Research Abstract |
1.A large granular lymphocyte cell line (PEC-1) with natural killer (NK) cell activity had been established from peritoneal exudate cells, by co-culturing with interleukin 2 (IL-2). Several NK cloned were derived from PEC-1 by limiting dilution. Normal bone marrow cells and thymocytes, as well as NK-sensitive tumor target cell lines were variably killed by cloned NK lines. 2. An IL-2 dependent NK clone produced upon stimulation with PMA five hemopoietic stimulators (BPA, Ep, G/M-CSF, MK-CSF, Eo-CSF), IL-2 and interleukin-3. 3. IL-2 was necessary, but not sufficient, for the continuous growth of NK clones. Macrophages were required for the induction and maintenance of high-affinity IL-2 receptors. The role of macrophages was partially replaced by interleukin-1. 4. T cell receptor (TCR) genes were rearranged and transcribed in cloned LGL lines. However, since the rearrangement pattern of beta-chain genes did not correlated with the cytotoxic activity of NK clones, the cytotoxic activity may not be directly mediated by TCR. 5. Alpha-interferon failed to augment the NK cell activity of lymphocytes from Sjogren patients, whereas gamma-interferon and IL-2 could enhance the NK cell activity. 6. Gamma-interferon, but not alpha-interferon could induce HLA-DR antigens on the cultured endothelial cells, enabling Leu- <3^+> T cells to adhere to the HLA-DR positive endothelial cells.