[Publications] F.Andres,K.Ono and S.Satoh: "Toward The MEdiaSys Video Search Engine (MEVISE)"5th IFIP 2.6 Working Conference on Visual Database Systems (VDB5) Fukuoka Japan. May10-12. (2000)
[Publications] F.Andres and K.Ono: "Toward an Enhancement of Textual Database Retrieval by Using NLP Techniques "5th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB'2000), Versailles, France. June 28-30. (2000)
[Publications] F.Andres and K.Ono: "MISE : The MediaSys Image Search Engine"11th Int.Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications DEXA'2000, London, Greenwich, the University of Geenwich, UK. September4-8. (2000)
[Publications] F.Andres and K.Ono: "Metadata Model, Resource Discovery, and Querying on Large Scale Multidimensional Datasets The GEREQ Project"ICDL'2000. (2000)
[Publications] F.Andres,Asanee Kawtrakul,K.Ono and et.al.: "The Experiment of Thai Document Indexing and Clustering for VLSHDS Project"Proceeding of the 7th International Workshop on Academic Information networks and Systems : WAINS7. 125-130 (2000)
[Publications] F.Andres and K.Ono: "A Flexible Approach to Retrieve Medicinal Plant Images"NII Journal. Vol.1. 23-32 (2000)
[Publications] F.Andres and K.Ono: "A Flexible Approach to Retrieve Images by Metadata"JST 2000. (2000)
[Publications] 北本、小野: "台風画像コネクションの構造および台風解析への応用"NII Journal. vol.1. 7-22 (2000)
[Publications] Napavarn Noparatnaraporn: "Advanced Information Networks and System : E-Business for the new Millennium"Proceedings of WAINS 7 International Workshop on Academic Information Networks and Systems. December7-8. i-iv (2000)
[Publications] Thaweesak Koanantakool: "e-Thailand Initiative"Proceedings of WAINS 7 International Workshop on Academic Information Networks and Systems. December7-8. ix-li (2000)
[Publications] Asanobu Kitamoto: "Enhancing the Quality of Typhoon Image Database using NOAA Satellite Data Received in Thailand"Proceedings of WAINS 7 International Workshop on Academic Information Networks and Systems. December7-8. 1-12 (2000)
[Publications] Shunji Murai and Kiyoshi Honda: "Environmental Data Acquisition and Distribution in Southeast Asia Surat Lertlum"Proceedings of WAINS 7 International Workshop on Academic Information Networks and Systems. December7-8. 13-18 (2000)
[Publications] Marc Gelgon: "Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Video for Efficient Access to Its Content : A Quick Overview"Proceedings of WAINS 7 International Workshop on Academic Information Networks and Systems. December7-8. 19-24 (2000)
[Publications] Virach Sornlertlamvanich: "Thai Lexical Semantic Annotation by UW"Proceedings of WAINS 7 International Workshop on Academic Information Networks and Systems. December7-8. 33-38 (2000)
[Publications] Mathieu Mangeot: "Papillon Lexical Database Project : Monolingual Dictionaries & Interlingual Links"Proceedings of WAINS 7 International Workshop on Academic Information Networks and Systems. December7-8. 39-44 (2000)
[Publications] Tasanee Methapisit: "The Usage of Japanese Aspectual Expression of Thai Learners"Proceedings of WAINS 7 International Workshop on Academic Information Networks and Systems. December7-8. 45-56 (2000)
[Publications] Nisa Hongsurakul: "A Web-based Multilingual Technical Dictionary Development Project Pitchaya Imerbsin"Proceedings of WAINS 7 International Workshop on Academic Information Networks and Systems. December7-8. 57-61 (2000)
[Publications] Noureddine Mouaddib: "Infrastructure for Digital Libraries : Survey and Outlook"Proceedings of WAINS 7 International Workshop on Academic Information Networks and Systems. December7-8. (2000)
[Publications] Frederic Andres: "VLSHDS Project"Proceedings of WAINS 7 International Workshop on Academic Information Networks and Systems. December7-8. (2000)
[Publications] Monthon Thanuttamavong: "Building a skeleton of a Multilingual Database from Bilingual Dictionaries"Proceedings of WAINS 7 International Workshop on Academic Information Networks and Systems. December7-8. 131-136 (2000)
[Publications] Asanee Kawtrakul: "STREDEO Project : The Development of Multimedia-Multilingual Document Storage, Retrieval and Delivery System for E-Organisation"Proceedings of WAINS 7 International Workshop on Academic Information Networks and Systems. December7-8. 137-144 (2000)
[Publications] Vuthichai Ampornaramveth: "Introduction to Research on Symbiotic Information Systems and an Agent-Based Robot Manipulator Sharing over the Internet"Proceedings of WAINS 7 International Workshop on Academic Information Networks and Systems. December7-8. 145-154 (2000)
[Publications] Vilas Wuwongse and Kiyoshi Akama: "Unifying Information Representations with XML Declarative Description"Proceedings of WAINS 7 International Workshop on Academic Information Networks and Systems. December7-8. 155-162 (2000)
[Publications] Puvana Himmakorn: "Semi-Automatic Extraction of Metadata from Multimedia Databases"Proceedings of WAINS 7 International Workshop on Academic Information Networks and Systems. December7-8. 163-170 (2000)
[Publications] Kinji Ono: "New Informatics Research and International Research Collaboration"Proceedings of WAINS 7 International Workshop on Academic Information Networks and Systems. December7-8. v-vii (2000)
[Publications] Vuthichai,Aizawa,Tasanee: "Automathic Word Lookup Service and Client tool for SAIkAM Online Dictionary"P1-6