2017 Fiscal Year Annual Research Report
Project/Area Number |
Research Institution | The University of Tokyo |
Principal Investigator |
今井 浩三 東京大学, 医科学研究所, 客員教授
Project Period (FY) |
2016 – 2021
Keywords | 生体試料支援 / コホート / 臨床検体 / 一般健常人 / 大規模ゲノム解析 |
Outline of Annual Research Achievements |
①総括支援活動 : 10.1万名の健常人コホートにより、経時的生活情報とともに血清、DNA等のバイオリソースを、また、がん、脳疾患、高齢者等から、倫理面に十分配慮された、1万件に達する生体試料を、それぞれ収集してきたが、これらの研究基盤リソースを提供するとともに、これをさらに全国規模で発展継続させ、生命科学研究者の独創的な基盤的研究に貢献しようとする、この分野における我が国最大規棋の支援である。当プラットフォームの支援活動自体が国民一人ひとりとの関わりが強い活動であることから、総括支援活動においては、その支援内容や知見について広く市民の理解を得られるよう、青少年を含む一般市民に向けた公開講座を、シンポジウム等とならんで首都圏以外の各地でも積極的に開催してきた。 ②一般健常人コホートを利用したバイオリソースの整備と活用支援、大規模バイオデータ解析支援、ならびに、発症情報を活用した支援として、肺腺癌の早期診断マーカー検証支援を公募・採択した。また生活習慣・健診データ(提供可能分は9.2万名)の整備、ゲノムワイド関連解析用タイピングデータとの結合を行い、提供準備を終えた。 ③ブレインリソースの整備と活用支援 : 剖検で得られた死後脳をオープンリソースとした、精神・神経疾患の解明を目指した研究支援のための、日本ブレインバンクネットワークの構築と、実質的な運用の促進を行った。生前同意登録範囲を沖縄まで拡大した。さらに、国際ブレインネットワークとの連携を試みた。 ④生体試料による支援活動 : 181課題に生体機能分子の高感度解析・技術支援と連携構築支援を実施。150課題にがん試料(組織、血液)を提供、8568試料を収集。論文23編に貢献。解析支援・試料支援体制を強化。普及・啓発講演を実施した。
Current Status of Research Progress |
Current Status of Research Progress
2: Research has progressed on the whole more than it was originally planned.
①総括支援活動 : これまで扱ってこなかった関東、東北、北海道などのコホートも加え、名実ともに我が国を代表するバイオリソースに育ちつつある。また、一般市民に対する公開講座等を首都圏以外の各地で積極的に開催して、国民の理解を得て進めようとしている。 ②一般健常人コホートを利用したバイオリソースの整備と活用支援、大規模バイオデータ解析支援 : 本プラットフォームおよび関連学会のホームページを通じた情報発信を実施した。また増加した発症アウトカム情報を活用し、肺腺癌の早期診断マーカー検証支援を公募、審査を経て2件を採択した。さらに「がん支援活動」以来継続している10.1万名のコホートについても、第二次調査、疾病罹患・死亡調査を継続し、研究支援として生体試料、データを提供できる体制を発展させた。とくに生活習慣・健診データの整備を行い、提供の準備を終えた。 ③ブレインリソースの整備と活用支援 : ブレインバンク拠点構築事業が大きく進展した。大阪大学ブレインバンクが、同大神経内科教授等の努力により構築され、生前同意登録制度、リソース保管施設の構築、主任研究者(特任教授)による神経病理診断援助などが整備されて、スタートした(既に4例の登録有り)。徳島大学神経内科では、高齢者ブレインバンクが凍結半脳の保管と固定半脳の診断援助を行なうことで、神経難病の凍結死後脳リソース構築(12例)を行った。 ④生体試料による支援活動 : 支援依頼者のニーズの検討、新規の高感度分子解析技術を導入した解析支援体制の整備、生体試料バンクの国際標準化を視野に入れた収集体制の整備、ヴァーチャルスライドによる組織形態学的支援体制の強化と支援内容・成果の広報・啓発を進めつつ、支援課題数は生体機能分子解析・技術・連携支援および生体試料収集・提供支援ともに平成29年度の研究支援実施計画を上回り、国際的にインパクトのある論文・学会発表に貢献した。
Strategy for Future Research Activity |
①総括支援活動 : 我が国にこれまで存在する他のコホート研究と連携して、統一された日本のコホート研究となるよう推進する。 ②一般健常人コホートを利用したバイオリソースの整備と活用支援、大規模バイオデータ解析支援 : 支援件数の増加を図るため、引き続き本プラットフォームのホームページ(HP)上で、提供可能な生体試料・データ、大規模バイオデータ解析支援の情報を発信する。また関係学会に、学会HPからの上記HPへのリンクによる情報提供を依頼する。さらに、がん早期診断マーカー検証支援の継続、GWAS用タイピングデータの提供、9.2万名分の生活習慣・健診データの提供など、支援メニューの充実を図る。 ③ブレインリソースの整備と活用支援 : 班長が日本神経病理学会、神経学会の要職に選任されたため、学会支援を元に、公約であるオールジャパンブレインバンクネットワーク構築と神経難病リソース構築を推進する。阪大型施設内ブレインバンク拠点、徳島大型委託保管ブレインバンク拠点を範例にして、拠点構築を拡充する。リソース利用の啓発活動を推進する。提供に関しては迅速化を図る一方、オプトアウト、リソースロケーション管理など、改訂ヒト対象医学研究倫理指針を遵守する ④生体試料による支援活動 : 多様な支援依頼者のニーズに迅速に対応してオンデマンド型の支援成果を研究者に還元するため、国際的にも先進的な分子解析支援技術のさらなる向上や新規技術の導入・強化を図り、その試料の質を国際水準以上に高めるために保存方法等を吟味し、併せて支援班内の連携、情報共有を強化し学際的共同研究の構築支援を行う。また、研究者コミュニティーや大学院教育の場でトップレベル研究者や若手向けの普及・啓発活動を積極的に展開し、支援の裾野を広げる。
[Journal Article] A genome-wide association study of coping behaviors suggests FBX045 is associated with emotional expression2019
Shimanoe C, Hachiya T, Hara M, Nishida Y, Tanaka K, Sutoh Y, Shimizu A, Hishida A, Kawai S, Okada R, Tamura T, Matsuo K, Ito H, Ozaki E, Matsui D, Ibusuki R, Shimoshikiryo I, Takashima N, Kadota A, Arisawa K, Uemura H, Suzuki S, Watanabe M, Kuriki K, Endo
Journal Title
Genes Brain Behav
Volume: 18
Pages: e12481
