2011 Fiscal Year Annual Research Report
Project/Area Number |
Research Institution | Shiga University of Medical Science |
Principal Investigator |
堀江 稔 滋賀医科大学, 医学部, 教授 (90183938)
Co-Investigator(Kenkyū-buntansha) |
芦原 貴司 滋賀医科大学, 医学部, 助教 (80396259)
Keywords | 分子心臓病態学 |
Research Abstract |
遺伝性不整脈は、禁煙、ヒト・ゲノム・ブロジェクトをはじめとする分子遺伝学の急速な進歩により明らかとされた疾患概念である。心筋イオンチャネルやその関連蛋白の遺伝子の多種多様な変異により招来されるチャネル機能の障害に伴う病気である。我々は1996年(最初のQT延長症候群関連遺伝子が報告された翌年)から、倫理委員会の承認を受け、患者さんよりインフォームド・コンセントを得て、臨床像とゲノムDNAの集積を行っている。これまでの500例近い遺伝子診断が出来たQT延長症候群を対象に、本年度は、KCNJ2の変異(LQT7の原因)について、遺伝子組み換え法による変異株の作成を行い、パッチクランブ法でその機能解析を行うことにより、新たなメカニズムにより、LQT7(あるいはAndersen-Tawil症候群)の病像が大きく修飾されることを報告した(Doi et al,2011)。また、同じ遺伝子KCNJ2のgain-of functionが、QT延長ではなく逆にQT短縮を起こすことを報告したが、これは世界で2つ目のレポートとなった(Hattor et al,2012)。LQT2症例では、LQT1に比べてβブロッカーが有効でない症例に遭遇する率が高いが、我々は遺伝子診断でLQT2と確定できた133例について、βブロッカーの有効性を検討したところ、ブロブラノロールのようなβ選択的ブロッカーよりも、αβブロッカーであるカルベジロールのほうが、心イベントを抑制することを発見した。その機序を含めて検討した(Kimuraeta1,2011)。LQT1の高頻度に同定されるスブライシング機構を障害する変異について、分子生物学的アブローチ(minigene,RT-PCR,細胞内imagingなど)を用いて、その発症メカニズムを調べて報告した(Tsuji et al,2011)。さらに現在、QT延長症候群患者の血液からiPS細胞を作成し疾患特異的心筋細胞に分化させて、このスブライシング異常が実際にヒト細胞で起こりえるかどうかを検証している。最後に実験結果を統合的に説明するためコンピュータ・シミュレーションによる検証を予定している。その予備的報告を行った(Ashihara et al,2012)。
Current Status of Research Progress |
Current Status of Research Progress
2: Research has progressed on the whole more than it was originally planned.
当初の研究計画書に記載したとおり、ゲノムから蛋白そして疾患の発症まで、大きく3つのステージ、すなわちpre-translational, post-translationalおよび統合するsystem biologyであるが、すべてにおいて研究の進展が見られた。
Strategy for Future Research Activity |
当初の研究計画書に従い、Exonic splicing enhance内の変異についての研究は、さらにヒト心筋細胞(ips細胞由来)を用いて、調べる共に、今後、この心筋細胞を用いたパッチクランプによるイオンチャネル解析を進める予定である。研究を遂行する上、ips細胞に関するノウハウが必須であり、研究者間での情報交換も進展させる予定である。現在、上記のテーマでは慶応大学循環器内科の福田研究室と共同での検討を行っている。
[Journal Article] Dynamicity of the J wave in idiopathic ventricular fibrillation with a special reference to pause-dependent augmentation of the J wave2012
Aizawa Y, Sato A, Watanabe H, Chinushi M, Furushima H, Horie M, Kaneko Y, Imaizumi T, Okubo K, Watanabe I, Shinozaki T, Aizawa Y, Fukuda, Joo K, Haissaguerre M
Journal Title
Journal of American College of Cardiology
Volume: (in press)
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] A novel gain-of-function KCNJ2 mutation associated with short QT syndrome impairs inward rectification of Kir2.1 currents2012
Hattori T, Makiyama T, Akao M, Ehara E, Ohno S, Iguchi M, Nishio Y, Sasaki K, Itoh H, Yokode M, Kita T, Horie M, Kimura T
Journal Title
Cardiovasc Res
Volume: 93(4)
Pages: 666-673
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] A connexin40 mutation associated with a malignant variant of progressive familial heart block type I2012
Makita N, Seki A, Sumitomo N, Chkourko H, Fukuhara S, Watanabe H, Shimizu W, Bezzina CR, Hasdemir C, Mugishima H, Makiyama T, Baruteau A, Baron E, Horie M, Hagiwara N, Wilde AA, Probst V, Le Marec H, Roden DM, Mochizuki N, Schott JJ, Delmar M
Journal Title
Circulation Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology
Volume: 5
Pages: 163-172
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Regional cooling facilitates termination of spiral-wave reentry through unpinning of rotors in rabbit hearts2012
Yamazaki M, Honjo H, Ashihara T, Harada M, Sakuma I, Nakazawa K, Trayanova N, Horie M, Kalifa J, Jalife J, Kamiya K, Kodama I
Journal Title
Heart Rhythm
Volume: 9
Pages: 109-114
