasaki Y, Matsushita M: "Muscarinic receptor occupancy by biperiden in living human brain."Life Sciences.. 64. 104 (1999)
[Publications] Suhara T, Sudo Y, Okauchi T, Maeda J, Kawabe K, Suzuki K, Okubo Y, Y. N, Ito H, Tanada S, Halldin C, Farde L: "Extrastriatal dopamine D2 receptor density and affinity in the human brain measured by 3D PET."International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2. 73-82 (1999)
[Publications] Hirai N, Uchida S, Maehara T, Okubo Y, Shimizu H: "Beta-1(10-20 Hz) cortical oscillations observed in the human medial temporal lobe."Neuro Report.. 10. 3055-3059 (1999)
[Publications] Okubo Y, Olsson H, Ito H, Lofti M, Suhara T, Halldin C, Farde L: "PET mapping of extrastriatal D2-like dopamine receptors in the human brain using an anatomic standardization technique and and [11C]FLB457."NeuroImage.. 10. 666-674 (1999)
[Publications] Bergstrom KA, Halldin C, Savonen A, Okubo Y, Hiltunen J, Nobuhara K, Swahn CG, Karlsson P, McPherson D, Knapp FF, Larsson S, Schnell PO, Farde L,: "Iodine-123 labelled Z-(R,R)-IQNP: a potential radioligand for visualization of M-1 and M-2 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in Alzheimer's disease."European Journal of Nuclear Medicine.. 26(11). 1482-1485 (199)
[Publications] 大久保善朗: "精神分裂病の画像診断"Current Approaches to Psychoses.. 4. 57-59 (1999)
[Publications] 山本正浩,須原哲也,大久保善朗: "人格と脳機能画像"脳の科学. 21. 1069-1074 (1999)
[Publications] 一宮哲哉,大久保善朗: "精神分裂病と小脳"脳の科学. 21. 1265-1269 (1999)
[Publications] 大久保善朗: "脳機能のイメージングの最前線ー精神分裂病の神経伝達機能イメージングー.第14回ブレイン・ファッンクション・イメージング・カンファレンス記録集"東京.メジフィジックス. 97-102 (1999)