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Maternal undernutrition during early pregnancy inhibits postnatal growth of the tibia in the female offspring of rats by alteration of chondrogenesis.2018
Kimura T, Hino K, Kono T, Takano A, Nitta N, Ushio N, Hino S, Takase R, Kudo M, Daigo Y, Morita W, Nakao M, Nakatsukasa M, Tamagawa T, Rafiq AM, Matsumoto A, Otani H, Udagawa J.
Journal Title
Gen Comp Endocrinol.
Volume: 260
Issue: 1
Pages: 58-66
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Modification of the associations of alcohol intake with serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglycerides by ALDH2 and ADHIB polymorphisms in Japanese men2018
Sasakabe T, Wakai K, Kawai S, Hishida A, Naito M, Suzuki S, Nindita Y, Arisawa K, Kita Y, Hara M, Kuriyama N, Hirata A, Mikami H, Oze I, Kubo M, Tanaka H, Hamajima N.
Journal Title
Journal of Epidemiology
Volume: 28
Issue: 4
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] A genome-wide association study in the Japanese population identifies the 12q24 locus for habftual coffee consumption : The J-MICC Study2018
Nakagawa-Senda H, Hachiya T, Shimizu A, Hosono S, Watanabe M, Ito H, Hara M, Nishida Y, Kuriki K, Katsuura-Kamano S, Arisawa K, Nindita Y, Suzuki S, Hosono A, Mikami H, Nakamura Y, Takashima N, Nakamura Y, Kuriyama N, Wakai K, et al.
Journal Title
Sci Rep
Volume: 8
Issue: 1
Pages: 1493
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Association of genetic polymorphisms with erythrocyte traits : Verification of SNPs reported in a previous GWAS in a Japanese population2018
Seiki T, Naito M, Hishida A, Takagi S, Matsunaga T, Sasakabe T, Hattori Y, Kawai S, Okada R, Yin G, Hamajima N, Wakai K.
Journal Title
Volume: 642
Pages: 172-177
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Genome-wide association study identifies seven novel susceptibility loei for primary open-angle glaucoma2018
Shiga Y, Akiyama M, Nishiguchi K M, Sato K, Shimozawa N, Takahashi A, Momozawa Y, Hirata M, Matsuda K, Yamaji T, Iwasaki M, Tsugane S, Oze I, Mikami H, Naito M, Wakai K, Yoshikawa M, Miyake M, Yanaka T, et al.
Journal Title
Human Molecular Genetics
Volume: 27
Issue: 8
Pages: 1486-1496
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] A genome-wide association study in the Japanese population identifies the 12q24 locus for habitual coffee consumption : The J-MICC Study.2018
Nakagawa-Senda H, Hachiya T, Shimizu A, Hosono S, Oze I, Watanabe M, Matsuo K, Ito H, Hara M, Nishida Y, Endoh K, Kuriki K, et al.
Journal Title
Sci Rep
Volume: 8
Issue: 1
Pages: 1493
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] GWAS identifies two novel colorectal cancer loci at 16q24.1 and 20q13.12.2018
Tanikawa C, Kamatani Y, Takahashi A, Nagayama S, Mimori K, Mori M, Yasuda J, Tsuboi A, Shimizu A, Sasaki M, Yamaji T, Tsugane S, Naito M, Wakai K, Koyama T, Takezaki T, Yuji K, Murakami Y, Nakamura Y, Matsuda K, et al.
Journal Title
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Genome-wide association study for pollinosis identified two novel loci in interleukin (IL)-1B in a Japanese population2018
Fujii R, Hishida A, Wu M. C, Kondo T, Hattori Y, Naito M, Endoh K, Nakatochi M, Hamajima N, Kubo M, Kuriki K, Wakai K.
