2020 Fiscal Year Research-status Report
Project/Area Number |
Research Institution | Hiroshima University |
Principal Investigator |
稲見 華恵 広島大学, 宇宙科学センター, 助教 (20841943)
Project Period (FY) |
2019-08-30 – 2022-03-31
Keywords | 銀河進化 / 銀河形成 / 星形成 / 銀河ガス |
Outline of Annual Research Achievements |
前年度に引き続き、当初の研究計画通りに、ALMA望遠鏡を使用したハッブル・ウルトラ・ディープ・フィールドの深宇宙サーベイ観測の大型プロジェクト ASPECS (The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field) を中心に研究課題を進展させた。 この研究により、星の原材料となる分子ガスや宇宙塵を今まで大量に持つとは予想されていなかった銀河でも、ガスや宇宙塵の存在を多数の銀河で特定した。星形成率密度が最も高く、宇宙最盛期とも言える宇宙誕生から約40億年たった頃の星形成銀河は、平均して分子ガス質量の方が星質量よりも多く構成されていたことが分かった。本研究により、遠方銀河の星形成の性質や起源とその進化をかつてより精度良く調査することを可能にした。 更には、星質量も星形成率も比較的小さな銀河での分子ガスも調べるため、ALMA望遠鏡のデータを重ね合わせるという、データの観測限界に迫る手法を用いた調査も行った。この手法では、可視光線での3次元データをもとにALMA望遠鏡では直接観測できなった銀河のデータを足し合わせることで、質量が小さい暗い銀河での微弱な分子ガスを検出することができた。この結果から、天の川銀河の1/10程度の小さいな銀河では、星が多く誕生してもその原材料であるガスはそれほど減らないことが分かり、つまり、宇宙を構成する平均的な銀河は大質量銀河とは異なる生成過程をもつ可能性を示唆する結果を得ることが出来た。この結果は研究代表者が筆頭著者の査読つき論文として国際論文誌にて掲載され、また、国際的なプレスリリース、研究代表者の所属大学からのプレスリリース、国立天文台のオンラインニュースに掲載された。また、これらのリリースがきっかけとなり、科学新聞および中国新聞からの取材があり記事が掲載された。
Current Status of Research Progress |
Current Status of Research Progress
2: Research has progressed on the whole more than it was originally planned.
当初の研究計画通りにおおむね順調に研究課題を進展させることが出来ている。成果も無事に査読つき国際論文誌に掲載され、結果もプレスリリースやニュースにより報道された。 ただし、2020年度末に危惧した通り、新型コロナウイルス感染症の拡大により、2021年度も出張を伴う共同研究がキャンセルとなり、またオンライン開催とならなかった国際会議が延期またはキャンセルとなり、他の研究者との研究交流や意見交換に少し滞りが見られる。 しかし、共同研究者とのオンラインでの繋がりが少しずつ強固になりつつあり、また、2020年には中止されたALMA望遠鏡の観測プロポーザル公募は2021年には再開され、徐々に遅れを取り戻している。
Strategy for Future Research Activity |
Causes of Carryover |
Remarks |
中国新聞記事 https://www.chugoku-np.co.jp/local/news/article.php?comment_id=702317&comment_sub_id=0&category_id=112
[Journal Article] FIR-luminous [C II] Emitters in the ALMA-SCUBA-2 COSMOS Survey (AS2COSMOS): The Nature of Submillimeter Galaxies in a 10 Comoving Megaparsec-scale Structure at z~4.62021
Mitsuhashi, Matsuda, Smail, Hayatsu, Simpson, Swinbank, Umehata, Dudzeviciute, Birkin, Ikarashi, Chen, Tadaki, Yajima, Harikane, Inami, Chapman, Hatsukade, Iono, Bunker, Ao, Saito, Ueda, and Sakamoto
Journal Title
The Astrophysical Journal
Volume: 907
Pages: 122
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Mid-infrared spectrometer and camera for the Origins Space Telescope2021
Sakon, Roellig, Ennico-Smith, Matsuo, Ikeda, Yamamuro, Enya, Wada, Kawada, Takahashi, Sarugaku, Fujishiro, Murakami, Nishikawa, Kotani, Goda, Ido, Itoh, Tsuboi, Sumi, Kamiura, Manome, Iida, Yanagibashi, Greene, Helvensteijn, Hofland, Johnson, Kashani, Quigley, McMurray, Inami, Burgarella, & the OST Team
Journal Title
Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems
Volume: 7
Pages: 011013
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Investigating the Effect of Galaxy Interactions on the Enhancement of Active Galactic Nuclei at 0.5 < z < 3.02020
Shah, Kartaltepe, Magagnoli, Cox, Wetherell, Vanderhoof, Calabro, Chartab, Conselice, Croton, Donley, de Groot, de la Vega, Hathi, Ilbert, Inami, Kocevski, Koekemoer, Lemaux, Mantha, Marchesi, Martig, Masters, McGrath, McIntosh, Moreno, Nayyeri, Pampliega, Salvato, Snyder, Straughn, Treister, and Weston
Journal Title
The Astrophysical Journal
Volume: 904
Pages: 107
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] GOODS-ALMA: Using IRAC and VLA to probe fainter millimeter galaxies2020
