[Publications] 古田 喜彦: "あしかけ3世紀にまたがる育種学"学術の動向. 6(7). 74-76 (2001)
[Publications] TOMINAGA T., WELLER S. C.: "Reproductive strategy of a glyphosate tolerant field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis L.) biotype"Bull. Univ. Farm. Kyoto Pref. Univ.. 21. 1-8 (2001)
[Publications] 冨永 達: "地球温暖化による雑草の発生と分布の変化"農林水産技術研究ジャーナル. 24. 31-35 (2001)
[Publications] 冨永 達: "都市の雑草植生の特徴"植物調整. 35(10). 5-11 (2001)
[Publications] 冨永 達: "耕地雑草の農業への適応"日本生態学会誌. (印刷中). (2002)
[Publications] OHTA S.: "Variation and geographical distribution of the genotypes controlling the diagnostic spike morphology of two varieties"Genes & Genet. Syst.. 76(5). 305-310 (2001)
[Publications] 大田 正次, 落合雪野ほか: "日本海をめぐる民族植物学的研究 II"環境科学総合研究年報. 20(印刷中). (2001)
[Publications] OHTA S., KOTO M., OSADA T., MATSUYAMA A., FURUTA Y.: "Rediscovery of a diploid cytotype of Dasypyrum breviaristatum in Morocco"Genet. Res. Crop Evol.. 49(印刷中). (2002)
[Publications] OHTA S., MORISHITA M.: "Genome relationship in the genus Dasypyrum(Gramineae)"Hereditas. (印刷中). (2002)
[Publications] KATO K., NAKAMURA W., TABIKI T., MIURA H., SAWADA S.: "Detection of loci controlling seed dormancy on group 4 chromosomes of wheat comparative mapping with rice"Theor. Appl. Genet. and barley genomes. 102. 980-985 (2001)
[Publications] YAMAUCHI H., MIURA H.: "The bread-making quality of a domestic flour blended with an extra strong flour and staling of the bread"Food Sci. Tec. Res.. 7. 120-125 (2001)
[Publications] YAMAUCHI H., MIURA H.: "The quality of extra strong flour used in bread production with frozen dough"Food Sci. Tec. Res.. 7. 135-140 (2001)
[Publications] MIURA H., et al.: "Development of near-isogenic doubled haploids of wheat carrying different null Wx alleles and their starch"Euphytica. (印刷中). (2002)
[Publications] KATO K., MIURA H., SAWADA S.: "Characterization of QEet.ocs-5A.1, a quantitative trait locus for ear emergence time on wheat chromosome 5A"Plant Breeding. (印刷中). (2002)
[Publications] KATO K., MIURA H., SAWADA S.: "Molecular cloning of the wheat CK2α gene and detection of its linkage with Vrn-A1 on chromosome 5A"Theor. Appl. Genet.. (印刷中). (2002)
[Publications] Marquez-Cedillo L. A., SATO K., ULLRICH D. M.: "QTL analysis of agronomic traits in barley basedon the doubled haploid progeny of two elite North American varieties"Theor. Appl. Genet.. 103(4). 625-637 (2001)
[Publications] SATO K., INUKAI T., hayes P.M.: "QTL analysis of for resistance to the rice blast pathogen in barley"Theor. Appl. Genet.. 102. 916-920 (2001)
[Publications] COSTA J. M., SATO K., et al.: "Molecular mapping of the Oregon Wolfe barley"Theor. Appl. Genet.. 103. 415-424 (2001)
[Publications] TAKAHASHI H., SATO K., TAKEDA K.: "Mapping genes for deep-seeding tolerance in barley"Euphytica. 122. 37-43 (2001)
[Publications] MIYAZAKI E., et al. SATO K., SAITO A.: "Mapping of quantitative trait loci conferring to barley yellow mosaic virus in a chinese barley landrace, Mokusekko 3"Breeding Sci.. 51. 171-178 (2001)
[Publications] RAMAN H., MORONI J. S., SATO K., et al.: "Identification of AFLP and microsatellite makers linked with an aluminium tolerance gene in barley"Theor. Appl. Genet.. (印刷中). (2002)
[Publications] Furuta Y., OHTA S.: "A preliminary report of "The Gifu University Scientific Exploration in India in 2001 (GSEE01)""岐阜大学農学部. 14 (2002)
[Publications] Furuta Y., et al.: "A preliminary report of "The Gifu University Scientific Exploration in Pakistan in 2001 (GSEE01)""岐阜大学農学部. 23 (2001)
[Publications] Furuta Y., et al.: "A preliminary report of "The Gifu University Scientific Exploration in Eastern Eurasia in 2000 (GSEE00)""岐阜大学農学部. 27 (2002)
[Publications] Furuta Y., et al.: "A preliminary report of "The Gifu University Scientific Exploration in Eastern Eurasia in 1999 (GSEE99)""岐阜大学農学部. 35 (2000)
[Publications] 冨永 達: "雑草科学実験法:雑草標本の作製・保存方法"日本雑草学会. 6 (2001)
[Publications] 冨永 達: "新農学大辞典:雑草の生理生態"養賢堂(印刷中). (2002)
[Publications] 丹羽克昌: "パン小麦はどうやって誕生したか"講談社. 2 (2001)
[Publications] BOTHMER R. von, KNUPFFER H., van HINTUM Th., SATO K.: "Diversity in barley (Hordeum vulgare)"Elsevier Science(印刷中). (2002)