Journal Title
Nagoya Journal of Medical Science
Volume: 80
Pages: 109-120
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] A Common variant of MAF/c-MAF, transcriptional factor genc in the kidney, is associated with gout susceptjbility.2018
Toshihide Higashino, Hirotaka Matsuo, Yukinori Okada, Hiroshi Nakashima, Seiko Shimizu, Masayuki Sakiyama, Shin Tadokoro, Akiyoshi Nakayama, Makoto Kawaguchi, Mako Komatsu, Asahi Hishida, Masahiro Nakatochi, Hiroshi Ooyama, Junko Imaki, Nariyoshi Shinomiy
Journal Title
Human Cell
Volume: 31
Pages: 10-13
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Unusual tau pathology of the cerebellum in patients with amyotrophic latoral sclerosis/parkinsonism-dementia complex from the kii peninsula, Japan.2018
Morimoto S, Hatsuta H, Kokubo Y, Nakano Y, Hasegawa M, Yoneda M, Hirokawa Y, Kuzuhara S, Shiraishi T, Murayama S.
Journal Title
Brain Pathol
Volume: 28
Issue: 2
Pages: 287-291
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Clinicopathological characteristics of distant metastases of adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and urothelial carcinoma : An autopsy study of older Japanese patients.2018
Matsuda Y, Seki A, Nonaka K, Kakizaki M, Wang T, Aida J, Ishikawa N, Nakano Y, Kaneda D, Takata T, Takahashi-Fujigasaki J, Murayama S, Takubo K, Ishiwata T, Sawabe M, Arai T.
Journal Title
Geriatr Gerontol Int.
Volume: 18
Issue: 2
Pages: 211-215
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Identification of somatic mutations in postmortem human brains by whole gonome scquencing and their implications for psychiatric disorders.2018
Nishioka M, Bundo M, Ueda J, Katsuoka F, Sato Y, Kuroki Y, Ishii T, Ukai W, Murayama S, Hashimoto E, Nagasaki M, Yasuda J, Kasai K, Kato T, Iwamoto K.
Journal Title
Psychiatry Clin Neurosci
Volume: 72
Issue: 4
Pages: 280-294
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Intractable epilepsy due to a rosette-forming glioneuronal tumor with a dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial background.2018
Sumitomo N, Ishiyama A, Shibuya M, Nakagawa E, Kaneko Y, Takahashi A, Otsuki T, Kakita A, Saito Y, Sato N, Sugai K, Sasaki M.
Journal Title
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Complement activation in capillary cerebral amyloid angiopathy.2018
Matsuo K, Shindo A, Niwa A, Tabei KI, Akatsu H, Hashizume Y, Akiyama H, Ayaki T, Maki T, Sawamoto N, Takahashi R, Oikawa S, Tomimoto H.
Journal Title
Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord.
Volume: 44
Pages: 343-353
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Targeting tyro3 ameliorates a model of PGRN-mutant FTLD-TDP via tau-mediated synaptic pathology.2018
Fujita K, Chen X, Homma H, Tagawa K, Amano M, Saito A, Imoto S, Akatsu H, Hashizume Y, Kaibuchi K, Miyano S, Okazawa H.
Journal Title
Nat Commun.
Volume: 9
Issue: 1
Pages: 433
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] High co-expression of IL-34 and M-CSF correlates with tumor progression and poor survival in lung cancers2018
Baghdadi M, Endo H, Takano A, Ishikawa K, Kameda Y, Wada H, Miyagi Y, Yokose T, Ito H, Nakayama H, Daigo Y, Suzuki N, Seino K
Journal Title
Sci Rep
Volume: 8
Pages: 418
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Mogamulizumab (Anti-CCR4) in HTLV-1-Associated myelopathy2018
Sato T, Coler-Reilly A, Yagishita N, Araya N, Inoue E, Furuta R, Watanabe T, Uchimaru K, Matsuoka M, Matsumoto N, Hasegawa Y, Yamano Y
Journal Title
N Engl J Med
Volume: 378
Pages: 529-538
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Azacitidine effectively reduces TP53-mutant leukemic cell burden in sccondary acute myeloid leukemia after cord blood transplantation2018
Takei T, Yokoyama K, Nakamura S, Yusa N, Shimizu E, Kasajima R, Ogawa M, Tanoue S, Konuma T, Takahashi S, Kobayashi A, Yamazaki M, Yamaguchi R, Imoto S, Miyano S, Tojo A
Journal Title
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] The effect of forcod expression of mutated K-RAS gene on gastrointestinal cancer cell lines and the IGF-IR targeting therapy.2017
Matsunaga Y, Adachi Y, Sasaki Y, Koide H, Motoya M, Nosho K, Takagi H, Yamamoto H, Sasaki S, Arimura Y, Tokino T, Carbone DP, Imai K, Shinomura Y.