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Successful catheter ablation of bidirectional ventricular premature contractions triggering ventricular fibrillation in catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia with RyR2 mutation2012
Kaneshiro T, Naruse Y, Nogami A, Tada H, Yoshida K, Sekiguchi Y, Murakoshi N, Kato Y, Horigome H, Kawamura M, Horie M, Aonuma K
Journal Title
Circulation Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology
Volume: 5
Pages: e14-17
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Clinical and electrocardiographic characteristics of patients with short QT interval in a large hospital-based population2012
Miyamoto A, Hayashi H, Yoshino T, Kawaguchi T, Taniguchi A, Ito H, Sugimoto Y, Ito M, Makiyama T, Xue JQ, Murakami Y, Horie M
Journal Title
Heart Rhythm
Volume: 9(1)
Pages: 66-74
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Reciprocal control of hERG stability by Hsp70 and Hsc70 with implication for restoration of LQT2 mutant stability2011
Li P, Ninomiya H, Kurata Y, Kato M, Miake J, Yamamoto Y, Igawa O, Nakai A, Higaki K, Toyoda F, Wu J, Horie M, Shirayoshi Y, Hiraoka M, Hisatome I
Journal Title
Circulation Research
Volume: 108
Pages: 458-468
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] KCNE5 (KCNE1L) variants are novel modulators of Brugada syndrome and idiopathic ventricular fibrillation2011
Ohno S, Zankov DP, Ding WG, Itoh H, Makiyama T, Doi T, Shizuta S, Hattori T, Miyamoto A, Naiki N, Hancox JC, Matsuura H, Horie M
Journal Title
Circulation Arrhythm Electrophysiol
Volume: 4(3)
Pages: 352-361
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] A novel KCNJ2 nonsense mutation, S369X, impedes trafficking and causes a limited form of Andersen-Tawil syndrome2011
Doi T, Makiyama T, Morimoto T, Haruna Y, Tsuji K, Ohno S, Akao M, Takahashi Y, Kimura T, Horie M
Journal Title
Circulation Cardiovascular Genetics
Volume: 4
Pages: 253-260
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Identification and functional characterization of KCNQ1 mutations around the exon7-intron7 junction affecting the splicing process2011
Tsuji K, Akao M, Ishii TM, Ashihara T, Makiyama T, Ohno S, Toyoda F, Nishio Y, Sakaguchi T, Matsuura H, Horie M
Journal Title
Biochemi Biophys Acta-Molecular Basis of Disea
Volume: 1812
Pages: 1452-1459
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Electrocardiographic characteristics and SCN5A mutations in idiopathic ventricular fibrillation associated with early repolarization2011
Watanabe H, Nogami A, Ohkubo K, Kawata H, Hayashi Y, Ishikawa T, Makiyama T, Nagao S, Yagihara N, Takehara N, Kawamura Y, Sato A, Okamura K, Hosaka Y, Sato M, Fukae S, Chinushi M, Oda H, Okabe M, Kimura A, Maemura K, Watanabe I, Kamakura S, Horie M, Aizawa Y, Shimizu W, Makita N
Journal Title
Circulation : Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology
Volume: 4(6)
Pages: 874-881
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Carvedilol, a non-selective β-with α1-blocker is effective in long QT syndrome type22011
Kimura H, Mizusawa Y, Itoh H, Miyamoto A, Kawamura M, Kawaguchi T, Naiki N, Oka Y, Ohno S, Makiyama T, Ito M, Horie M
Journal Title
Journal of Arrhythmia
Volume: 27
Pages: 324-331
Peer Reviewed
[Presentation] Clinical, electrocardiographic, and genetic characteristics of patients with idiopathic ventricular fibrillation associated with early repolarization2011
Watanabe H, Nogami A, Ohkubo K, Makiyama T, Hayashi, Shimada T, Nagao S, Yagihara N, Takehara N, Kawamura Y, Sato A, Okamura K, Hosaka Y, Sato M, Fukae S, Chinushi M, Oda H, Okabe M, Maemura K, Horie M, Watanabe I, Aizawa Y, Makita N
