[Publications] USHIJIMA, Teruo: "Equi-distant collocation method for periodic functions with kernel expression"Proceedings of Fifth China-Japan Joint Seminar on Numerical Mathematics. 220-226 (2002)
[Publications] USHIJIMA, Teruo, CHIBA, Fumihiro: "A fundamental solution method for the reduced wave problem in a domain exterior to a disc"Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Computational Mathematics. (to appear).
[Publications] USHIJIMA, Teruo, CHIBA, Fumihiro: "Error estimates for a fundamental solution method applied to reduced wave problems in a domain exterior to a disc"Proceedings of the Sixth Japan-China Joint Seminar. (to appear).
[Publications] Tatsuoki Takeda, Ali Liaqat, Makoto Fukuhara: "Neural network with residual minimization training as a general inverse solver"Proceedings of the International Workshop on Modern Science and Technology 2002. 145-150 (2002)
[Publications] Xiao Feng Ma, Tatsuoki Takeda: "Asymmetric Abel inversion by neural network for reconstruction of plasma density distribution"Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Vol.492,No.1-2. 178-189 (2002)
[Publications] Ali Liaqat, Makoto Fukuhara, Tatsuoki Takeda: "Optimal estimation of parameters of dynamical systems by neural network collocation method"Computer Physics Communications. Vol.150,No.3. 215-234 (2003)
[Publications] Ali Liaqat, Makoto Fukuhara, Tatsuoki Takeda: "Applying neural network collocation method to an incompletely known dynamical system via weak constraint data assimilation"Monthly Weather Review 2003. (to appear).
[Publications] H.M.Nasir, T.Kako, D.Koyama: "A mixed-type finite element approximation for radiation problems using fictitious domain method"Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. Vol.152. 377-392 (2003)
[Publications] CHIBA, Fumihiro, KAKO, Takashi: "Newmark's method and discrete energy applied to resistive MHD equation"Vietnam Journal of Mathematics. (to appear).
[Publications] KAKO, Takashi, NASIR, Haniffa Mohamed: "Domain decomposition method applied to a coupling vibration problem between shell and acoustics"Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering Thirteenth International Conference on Domain Decomposition. 487-493 (2002)
[Publications] Tohiyuki Koto: "Stability of Runge-Kutta methods for delay integro-differential equations"Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. Vol.145,No.2. 483-492 (2002)
[Publications] Toshiyuki Koto: "Stability analysis of numerical methods for delay integro-differential equations"京都大学数理解析研究所講究録. Vol.1265. 189-199 (2002)
[Publications] Yamamoto, N., Hayakawa, K.: "Error estimation with guaranteed accuracy of finite element method in nonconvex polygonal domains"Proceedings of the Sixth Japan-China Joint Seminar. (to appear).
[Publications] Toshiko Ogiwara, Ken-Ichi Nakamura: "Asymptotic behavior of solutions to a model of spiral crystal growth"数理解析研究所講究録. 1258「非線形拡散系とその周辺」. 72-84 (2002)
[Publications] Toshiko Ogiwara, Ken-Ichi Nakamura: "Asymptotic behavior of solutions for nonlinear diffusion equations"Proceedings of the second international conference on nonlinear analysis and convex analysis. (to appear). (2003)
[Publications] Ken-Ichi Nakamura, Hisashi Okamoto, Hiroki Yagisita: "Blow-up solutions appearing in the vorticity dynamics with linear strain"Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics. (to appear).
[Publications] D.Koyama: "A controllability method with an artificial boundary condition for the exterior Helmholtz problem"Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Vol.20,No.1. 117-145 (2003)
[Publications] H.Rui, M.Tabata: "A second order characteristic finite element scheme for convection-diffusion problems"Numerische Mathematik. Vol.92. 161-177 (2002)
[Publications] Hiroshi KANAYAMA, Daisuke TAGAMI, Koichiro IMOTO: "Effectiveness of the A-phi method for 3-D eddy current problems"Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Vol.51. 411-417 (2002)
[Publications] Hiroshi KANAYAMA, Ryuji SHIOYA, Daisuke TAGAMI, Satoshi MATSUMOTO: "3-D eddy current computation for a transformer tank"COMPEL. Vol.21,No.4. 554-562 (2002)
[Publications] S.Fujima, K.Ohmori: "Benchmark problems for numerical schemes to passively transported interfaces"Computational Fluid Dynamics Journal. (to appear).