Journal Title
Mol Careinog
Volume: 56
Issue: 2
Pages: 515-526
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] HEGI is a novel mucin-like membrane protein that serves as a diagnostic and therapeutic target for malignant mesothelioma.2017
Tsuji S, Washimi K, Kageyama T, Yamashita M, Matsuura R, Yokose T, Kamada Y, Hayashi H, Morohoshi T, Tsuura Y, Yusa T, Sato T, Togayachi A, Narimatsu H, Nagasaki T, Nakamoto K, Moriwaki Y, Misawa H, Hiroshima K, Miyagi Y, Imai K.
Journal Title
Sci Rep
Volume: 7
Pages: 45768
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Macronutrient intakes and serum oestrogen, and interaction with polymorphisms in CYP19A1 and HSD17B1 genes : a cross-sectional study in postmenopausal Japanese women2017
Takagi S, Naito M, Kawai S, Okada R, Nagata C, Hosono S, Nishida Y, Takashima N, Suzuki S, Shimoshikiryo I, Mikami H, Uemura H, Kuriyama N, Ohnaka K, Kubo M, Hamajima N, Tanaka H, Wakai K.
Journal Title
British Journal of Nutrition
Volume: 118
Issue: 6
Pages: 463-472
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Identification of six new genetic loci associated with atrial fibrillation in the Japancse population2017
Low S-K, Takahashi A, Ebana Y, Ozaki K, Ogishima S, Yamamoto M, Satoh M, Sasaki M, Yamaji T, Iwasaki M, Tsugane S, Tanaka K, Naito M, Wakai K, Tanaka H, Furukawa T, Kubo M, Ito K, Kamatani Y, Tanaka T, et al.
Journal Title
Nature Genetics
Volume: 49
Issue: 6
Pages: 953-958
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Genetic variants of RAMP2 and CLR are associated with stroke2017
Koyama T, Kuriyama N, Ozaki E, Matsui D, Watanabe I, Takeshita W, Iwai K, Watanabe Y, Xakatochi M, Tanaka K, Ito H, Uemura H, Katsuura-Kamano S, Kadota A, Kawai S, Sasakabe T, Okada R, Hishida A, Naito M, Kuriki K, et al.
Journal Title
J Atheroscler Thromb
Volume: 24
Issue: 12
Pages: 1267-1281
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Interactions between inflammatory gene polymorphisms and HTLV-I infection for total death, incidence of cancer, and atherosclerosis-related diseases among the Japanese population.2017
Kairupan TS, Ibusuki R, Kheradmand M, Sagara Y, Mantjoro EM, Nindita Y, Niimura H, Kuwabara K, Ogawa S, Tsumematsu-Nakahata N, Nerome Y, Owaki T, Matsushita T, Maenohara S, Yamaguchi K, Takezaki T.
Journal Title
J Epidemiol
Volume: 27
Pages: 420-427
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Association analysis identifies 65 new breast cancer risk loci2017
Michailidou K, Lindström S, Dennis J, Beesley J, Dicks E, Keeman R, Eilber U, Qing Chen X, Fachal L, McCue K, McCart Reed AE, Ghoussaini M, Carroll JS, Jiang X, Carraecdo A, Carter BD, Castelao JE, Chan TL, David Cheng TY, Bader GD, et al.
Journal Title
Volume: 551
Issue: 7678
Pages: 92-94
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Decrease in PSCA expression caused by helicobacter pylori infection may promote progression to severe gastritis2017
Toyoshima O, Tanikawa C, Yamamoto R, Watanabe H, Yamashita H, Sakitani K, Yoshida S, Kubo M, Matsuo K, Ito H, Koike K, Seto Y, Matsuda K.
Journal Title
Volume: 9
Issue: 3
Pages: 3936-3945
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Cardiovascular disease prevalence and insulin resistance in the Kyushu-Okinawa population study and the framingham offspring study.2017
Ikezaki H, Ai M, Schaefer EJ, Otokozawa S, Asztalos BF, Nakajima K, Zhou Y, Liu CT, Jacques PF, L. Cupples LA, Furusyo N.
Journal Title
Journal of Clinical Lipidology
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Pages: 348-356
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Accuracy of self-reported height, weight and waist circumference in a Japanese sample2017
Okamoto, N. Hosono, A. Shibata, K. Tsujimura, S. Oka, K. Fujita, H. Kamiya, M. Kondo, F. Wakabayashi, R. Yamada, T. Suzuki, S.
Journal Title
Obesity science & practice.
Volume: 3
Issue: 4
Pages: 417-24
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Excess APP O-glycosylation by GalNAc-T6 decreases Aβ production.2017
Akasaka-Manya K, Kawamura M, Tsumoto H, Saito Y, Kitazume S, Hatsuta H, Miura Y, Hisanaga S, Murayama S, Hashimoto Y, Manya H, Endo, T.
Journal Title
J Biochem.
Volume: 161
Issue: 1
Pages: 99-111
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] LRRK2 Levels and phosphorylation in Parkinson's disease brain and cases with restricted Lewy bodies.2017
Dzamko N, Gysbers AM, Bandopadhyay R, Bolliger MF, Uchino A, Zhao Y, Takao M, Wauters S, van de Berg, WD, Takahashi-Fujigasaki J, Nichols RJ, Holton JL, Murayama S, Halliday GM.
Journal Title
Mov Disord.
