Research Abstract |
An experimental study of female hormone, estradiol, on porphyrin metabolism in lead poisoned rabbits, was conducted to clarify sex difference of FEP level. After preparatory feeding for 2 weeks, a total of 26 rabbits (male Japanese White, BW 3kg) were divided into 4 groups; group I (control, n=6), groupII (estradiol, n=6), groupIII (Pb, n=6), groupIV (estradiol+Pb, n=8). All rabbits of 4 groups wrere castrated. After 2-3 weeks from castration, estradiol (a dose; 3 mg/kg-BW, by 10mg/ml estradiol injection) was intramuscularly, and 2 weeks after, lead (a dose; 1.2mg/kg-BW, by 0.732% lead acetate-5% glucose solution) was intravenously injected once a week from starting administration of each drug through the end week of experiment. In the groups treated with lead (groupIII and groupIV), some biochemical changes in porphyrin metabolism developed with increase of Pb-B, i.e. a elevation of FEP level, decrease of ALA-D activity in erythrocytes, bone marrow and liver. In the groups treated with
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estradiol (groupII and group IV), no effect was observed in elevation of FEP level by estradiol alone and by synergism of lead and estradiol. However, ALA-D activity in erythrocytes, bone mar row and liver increased significantly in groupII (estradiol alone), Ht and Hb level decreased in groupII and suggested synergism of lead and estradiol, and serum iron decreased in groupII-IV at the end week of experiment. These results suggest that estradiol have effect on porphyrin metabolism, by extending the term of experiment or changing dose and the method of administration. From the results of this study, we feel keenly the need to determine ALA-S activity. On the other hand, GOT and GPT level increased in groupII and suggested synergism of lead and estradiol, so we should determine whether or not estradiol affects porphyrin metabolism in liver. And furthermore, it still remains to clarify the effect of the other sex hormone on porphyrin metabolism and to carry out similar study about female rabbits. Less