[Publications] 寺澤芳雄: 英語年鑑1988. 32-35 (1988)
[Publications] 寺澤芳雄: 英語語彙の諸相. 159-174 (1988)
[Publications] Hisashi Takahashi: PHILOCOGIA ANGLICA Festschrif for Prof.Y.Terasawa. 140-151 (1988)
[Publications] 小野茂: 『英語語彙の諸相』. 135-157 (1988)
[Publications] 小野茂: Philologia Anglica:Essaye Presented to Pofessor yoshio Terasawa on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Bisthday. 35-42 (1988)
[Publications] 小野茂: "Old English Studies from Japan 1941-81,"ed.T.Hubouchi,W.Schipper and H.Ogawa.(Old English News letter). subsidic・14. 75-88 (1988)
[Publications] 小野茂: 大泉昭夫、岩崎春雄 編『チョーサーの英語-研究の課題と方法』英潮社新社. (1989)
[Publications] 安東伸介: 英語語彙の諸相. 253-266 (1988)
[Publications] 安東伸介: Philologica Anglica研究社. 367-375 (1988)
[Publications] 安東伸介: Genres,Themes,and Image in English Literature. 31-39 (1988)
[Publications] 忍足欣四郎: 寺澤芳雄教授還暦記念論文集(Philologia Anglica). 259-269 (1988)
[Publications] 野口俊一: 寺澤芳雄教授還暦記念論文集. 251-8 (1988)
[Publications] 岩崎春雄: 小島義郎教授還暦記念論文集. 176-183 (1988)
[Publications] 岩崎春雄: 寺澤芳雄教授還暦記念論文集. 176-183 (1988)
[Publications] 池上嘉彦: 英語語彙の諸相. 3-15 (1988)
[Publications] 池上嘉彦: Philologic Anglica. 43-52 (1988)
[Publications] 池上嘉彦: C.Duncan-Rone and T.Veninermann,eds.Rhetorica,Phonologica,Syntactica. 389-401 (1988)
[Publications] 池上嘉彦: The Japan Foundation Newletter. May. 1-9 (1988)
[Publications] 池上嘉彦: L.A.U.D.Series A,Paper No.198. 41pp. (1988)
[Publications] 池上嘉彦: 言語. 7. 28-36 (1988)
[Publications] 池上嘉彦: 数理科学. 1月号. 12-15 (1989)
[Publications] 大泉昭夫: 寺澤芳雄教授還暦記念論文集. 455-466 (1988)
[Publications] 大泉昭夫: Key-Word Studies in Chaucer 3. 133-205 (1989)
[Publications] 大泉昭夫: チョーサーの英語-研究の課題と方法. (1989)
[Publications] 鈴木榮一: Philologia Anglica:Essays Presented to Professor Yoshio Terasawa on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday. 184-194 (1988)
[Publications] 鈴木榮一: 中英語頭韻詩の言語と文体. 29-52 (1989)
[Publications] 佐藤修二: Key-word Studies in Beowulf and Chaucer 3. 11-25 (1989)
[Publications] 久保内端郎: 英語語彙の諸相. 113-133 (1988)
[Publications] 久保内端郎: Philologia Anglica. 71-87 (1988)
[Publications] 久保内端郎: チョーサーの英語. (1989)
[Publications] 吉野利弘: 中英語頭韻詩における言語と文体. (1988)
[Publications] Ogawa,Hiroshi: Philologia Anglica:Essays Presented to Professor Yoshio Teraswa on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday. 53-59 (1988)
[Publications] 小川浩: Key-word Studies in Beowulf and Chaucer 3. 1-10 (1989)
[Publications] 篠田義博: Key-word Studies in Chaucer 3. 3. 101-111 (1989)
[Publications] 松本博之: Bulletin of Faculty of General Education,Gifu University,23.(1988)
[Publications] 松本博之: Key-Word Studies in Vhaucer 3. (1989)
[Publications] 松本博之: 「横山彰先生退官記念論集」. (1989)
[Publications] 高宮利行: Philologica Anglica. 308-319 (1988)
[Publications] 高宮利行: 「文化のモサイック由良君美先生祝賀画文集」緑書房. (1989)
[Publications] 山縣宏光: Philologia Anglica.440-454 (1988)
[Publications] SCHIPPER,William: Key-Word Studies in Beowulf and Chaucer 3. 27-39 (1989)
[Publications] Shigeaki Karakida、唐木田茂明: Philologia Anglica:Essays Presented to Professor Yoshio Terasawa on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday. 126-139 (1988)
[Publications] 矢野恭弘: Philologia Anglica. 492-506 (1988)
[Publications] 寺澤芳雄 共編: "英語語彙の諸相" 研究社, vi+320 (1988)
[Publications] 寺澤芳雄 編: "Key-Woed Studies in Beowulf and Chaucer 3" Centre for Mediaeval English Stufies, XVIII+227 (1989)
[Publications] 小野茂: "On English Syntax and Vocabulary" 南雲堂, 306 (1989)
[Publications] 忍足欣四郎 共編: "Philologia Anglica:Essays Presented to Prof.Y.Terasawa On the Occasson of His Sixtieth Birthday" 研究社, X+508 (1988)
[Publications] 野口俊一: "Le Morte Arthur [British Library MS Harley 2252](Medieaeval English Text Series(Tokyo),1)" Cemlpe for Mediaeval English Studies, (1989)
[Publications] 岩崎春雄(共編): "『現代人のための英語の常識百科』" 研究社, 840 (1988)
[Publications] 大泉昭夫(共編著): "チョーサーの英語-研究の課題と方法" 英潮社新社, (1989)
[Publications] 大泉昭夫(共編): "A Complete word Index to the Camtorbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer" Centre for Mediaeveal English Studies, (1989)
[Publications] 久保内端郎(共編): "Old English Studies from Japan 1974-81" Old English Newsletter,Subsidia 14, iv+100 (1988)