Volume: 32
Issue: 3
Pages: 423-432
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Homovanillic acid and 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid as biomarkers for demcntia with Lowy bodies and coincident Alzheimer's disease : An autopsy-confirmed study.2017
Morimoto S, Takao M, Hatsuta H, Nishina Y, Komiya T, Sengoku R, Nakano Y, Uchino A, Sumikura H, Saito Y, Kanemaru K, Murayama S.
Journal Title
PLoS One
Volume: 12
Issue: 2
Pages: e0171524
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Histopathology and florbetaben PET in patients incorrectly diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.2017
Sabbagh MN, Schauble B, Anand K, Richards D, Murayama S, Akatsu H, Takao M, Rowe CC, Masters CL, Barthel H, Gertz HJ, Peters O, Rasgon N, Jovalekic A, Sabri O, Schulz-Schaeffer WJ and Seibyl J
Journal Title
J Alzheimers Dis.
Volume: 56
Issue: 2
Pages: 441-446
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Beyond the midbrain atrophy : wide spectrum of structural MRI finding in cases of pathologically proven progressive supranuclear palsy.2017
Sakurai K, Tokumaru AM, Shimoji K, Murayama S, Kanemaru K, Morimoto S, Aiba I, Nakagawa M, Ozawa Y, Shimohira M, Matsukawa N, Hashizume Y and Shibamoto Y.
Journal Title
Volume: 59
Issue: 5
Pages: 431-443
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Technical feasibility of visualizing myenteric plexus using confocal lasor endomicroscopy.2017
Kobayashi M, Sumiyama K, Shimojima N, Shimojima N, Ieiri S, Okano H, Kamba S, Fujimura T, Hirobe S, Kuroda T, Takahashi-Fujigasaki J.
Journal Title
J Gastroenterol Hepatol
Volume: 32
Issue: 9
Pages: 1604-10
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Neuron-specific methylome analysis reveals epigenetic regulation and tau-related dysfunction of BRCA1 in Alzheimer's disease.2017
Mano T, Nagata K, Nonaka T, Tarutani A, Koshi-Mano K, Tsuchida T, Ohtomo R, Takahashi-Fujigasaki J, Yamashita S, Ohyagi Y, Yamazaki R, Tsuji S, Tamaoka A, Ikeuchi T, Saido CT, Iwatsubo T, Ushijima T, Murayama S, Hasegawa M, Iwata A, et al.
Journal Title
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.
Volume: 114
Issue: 45
Pages: E9645-E9654
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Reduccd LRRK2 in association with retromer dysfunction in postmortem brain tissue from LRRK2 mutation carriers.2017
Zhao Y, Perera G, Takahashi-Fujigasaki J, Mash DC, Paul J, Vonsattel G, Uchino A, Hasegawa K, Nichols RJ, Holton JL, Murayama S, Dzamko N, Halliday GM.
Journal Title
Volume: 141
Issue: 2
Pages: 486-495
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Transgenic monkey model of the polyglutamine diseases recapitulating progressive nourological symptoms.2017
Tomioka I, Ishibashi H, Motohashi HH, Takayama O, Saito Y, Nakatani T, Nogami N, Yamamoto K, Tanaka Y, Suzuki H, Kikuchi H, Aizawa S, Nagano S, Yamada D, Nishino I, Ichinohe N, Wada K, Kohsaka S, Nagai Y, Seki K, et al.
Journal Title
Volume: 4
Issue: 2
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Re-evaluation of soluble APP-α and APP-β in cerebrospinal fluid as potential biomarkers for early diagnosis of dementia disorders2017
Araki W, Hattori K, Kanemaru K, Yokoi Y, Omachi Y, Takano H, Sakata M, Yoshida S, Tsukamoto T, Murata M, Saito Y, Kunugi-H, Komori T, Arima K, Isbii K, Murayama S, Matsuda H, Tachimori H, Araki YM, Mizusawa H, et al.
Journal Title
Biomark Res
Volume: 5
Pages: 28
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Comparative analysis of cortical microinfarcts and microbleeds using 3.0-tesla postmortem magnetic resonance images and histopathology.2017
Niwa A, Ii Y, Shindo A, Matsuo K, Ishikawa H, Taniguchi A, Takase S, Maeda M, Sakuma H, Akatsu H, Hashizume Y, Tomimoto H
Journal Title
J Alzheimers Dis.
Volume: 59
Issue: 3
Pages: 951-959
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Decreased 16 : 0/20 : 4-phosphatidylinositol level in the post-mortem prefrontal cortex of elderly patients with schizophrenia.2017
Matsumoto J, Nakanishi H, Kunji Y, Sugiura Y, Yuki D, Wada A, Hino M, Niwa SI, Kondo T, Waki M, Hayasaka T, Masaki N, Akatsu H, Hashizume Y, Yamamoto S, Sato S, Sasaki T,
Journal Title
Sci Rep
Volume: 23
Issue: 7
Pages: 45050
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Deficiency of a sulfotransferase for sialic acid-modified glycans mitigates Alzheimer's pathology.2017
Zhang Z, Takeda-Uchimura Y, Foyez T, Ohtake-Niimi S, Narentuya, Akatsu H, Nishitsuji K, Michikawa M, Wyss-Coray T, Kadomatsu K, Uchimura K.
