Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S)
In order to study circulation of matter in the Galaxy by measuring physical status and global distribution of ionized gas, we have installed a 1-m infrared telescope at the summit of Mt.Chajnantor (elevation 5640m) in Atacama desert in republic of Chile. We successfully observed the hydrogen Paschen alpha line, which shows that the site is one of the best sites for infrared astronomy, We have started a wide-field survey of the galactic plane in Paschen alpha line to measure distribution of ionized gas quantitatively.
All 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 Other
All Journal Article (19 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 11 results) Presentation (11 results) Remarks (1 results)
Astrophysical Journal 711巻
Pages: 461-483
Astrophysical Journal 700巻
Pages: 1680-1685
Proceedings of the SPIE 7021
Pages: 702128
Proceedings of the SPIE
Pages: 7018, 701853
Proceedings of the SPIE 7018
Pages: 70184H
Proceedings of the SPIE 7014
Pages: 701428
Pages: 70142T
Proceedings of the SPIE 7012
Pages: 701244
Pages: 701243
Pages: 70122T
Astrophysical Journal 672巻
Pages: 398-409
Publications of Astronomical Society of Japan 59巻
Pages: 811-826
Astrophysical Journal 663巻
Pages: 781-798
Astrophysical Journal 649巻
Pages: 753-758
Astrophysical Journal 648巻
Pages: 355-365
Astrophysical Journal 646巻
Pages: 1050-1058
Pages: 1024-1037
Astronomical Journal 132巻
Pages: 2653-2664
Astrophysical Journal 626巻
Pages: 261-266