Outline of Annual Research Achievements |
Based on interviews and quantitative analysis, the researchers identified the predictors and enablers, including organizational virtuousness, of subjective well-being and job performance in global firms in France and Japan. During 2018 academic year, Remy Magnier-Watanabe, Toru Uchida, Philppe Orsini, and Caroline Benton published two research papers in international referred-journals and one in an international conference referred-proceedings. These are as follows. 1) Magnier-Watanabe, R., Benton, C., Uchida, T., Orsini, P. (2019). Designing jobs to make employees happy? Focus on job satisfaction first. Social Science Japan Journal, 22(1), pp. 85-107. (journal referred) 2) Magnier-Watanabe, R., Uchida, T., Orsini, P., Benton, C. (2018). The mediating role of subjective well-being on organizational virtuousness and job performance: A comparison between France and Japan. Journal of Strategic Management Studies, 10(1), pp. 5-18. (journal referred) 3) Magnier-Watanabe, R., Uchida, T., Orsini, P., Benton, C. (2018). Organizational virtuousness, happiness, and job performance among French and Japanese employees: A structural model. Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the International Academy of Strategic Management (IASM) 2018, Tokyo (Japan), CD-ROM. (conference refereed).
Current Status of Research Progress |
Current Status of Research Progress
2: Research has progressed on the whole more than it was originally planned.
Our research plan for the first two years of the project has been to 1) build on our previous quantitative research conducted in Japan and France with qualitative analysis of a total of 30 companies in various industries through in-depth interviews in each country and 2) develop hypotheses and a research model linking antecedents of subjective well-being with job performance, based on the aforementioned case-studies. Currently, we have conducted a total of 30 interviews, will conduct several additional ones soon, and are in the process of text analyses and are preparing to present our results in international conferences and journals. During this time, we have also published in 3 referred-international journals, proceedings of 3 international conference proceedings (two of which were referred and one of which was through invitation).
Strategy for Future Research Activity |
Planning for Future Work In 2019, we will continue with the qualitative analysis of the findings of our in-depth interviews through text analysis, and develop our hypotheses and a research model linking antecedents of subjective well-being with job performance by combining the findings from our quantitative and qualitative investigations. We will then design and carry out a final quantitative questionnaire of 600 companies in Japan and France, including those in the automobile, manufacturing, IT and banking industries. The questionnaire is designed to empirically validate the findings from the qualitative analysis conducted by the in-depth interviews. Results will be analyzed using regression and structural equation modeling to fully exploit the data, and will be presented in international journals and conferences. Policy recommendations for Japanese and French companies will be developed.