Journal Title
Proc Nat1 Acad Sci U S A.
Volume: 14
Pages: 114
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Downregulation of GNA13-ERK network in prefrontal cortex of schizophrenia brain identified by combined focused and targeted quantitative proteomics.2017
Hirayama-Kurogi M, Takizawa Y, Kunii Y, Matsumoto J, Wada A, Hino M, Akatsu H, Hashizume Y, Yamamoto S, Kondo T, Ito S, Tachikawa M, Niwa SI, Yabe H, Terasaki T, Setou M, Ohtsuki S.
Journal Title
J Proteomics.
Volume: 158
Pages: 31-42
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] High-speed and scalable whole-brain imaging in rodents and primates2017
Seiriki K, Kasai A, Hashimoto T, Schulze W, Nakazawa T, Inoue KI, Uezono S, Takada M, Igarashi H, Tanuma M, Tanaka KFyasu K, Shintani N, Hashimoto R, Hino M, Matsumoto J, Fujita K, Matsuda T, Takuma K, Baba A, Hashimoto H, et al.
Journal Title
Volume: 94
Issue: 6
Pages: 1085-1100
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] PKA activation and endothelial claudin-5 breakdown in the schizophrenic prefrontal cortex2017
Nishiura K, Ichikawa-Tomikawa N, Sugimoto K, Kunii Y, Kashiwagi K, Tanaka M, Yokoyama Y, Hino M, Sugino T, Yabe H, Takahashi H, Kakita A, Imura T, Chiba H
Journal Title
Volume: 8
Issue: 55
Pages: 93382-93391
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Inactivating mutations and hypermethylation of the NKX2-1/TTF-1 gene in non-terminal respiratory unit-type lung adenocarcinomas2017
Matsubara D, Soda M, Yoshimoto T, Amano Y, Sakuma Y, Yamato A, Ueno T, Kojima S, Shibano T, Hosono Y, Kawazu M, Yamashita Y, Endo S, Hagiwara K, Fukayama M, Takahashi T, Mano H, Niki T
Journal Title
Cancer Sci
Volume: 108
Issue: 9
Pages: 1888-1896
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] 自家末梢血幹細胞移植が奏効したK-RAS/N-RAS変異陽性double-refractory myeloma2017
神保 光児, 横山 和明, 小川 弥穂, 平野 光人, 越智 清純, 小林 真之, 遊佐 希, 清水 英悟, 川俣 豊隆, 安井 寛, 大野 伸広, 山口 類, 井元 清哉, 古川 洋一, 宮野 悟, 今井 陽一, 東條 有伸
Journal Title
Volume: 58
Pages: 2380-2385
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Epidemiological and clinical features of adult T-cell leukemia-lymphoma (ATL) in Japan, 2010-2011 : a nationwide survey2017
Nosaka K, Iwanaga M, Imaizumi Y, Ishitsuka K, Ishizawa K, Ishida Y, Amano M, Ishida T, Uike N, Utsunomiya A, Ohshima K, Kawai K, Tanaka J, Tokura Y, Tobinai K, Watanabe T, Uchimaru K, Tsukasaki K
Journal Title
Cancer Sci
Volume: 108
Pages: 2478-2486
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Evaluation of the sensitivity and specificity performance of the Elecsys® HTLV-I/II assay in a multicenter study in Europe and Japan2017
Laperche S, Sauleda S, Piron M, Mohlbacher A, Schennach H, Schottstedt V, Queirós L, Uno N, Yanagihara K, Imdahl R, Hey A, Klinkicht M, Melchior W, Muench P, Watanabe T
Journal Title
J Clin Microbiol
Volume: 55
Pages: 2180-2187
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Cancor progression by reprogrammed BCAA metabolism in myeloid leukemia2017
Hattori A, Tsunoda M, Konuma T, Kobayashi M, Nagy T, McSkimming D, Beattie N, Kannan N, Tojo A, Edison A, Ito T
Journal Title
Volume: 545
Pages: 500-504
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Different clonal dynamics of chronic myeloid leukaemia betwecn bone marrow and the central nervous system2017
Ogawa M, Yokoyama K, Hirano M, Jimbo K, Ochi K, Kawamata T, Ohno N, Shimizu E, Yokoyama N, Yamaguchi R, Imoto S, Uchimaru K, Takahashi N, Miyano S, Imai Y, Tojo A
Journal Title
Peer Reviewed
[Presentation] QTL GWAS of serum anti-helicobacter pylori IgG in Japanese-data from the J-MICC Study2018
Asahi Hishida, Masahiro Nakatochi, Sayo Kawai, Rieko Okada, Daisuke Matsui, Teruhide Koyama, Isao Watanabe, Etsuko Ozaki, Nagato Kuriyama, Yoshiyuki Watanabe, Akihiro Hosono, Miki Watanabe, Sadao Suzuki, Isao Oze, Hidemi Ito, Keitaro Matsuo, Yukihide Momo