Franco, Elbaz, Zhou, Magnelli, Schreiber, Ciesla, Dickinson, Nagar, Magdis, Alexander, Bethermin, Demarco, Daddi, Wang, Mullaney, Inami, Shu, Bournaud, Chary, Coogan, Ferguson, Finkelstein, Giavalisco, Gomez-Guijarro, Iono, Juneau, Lagache, Lin, Motohara, Okumura, Pannella, Papovich, Pope, Rujopakarn, Silverman, & Xiao
Journal Title
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Volume: 643
Pages: A53
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] GOODS-ALMA: The slow downfall of star formation in z = 2-3 massive galaxies2020
Franco, Elbaz, Zhou, Magnelli, Schreiber, Ciesla, Dickinson, Nagar, Magdis, Alexander, Bethermin, Demarco, Daddi, Wang, Mullaney, Sargent, Inami, Shu, Bournaud, Chary, Coogan, Ferguson, Finkelstein, Giavalisco, Gomez-Guijarro, Iono, Juneau, Lagache, Lin, Motohara, Okumura, et al.
Journal Title
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Volume: 643
Pages: A30
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: Constraining the Molecular Content at log(M*/Msun) ~ 9.5 with CO Stacking of MUSE-detected z ~ 1.5 Galaxies2020
Inami, Decarli, Walter, Weiss, Carilli, Aravena, Boogaard, Gonzalez-Lopez, Popping, da Cunha, Bacon, Bauer, Contini, Cortes, Cox, Daddi, Diaz-Santos, Kaasinen, Riechers, Wagg, van der Werf, and Wisotzki
Journal Title
The Astrophysical Journal
Volume: 902
Pages: 113
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey Large Program: The Infrared Excess of z = 1.5-10 UV-selected Galaxies and the Implied High-redshift Star Formation History2020
Bouwens, Gonzalez-Lopez, Aravena, Decarli, Novak, Stefanon, Walter, Boogaard, Carilli, Dudzeviciute, Smail, Daddi, da Cunha, Ivison, Nanayakkara, Cortes, Cox, Inami, Oesch, Popping, Riechers, van der Werf, Weiss, Fudamoto, and Wagg
Journal Title
The Astrophysical Journal
Volume: 902
Pages: 112
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] The Evolution of the Baryons Associated with Galaxies Averaged over Cosmic Time and Space2020
Walter, Carilli, Neeleman, Decarli, Popping, Somerville, Aravena, Bertoldi, Boogaard, Cox, da Cunha, Magnelli, Obreschkow, Riechers, Rix, Smail, Weiss, Assef, Bauer, Bouwens, Contini, Cortes, Daddi, Diaz-Santos, Gonzalez-Lopez, Hennawi, Hodge, Inami, Ivison, Oesch, Sargent, van der Werf, Wagg, and Yung
Journal Title
The Astrophysical Journal
Volume: 902
Pages: 111
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: Multiband Constraints on Line-luminosity Functions and the Cosmic Density of Molecular Gas2020
Decarli, Aravena, Boogaard, Carilli, Gonzalez-Lopez, Walter, Cortes, Cox, da Cunha, Daddi, Diaz-Santos, Hodge, Inami, Neeleman, Novak, Oesch, Popping, Riechers, Smail, Uzgil, van der Werf, Wagg, and Weiss
Journal Title
The Astrophysical Journal
Volume: 902
Pages: 110
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: CO Excitation and Atomic Carbon in Star-forming Galaxies at z = 1-32020
Boogaard, van der Werf, Weiss, Popping, Decarli, Walter, Aravena, Bouwens, Riechers, Gonzalez-Lopez, Smail, Carilli, Kaasinen, Daddi, Cox, Diaz-Santos, Inami, Cortes, and Wagg
Journal Title
The Astrophysical Journal
Volume: 902
Pages: 109
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] GOODS-ALMA: Optically dark ALMA galaxies shed light on a cluster in formation at z = 3.52020
