[Publications] Masayoshi,NAGATA: Adv.Stud.Pure Math.11. 167-171 (1987)
[Publications] Masayoshi,NAGATA: Proc.Alg.Geo.Seminar,Singapore 1987. (1988)
[Publications] Masayoshi,NAGATA: J.Math.Kyoto uNIV.28. (1988)
[Publications] Masayoshi,MIYANISHI: Proc.Alg.Geo.Seminar,Singapore 1987. (1988)
[Publications] Makoto,NAMBA: Proc.Alg.Geo.Seminar,Singapore 1987. (1988)
[Publications] Tetsuji,SHIODA: Proc.Alg.Geo.Seminar,Singapore 1987. (1988)
[Publications] Masaki,MARUYAMA: Alg.Geo.and Commutative Alg.in Honor of MAsayoshi NAGATA. (1988)
[Publications] Hideyuki,MATSUMURA: Alg.Geo.and Commutative Alg.in Honor of MAsayoshi NAGATA. (1988)
[Publications] Atsushi,MORIWAKI: Alg.Geo.and Commutative Alg.in Honor of MAsayoshi NAGATA. (1988)
[Publications] Shigeru,MUKAI: Alg.Geo.and Commutative Alg.in Honor of MAsayoshi NAGATA. (1988)
[Publications] Iku,NAKAMURA: Alg.Geo.and Commutative Alg.in Honor of MAsayoshi NAGATA. (1988)
[Publications] Kenji,NISHIGUCHI: Alg.Geo.and Commutative Alg.in Honor of MAsayoshi NAGATA. (1988)
[Publications] Sampei,USUI: Proc.Alg.Geo.Seminar,Singapore 1987. (1988)
[Publications] Yoichi,AOYAMA;Shiro;GOTO: Alg.Geo.and Commutative Alg.in Honor of Masayoshi NAGATA. (1988)
[Publications] Takao,FUJITA: Alg.Geo.and Commutative Alg.in Honor of Masayoshi NAGATA. (1988)
[Publications] Hiroaki,HIJIKATA: Alg.Geo.and Commutative Alg.in Honor of Masayoshi NAGATA. (1988)
[Publications] Masa-Nori,ISHIDA: Alg.Geo.and Commutative Alg.in Honor of Masayoshi NAGATA. (1988)
[Publications] Toshiyuki,KATSURA: Alg.Geo.and Commutative Alg.in Honor of Masayoshi NAGATA. (1988)
[Publications] Jun-ichi,NISHIMURA;Toshio,NISHIMURA: Alg.Geo.and Commutative Alg.in Honor of Masayoshi NAGATA. (1988)
[Publications] Masa-Hiko,SAITO: Alg.Geo.and Commutative Alg.in Honor of Masayoshi NAGATA. (1988)
[Publications] Eiichi,SATO: Alg.Geo.and Commutative Alg.in Honor of Masayoshi NAGATA. (1988)
[Publications] Tsutomu,SEKIGUCHI: Alg.Geo.and Commutative Alg.in Honor of Masayoshi NAGATA. (1988)
[Publications] Hideyasu,SUMIHIRO: Alg.Geo.and Commutative Alg.in Honor of Masayoshi NAGATA. (1988)
[Publications] Kenji,UENO: Alg.Geo.and Commutative Alg.in Honor of Masayoshi NAGATA. (1988)
[Publications] Hiroshi,UMEMURA: Alg.Geo.and Commutative Alg.in Honor of Masayoshi NAGATA. (1988)
[Publications] Kei-ichi,WATANABE: Alg.Geo.and Commutative Alg.in Honor of Masayoshi NAGATA. (1988)
[Publications] Hisao,YOSHIHARA: Alg.Geo.and Commutative Alg.in Honor of Masayoshi NAGATA. (1988)
[Publications] Yoshio,FUJIMOTO: J.Math.Kyoto Univ.
[Publications] Satoshi,SUZUKI: J.Math.Kyoto Univ.