[Presentation] Development and molecular analysis of synthetic lethality by targeting EZHI and EZH2 in T cell lymphomas2018
Yamagishi M, Hori M, Fujikawa D, Honma D, Adachi N, Ohsugi T, Nakano K, Nakashima M, Kobayashi S, Iwanaga M, Utsunomiya A, Okada S, Tsukasaki K, Tobinai K, Araki K, Watanabe T, Uchimaru K
10th Annual T-Celll Lymphoma Forum
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] EZH1/2, SWI/SNF, and MLL2 dependent heterochromatin formation and abnormal transcriptome in hematological malignancies2018
Yamagishi Makoto, Fujikawa Dai, Hori Makoto, Honma Daisuke, Adachi Nobuaki, Kobayashi Seiichiro, Iwanaga Masako, Utsunomiya Atae, Okada Seiji, Tsukasaki Kunihiro, Tobinai Kensei, Araki Kazushi, Watanabe Toshiki, Uchimaru Kaoru
59th ASH Annual Meeting & Exposition
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Association between objectively measured physical activity and methylation of PYCARD gene in the Japanese general population2017
Yuichiro Nishida, Yasuki Higaki, Naoto Taguchi, Megumi Hara, Kazuyo Nakamura, Hinako Nanri, Takeshi Imaizumi, Tatsuhiko Sakamoto Mikako Horita, Koichi Shinchi, Chisato Shimanoe, Ken Higashimoto, Hidenobu Soejima, and Keitaro Tanaka
The 21st International Epidemiological Association (IEA) World Congress of Epidemiology
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Rccurrent myb rearrangement in blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm2017
Kyogo Suzuki, Yusuke Okuno, Yuka Suzuki, Asahito Hama, Hideki Muramatsu, Masahiro Nakatochi, Masaharu Gunji, Daisuke Ichikawa, Motoharu Hamada, Rieko Taniguchi, Shinsuke Kataoka, Norihiro Murakami, Daiei Kojima, Yuko Sekiya, Eri Nishikawa, Nozomu Kawashim
The 22nd Congress of the European Hematology Association
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Genome wide association study on pollinosis in a Japancse population : The J-MICC Study.2017
Ryosuke FUJII, Asahi HISHIDA, Wu MC, Takaaki KONDO, Mariko NAITO, Yuta HATTORI, Masahiro NAKATOCHI, Kaori ENDOH, Kiyonori KURIKI, Nobuyuki HAMAJIMA, Kenji WAKAI
The 21st International Epidemiological Association (IEA) World Congress of Epidemiology (WCE2017)
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] The association between the TLR2 gene and risk of H. pylorirelated gastric atrophy detected by SKAT.2017
Hishida Asahi, Fujii Ryosuke, Nakatochi Masahiro, Kawai Sayo, Oze Isao, Matsuo Keitaro, Tamai Yuya, Suzuki Sadao, Kuriyama Nagato, Watanabe Yoshiyuki, Naito Mariko, Wakai Kenji
[Presentation] Genome-wide association meta-analysis of usual sleep duration in 31,703 Japanese population2017
T. Nishiyama, C. Wang, M. Nakatochi, A. Hishida, M. Naito, K. Wakai, M. Kubo, A. Goto, M. Iwasaki, A. Hozawa, M. Yamamoto, T. Hachiya, A. Shimizu, K. Tanno, M. Sasaki, S. Suzuki.
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Relationship of genetic and clinical factors and prevalence of CKD in a Japanese population : J-MICC Study2017
R. Fujii, A. Hishida, M. Nakatochi, N. Furusho, H. Ikezaki, K. Tanaka, C. Shimanoe, S. Suzuki, T. Koyama, N. Kuriyama, R. Ibusuk I. Shimoshikiryo, N. Takashima, TC. Turin, K. Kuriki, K. Endoh, H. Mikami, H. Nagase, I. Oze, H. Ito, et al.
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Possible confounding of genetic associations by alcohol consumption in GWAS meta-analysis of usual sleep duration.2017
Takeshi Nishiyama, Chaochen Wang, Masahiro Nakatochi, Mariko Naito, Kenji Wakai, Michiaki Kubo, Atsushi Goto, Motoki Iwasaki, Atsushi Hozawa, Masayuki Yamamoto, Atsushi Shimizu, Tsuyoshi Hachiya, Kozo Tanno, Makoto Sasaki, Sadao Suzuki
日本人類遺伝学会 第62回大会
[Presentation] Possible Human-to-Human transmission of cerebral β-Amyloidosis via cadaveric dura matter grafting.2017
Yamada M, Hamaguchi T, Taniguchi Y, Sakai K, Kitamoto T, Takao M, Murayama S, Iwasaki Y, Yoshida M, Shimizu H, Naiki H, Sanjo M, Mizusawa H
Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC 2017).