AHA Scientific Sessions 2011
Place of Presentation
Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
Year and Date
[Presentation] Clinical and genetic features of Japanese patient with congenital long QT syndrome2011
Makimoto H, Horie M, Ogawa S, Aizawa Y, Ohe T, Yamgagishi M, Makita N, Makiyama T, Aiba T, Kamakura S, Miyamoto Y, Shimizu W
APHRS2011 & 26th JHRS 28th JSE合同学会
Place of Presentation
Year and Date
[Presentation] Mutations of the cardiac ryanodine Recepter (RyR2) gene in catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia2011
Kawamura M, Nagaoka I, Kenichi, Nishio Y, Itoh H, Kimura H, Miyamoto A, Mizusawa Y, Jito Y, Ishida K, Ito M, Makiyama T, Ohno S, Sumitomo N, Oyama K, Horie M
APHRS2011 & 26th JHRS 28th JSE合同学会
Place of Presentation
Year and Date
[Presentation] Recent advancement of treatment in catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia2011
Sumitomo N, Shimizu W, Horigome H, Nakamura Y, Arakaki Y, Sakurada H, Watanabe H, Nishizaki H, Kamakura S, Horie M, Hiraoka M
APHRS2011 & 26th JHRS 28th JSE合同学会
Place of Presentation
Year and Date
[Presentation] Reciprocal control of hERG stability by hsp70 and hsc70 with implication for restoration of LQT2 mutant stability2011
Li P, Ninomiya H, Kurata Y, Kato M, Miake J, Yamamoto Y, Igawa O, Nakai A, Higaki K, Toyoda F, Wu J, Horie M, Matsuura H, Yoshida A, Shirayoshi Y, Hiraoka M, Hisatome I
APHRS2011 & 26th JHRS 28th JSE合同学会
Place of Presentation
Year and Date
[Presentation] KCNE5 variants are novel modulators of brugada syndrome and idiopathic ventri-cular fibrillation2011
Ohno S, Zankov DP, Ding WG, Itoh H, Makiyama T, Doi T, Shizuta S, Hattori T, Miyamoto A, Naiki N, Matsuura H, Horie M
APHRS2011 & 26th JHRS 28th JSE合同学会
Place of Presentation
Year and Date
[Presentation] Phenotype variability in patients carrying KCNJ2 mutations2011
Kimura H, Zhou J, Itoh H., Mizusawa Y, Miyamoto A, Kawamura M, Makiyama T, Ito M, Matsuura H, Horie H
ESC Congress 2011
Place of Presentation
Paris, France
Year and Date
[Presentation] Over-expression of heterozygous KCNJ2-M301K channels, identified in a patient with short QT syndrome, shortened action potential durations in neonatal rat ventricular myocytes2011
Hattori T, Makiyama T, Akao M, Ehara E, Ohno S, Iguchi M, Sasaki K, Itoh H, Horie M, Kimura T
ESC Congress 2011
Place of Presentation
Paris, France
Year and Date
[Presentation] Seasonal and circadian distributions of occurrence of cardiac events in genotyped patients with congenital long QT syndrome2011
Takigawa M, Kawamura M, Noda T, Yamada Y, Okamura H, Satomi K, Aiba T, Aihara N, Kamakura S, Sakaguchi T, Mizusawa Y, Itoh H, Horie M, Shimizu W
Place of Presentation
Year and Date
[Presentation] What influences β-blocker resistance for secondary prevention of cardiac events in patients with congenital long QT syndrome2011
Makimoto H, Horie M, Ogawa S, Aizawa Y, Ohe T, Kusano K, Yamagishi M, Makita N, Tanaka T, Makiyama T, Yoshinaga M, Hagiwara N, Sumitomo N, Itoh H, Yamada Y, Okamura, Noda T, Aiba T, Kamakura S, Miyamoto Y, Shimizu W
Place of Presentation
Year and Date
[Presentation] Genotype-phenotype correlation in Japanese patients with andersen-tawil syndrome2011
Kimura H, Zhou J, Itoh H, Mizusawa Y, Miyamoto A, Jitoh Y, Kawamura M, Sakaguchi T, Nishio Y, Ding WG, Makiyama T, Ito M, Matsuura H, Horie M
Place of Presentation
Year and Date