Zhou, Elbaz, Franco, Magnelli, Schreiber, Wang, Ciesla, Daddi, Dickinson, Nagar, Magdis, Alexander, Bethermin, Demarco, Mullaney, Bournaud, Ferguson, Finkelstein, Giavalisco, Inami, Iono, Juneau, Lagache, Messias, Motohara, Okumura, Pannella, Papovich, Pope, Rujopakarn, Shi, Shu, and Silverman
Journal Title
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Volume: 642
Pages: A155
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: The Nature of the Faintest Dusty Star-forming Galaxies2020
Aravena, Boogaard, Gonzalez-Lopez, Decarli, Walter, Carilli, Smail, Weiss, Assef, Bauer, Bouwens, Cortes, Cox, da Cunha, Daddi, Diaz-Santos, Inami, Ivison, Novak, Popping, Riechers, van der Werf, and Wagg
Journal Title
The Astrophysical Journal
Volume: 901
Pages: 79
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] The MUSE Hubble Ultra Deep Field Survey. XV. The mean rest-UV spectra of Lya emitters at z > 32020
Feltre, Maseda, Bacon, Pradeep, Leclercq, Kusakabe, Wisotzki, Hashimoto, Schmidt, Blaizot, Brinchmann, Boogaard, Cantalupo, Carton, Inami, Kollatschny, Marino, Matthee, Nanayakkara, Richard, Schaye, Tresse, Urrutia, Verhamme, and Weilbacher
Journal Title
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Volume: 641
Pages: A118
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] A Comparison of the Stellar, CO, and Dust-continuum Emission from Three Star-forming HUDF Galaxies at z ~ 22020
Kaasinen, Walter, Novak, Neeleman, Smail, Boogaard, Cunha, Weiss, Liu, Decarli, Popping, Diaz-Santos, Cortes, Aravena, Werf, Riechers, Inami, Hodge, Rix, and Cox
Journal Title
The Astrophysical Journal
Volume: 899
Pages: 37
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] VLA-ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (VLASPECS): Total Cold Gas Masses and CO Line Ratios for z = 2-3 Main-sequence Galaxies2020
Riechers, Boogaard, Decarli, Gonzalez-Lopez, Smail, Walter, Aravena, Carilli, Cortes, Cox, Diaz-Santos, Hodge, Inami, Ivison, Kaasinen, Wagg, Weiss, and van der Werf
Journal Title
The Astrophysical Journal
Volume: 896
Pages: L21
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] The MUSE Hubble Ultra Deep Field Survey. XIV. Evolution of the Lya emitter fraction from z = 3 to z = 62020
Kusakabe, Blaizot, Garel, Verhamme, Bacon, Richard, Hashimoto, Inami, Conseil, Guiderdoni, Drake, Christian Herenz, Schaye, Oesch, Matthee, Anna Marino, Borello Schmidt, Pello, Maseda, Leclercq, Kerutt, and Mahler
Journal Title
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Volume: 638
Pages: A12
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Elevated ionizing photon production efficiency in faint high-equivalent-width Lyman-alpha emitters2020
Maseda, Bacon, Lam, Matthee, Brinchmann, Schaye, Labbe, Schmidt, Boogaard, Bouwens, Cantalupo, Franx, Hashimoto, Inami, Kusakabe, Mahler, Nanayakkara, Richard, and Wisotzki
Journal Title
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Volume: 493
Pages: 5120-5130
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] ALMA Imaging of the CO (7-6) Line Emission in the Submillimeter Galaxy LESS 073 at z = 4.7552020
Zhao, Lu, Diaz-Santos, Gao, Xu, Charmandaris, Inami, Rigopoulou, Sanders, Huang, and Wang
Journal Title
The Astrophysical Journal
Volume: 892
Pages: 145
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research