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] The brain bank for aging research project, Tokyo, Japan.2017
Murayama S, Sengoku R., Takada T, Matsubara T, Yamazaki M, Kobayashi M, Sakashita Y, Shibukara M, Morimoto S, Motoyama R, Hiroyoshi Y, Higashihara M, Nishina Y, Kanemaru K, Yanagisawa K, Saito Y
23th World Congress of Neurology
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] 進行性核上性麻痺の臨床画像病理関連2017
金田大太, 高田忠幸, 中野雄太, 石井賢二, 德丸阿耶, 金丸和富, 仙石錬平, 島田 斉, 佐原成彦, 須原哲也, 藤ヶ﨑純子, 村山繁雄
[Presentation] 美原記念病院ブレインバンクからの年次報告(2016年度)2017
田野光敏, 田村未来, 佐藤愛海, 青柳真一, 飯島仁美, 谷津隆之, 諏訪部 桂, 木村浩晃, 高橋陽子, 相澤勝健, 赤津裕康, 村山繁雄, 高尾樹, 美原 盤, 美原恵里, 美原 樹
[Presentation] 「ブレインバンク」ドナー登録者の意識-高齢遺族のグリーフケアにかかる予備的研究-2017
小幡真希, 畠山幸子, 松原知康, 坂下泰浩, 小林万希子, 高田忠幸, 東原真奈, 仙石錬平, 仁科裕史, 広吉祐子, 森島真帆, 金丸和富, 古田光, 新井冨生, 村山繁雄
[Presentation] 神経細胞特異的DNAメチローム解析によるレビー小体病の新規病態の探索2017
土田剛行, 坂内太郎, 野間達雄, 永田健一, 山下 聡, 藤ヶ﨑純子, 村山繁雄, 西道隆臣, 牛島俊和, 辻 省次, 岩田 淳
[Presentation] Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease associated with PRNP V180I-129M mutation as a cause of dementia in elderly individuals.2017
Takao M, Kimura H, Mihara B, Kanda T, Yoshizawa K, Koide M, Arai K, Arai Y, Hirose N, Mimura M, Kitamoto T.
The 93rd Annual Meeting, American Association of Neuropathologists, Inc.,
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Neuropathological study of two cases with false positive real time quakeinduced conversion result of cerebrospinal fluid for prion protein.2017
Murayama S, Motoyama R, Shimizu S, Nakano Y, Fujigasaki J, Sengoku R, Sato K, Takao M.
The 93rd Annual Meeting, American Association of Neuropathologists, Inc.,
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] 美原記念病院ブレインバンクからの年次報告2017
田野光俊, 田村未来, 佐藤愛美, 青柳真一, 飯島仁美, 谷津隆之, 諏訪部桂, 木村浩晃, 高橋陽子, 相澤勝健, 赤津祐康, 村山繁雄, 高尾昌樹, 美原盤, 美原恵理, 美原樹
[Presentation] 遺伝子改変技術を用いた精神・神経疾患モデル霊長類の作出と評価(S-1-3)2017
関和彦, 富岡郁夫, 永井義隆, 齊藤祐子, 石橋英俊, 花川隆, 尾張健介, 野上尚武, 小泉昌司, 皆川栄子, 中谷輝実, 川野邊哲代
[Presentation] 盗汗で発症し、治療後再発に至った中枢神経浸潤を伴うBurkitt Lymphomaの78歳男性の1解剖例(P-1-H04)2017
永迫友規, 藤野悟央, 内尾直裕, 平賢一郎, 那須涼, 寺尾安生, 清水潤, 辻省次, 國松聡, 高橋美和子, 百瀬敏光, 池村雅子, 村山繁雄, 齊藤祐子
[Presentation] 国立精神・神経医療研究センターブレインバンク 年次報告(P-2-C10)2017
齊藤祐子, 村山繁雄, 柿田明美, 吉田眞理, 入谷修司, 横田修, 寺田修司, 大島健一, 矢部博興, 國井泰人, 井上悠輔, 田中紀子, 村田美穂, 水澤英洋
[Presentation] Transgenic monkey model of the polyglutamine disease recapitulating progressive neurological symptoms and polyglutamine protein inclusions2017
Nagai Y, Tomioka H, Ishibashi H, Minakawa E N, Motohasi H H, Takayama O, Saito Y, Popiel H A, Puentes S, Owari K, Nakatani T, Nogami N, Yamamoto K, Noguchi S, Nagano S, Nishino I, Ichinohe N, Wada K, Kohsaka S, Seki k
XXIII World Congress of Nourology
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Establishment of Japan brain bank net2017
Saito Y, Kakita A, Yoshida M, Murayama S, Iritani S, Yokota O, Terada S, Ohshima K, Yasuta K, Yabe H, Inoue Y, Tanaka N, Motoyoshi Y, Murata M, Mizusawa, H
XXIII World Congress of Neurology
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] 死後脳内において高頻度にコピー数多型(CNV)が観察された統合失調症3症例の臨床的特徴について2017
長岡敦子, 國井泰人, 松本純弥, 和田明, 日野瑞城, 丹羽真一, 那波宏之, 高橋均, 柿田明美, 赤津裕康, 橋詰良夫, 山本左近, 尾関祐二, 矢部博興
[Presentation] Phase 1/2 study of mogamulizumab, an anti-CCR4 Monoclonal antibody, in Patients with HTLV-1-associated myelopathy(HAM/TSP)2017
Yamano Y, Sato T, A. Coler-Reilly, Yanagisawa N, Araya N, Inoue E, Furuta R, Watanabe T, Uchimaru K, Matsuoka M, Matsumoto N, Hasegawa Y
XXIII World Congress of Neurology
Int'l Joint Research