[Publications] 寺澤芳雄: Linguistics across Historical and Geographical Boundaries in Honour of J.Fisiak. 1. 659-669 (1986)
[Publications] 寺澤芳雄: 英語年鑑1987. 31-34 (1987)
[Publications] 寺澤芳雄: 英語青年. 132. 218-220 (1986)
[Publications] Takahashi,Hisashi: Key-Word Studies in Chaucer2. 101-106 (1987)
[Publications] Ono,Shigeru: D.Kastovsky and A Szwedek,eds.,Linguistics across Historical and Geographical Boundaries.Vol.1:Linguistic Theory and Historical Linguistics.(Berlin/N.Y./Amsterdam:Mouton de Gruyter). 569-577 (1986)
[Publications] Ono,Shigeru: Jimbun Gakuho(The Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities). 191. 33-48 (1987)
[Publications] Ono,Shigeru: Key-Word Studies in Beowulf2. 19-33 (1987)
[Publications] Shunichi Noguchi: 英詩評論. 3. 3-7 (1986)
[Publications] 岩崎春雄: Key-Word Studies in Chaucer2. 1-16 (1987)
[Publications] 岩崎春雄: Linguistics across Historical and Geographical Boundaries:In Honour of Jacek Fisiak on the Occasion of His Fiftieth Birthday Vol.1. 387-395 (1986)
[Publications] 岩崎春雄: 竹林滋教授還暦記念論文集. 303-311 (1986)
[Publications] 岩崎春雄: Poetica. 24. 1-15 (1986)
[Publications] Yoshihiko Ikegami 著 D.Kastovsky A.Szwedek,eds.:Linguistics across Historical and Geographical Boundaries(Berlin:Mouton de Gruyter). Vol.1. 381-386 (1986)
[Publications] Yoshihiko Ikegami B.Narr H.Wittje,eds.:Spracherwerb und Mehrsprachigkeit(T【u!¨】bingen:Gunter Narr). 3-10 (1986)
[Publications] 池上嘉彦: 記号学研究. 6. 61-74 (1986)
[Publications] 鈴木榮一: 宮城学院女子大学英文学会 英文学会誌. 14. 1-17 (1986)
[Publications] 鈴木榮一: 東北学院大学論集(英語英文学). 77号. 1-15 (1986)
[Publications] Suzuki,Eiichi: Key-Word Studies in Chaucer2. 89-99 (1987)
[Publications] 佐藤修二: 中央大学文学部『紀要』(文学科). 58号. 29-69 (1986)
[Publications] Sato,Shuji: Key-Word Studies in Beowulf2. 35-47 (1987)
[Publications] KUBOUCHI,TADAO YOSHINO,YOSHIHIRO YAMAGATA,HIROMITSU: Key-Word Studies in Beowulf2. 67-81 (1987)
[Publications] KUBOUCHI,TADAO(with WILLIAM SCHIPPER): Old English Newsletter. 19,No.2. 24-31 (1986)
[Publications] 小川浩: 英文学研究. Vol63,No.2. 384-389 (1986)
[Publications] Ogawa,Hiroshi: 人文学報(東京都立大学人文学部). 191. 49-84 (1987)
[Publications] Ogawa,Hiroshi: Key-Word Studies in Beowulf. 5-17 (1987)
[Publications] 篠田義博: 広島女学院大学論集. 通巻36集. 137-162 (1986)
[Publications] Shinoda,Yoshihiro: Key-Word Studies in Chaucer2. 79-87 (1987)
[Publications] Matsumoto,Hiroyuki: Key-Word Studies in Chaucer2. 17-73 (1987)
[Publications] Hiroyuki Matsumoto: Studies in the Age of Chaucer,ed.Thomas J.Heffernan. Vol.8. 193-194 (1986)
[Publications] Hiroyuki Matsumoto: 英語英文学研究. 31. 17-25 (1987)
[Publications] Noguchi,Shunichi: Key-Word Studies in Beowulf2. 1-3 (1987)
[Publications] Noguchi,Shunichi: Key-Word Studies in Chaucer2. 75-78 (1987)
[Publications] Oizumi,Akio: Key-Word Studies in Chaucer2. 107-130 (1987)
[Publications] 高宮利行: 歴史誌本ワールド. 31. 202-209 (1986)
[Publications] 高宮利行: Occasional Publications:Soseki Conference'85(Soseki Museum in London). 1. 15-25 (1986)
[Publications] Yamagata,Hiromitsu: Key-Word Studies in Beowulf 2. 49-65 (1987)
[Publications] 寺澤芳雄 P.トラッドギル,J.ハンナ著: "國際英語-英語の社会言語学的諸相" 研究社出版, 236 (1986)
[Publications] Oizumi,Akio and Hiroshi Yonekura: "A Concordance to the'Parson's Prologue'and 'Tale'from the Canterbury Tales" Kyoto:Chaucer Concordance Project,Department of English,Doshisha University, 596 (1986)
[Publications] Oizumi,Akio and Hiroshi Yonekura: "A Concordance to Troilus and Criseyde by Geoffrey Chaucer" Kyoto:Chaucer Concordance Project,Department of English,Doshisha University, 1225 (1986)
[Publications] マンフレート・シェーラー著大泉昭夫訳: "英語語彙の歴史と構造" 東京・南雲堂, 266 (1986)
[Publications] Oizumi,Akio and Hiroshi Yonekura: "A Concordance to the'General Prologue'to the Canterbury Tales" Kyoto:Chaucer Concordance Project,Department of English,Doshisha University, 186 (1986)
[Publications] 小川浩 中世英国ロマンス研究会 訳: "中世英国ロマンス集第二集" 篠崎書林, 244 (1986)
[Publications] 高宮利行,不破有理共訳アーク・ジルアード著: "騎士道とジェントルマン-ヴィクトリア朝社会精神史" 三省堂, 324 (1986)
[Publications] Toshiyuki Takamiya and Derek Brewer eds.: "Aspects of Malory,reprinted with an updated bibliography" D.S.Brewer Ltd., 239 (1986)