[Publications] S.Sugimoto: International Journal of Modern Physics A. Vol.2 No.4. 911-922 (1987)
[Publications] H.Yoshida;et al.: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. Vol.59 No.26. 2915-2918 (1987)
[Publications] H.Yoshida;et al.: PHYSICS LETTERS B. Vol.198 No.4. 570-576 (1987)
[Publications] M.Chiba;et al.: PHYSICAL REVIEW D. Vol.36 No.11. 3321-3340 (1987)
[Publications] K.Abe;et al.: J.Phys.Soc.Japan. Vol.56 No.11. 3763-3766 (1987)
[Publications] K.Abe;et al.: J.Phys.Soc.Japan. Vol.56 No.11. 3767-3770 (1987)
[Publications] Masahiro,Kuze;et al.: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 26. 1348 (1987)
[Publications] T.Tsuboyama;et al.: Nucl.Phys.B.
[Publications] K.Ishikawa;et al.: NIMA.
[Publications] I.Adachi;et al.: Phys.Rev.Lett.60. 97 (1988)
[Publications] I.Adachi;et al.: Phys.Lett.B200. 391 (1988)
[Publications] I.Adachi;et al.: Phys Rev.D.
[Publications] H.Sagawa;et al.: Phys.Rev.Lett.60. 93 (1988)
[Publications] S.Igarashi;et al.: Phys.Rev.Lett.accepted.
[Publications] K.Abe;et al.: Nuclear Instruments and Methods In Physics Research. A260. 361-364 (1987)
[Publications] H.Harada;et al.: Nuclear Instruments And Methods In Physics Research. A265. 141-149 (1988)
[Publications] N.Kumagai;et al.: KEK REPORT 87-24 JAN.1988. 87ー24. (1987)
[Publications] Y.Oyanagi;et al.: KEK PEPORT 87-7 JULY 1987. (1987)
[Publications] A.Imanishi: Nucl.Instr.& Meth.
[Publications] T.Kishida: Nucl.Instr.& Meth.A254. 367 (1987)
[Publications] N.Fujiwara: Nucl.Instr.& Meth.
[Publications] T.Suwada: Nucl.Instr.& Meth.
[Publications] S.Kuroda: Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.26. 3 (1987)
[Publications] N.Ujiie: IEEE Nucl.Science Symposium. (1987)
[Publications] S.Kawabata: Nucle.Instr.& Meth.
[Publications] J.Fujimoto: Nucl.Inst.Meth.A256. 449 (1987)
[Publications] S.Noguchi: Nucl.Instr.& Meth.
[Publications] H.Aihara;et al.: Phys.Rev.Letters. 59. 751-754 (1987)
[Publications] I.Adachi;et al.: Phys.Rev.Letters. 60. 97-100 (1988)
[Publications] H.Yoshida;et al.: Phys.Letters. 198. 571-576 (1987)
[Publications] Y.Sugimoto;et al.: Phys.Rev.D37. 583-586 (1988)
[Publications] 藤井忠男: 科学. 57. 130-131 (1987)
[Publications] H.Nishijima;et al.: Nuclear Instr.& Meth.A254. 463-465 (1987)
[Publications] H.Shirakura;et al.: Nucl.Instr.& Meth.A260. 79-79 (1987)
[Publications] VENUS,Collaboration: Phys.Lett.B198. 570-576 (1987)
[Publications] M.Chiba: Proceedings of the meeting on physics at TeV energy scale. KEK REP.87ー20. (1987)
[Publications] M.Muto: Journal of Science of the Hiroshima Univ.A51. 187-219 (1987)
[Publications] Y.Sugimoto: Physical Review. D37. 583-586 (1988)
[Publications] I.Hayashibara: Journal of Science of the Hiroshima Univ.A52. 21-71 (1988)
[Publications] A.Imanishi: Physical Review.
[Publications] I.Endo: Physical Review Letters.
[Publications] T.Ohsugi: Nucl.Instr.Meth.A265. 105-111 (1988)
[Publications] T.Ohsugi: Nucl.Instr.Meth.(1988)
[Publications] M.Asai;et al.: Phys.Lett.B187. 249-252 (1987)
[Publications] T.Kageyama;et al.: Phys.Rev.D35. 2655-2669 (1987)
[Publications] M.Minowa;et al.: Nucl.Phys.B294. 979-1000 (1987)
[Publications] H.Yoshida;et al.: Phys.Letters. B198. 570-576 (1987)
[Publications] M.Kobayashi;et al.: Phys.Rev.Letters. 59. 868-871 (1987)
[Publications] K.Abe;et al.: J.Phys.Soc.Japan. 56. 3763-3766 (1987)
[Publications] K.Abe;et al.: J.Phys.Soc.Japan. 56. 3767-3770 (1987)
[Publications] J.Haba;et al.: Nucl.Phys.B295. (1988)
[Publications] R.Takashima: 京都大学理学部紀要. 37ー2. 73-92 (1988)
[Publications] T.Yoshida: 京都大学理学部紀要. 37ー2. 93-138 (1988)
[Publications] J.Haba: 京都大学理学部紀要. 37ー2. 251-281 (1988)
[Publications] I.Adachi: Phys.Rev.D.
[Publications] T.Kitagaki;et al.: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS IN PHYSICS RESERCH A. A265. 461-463 (1988)
[Publications] I.Adachi;et al.: Physical Review Letters. 60. 97-100 (1988)
[Publications] I.Adachi;et al.: Physics Letters B. 200. 391-396 (1988)
[Publications] I.Adachi;et al.: Physical Review.
[Publications] A.Konaka;et al.: Nucl.Instr.and Methods in Phys.Res.A256. 70-75 (1987)
[Publications] H.Homma;et al.: Jpn.J.of Appl.Phys.26. 602-606 (1987)
[Publications] Y.Hemmi;et al.: Jpn.J.of Appl.Phys.26. 982-983 (1987)
[Publications] Y.Suzuki;et al.: Nucl.Phys.B294. 961-978 (1987)
[Publications] R.Enomoto: Nucl.Instr.Meth.
[Publications] R.Enomoto: Nucl.Instr.Meth.
[Publications] J.Fujimoto: Prog.theor.Phys.77. 118 (1987)
[Publications] S.Kuroda: Comp,Phys.Comm.
[Publications] J.Fujimoto: Prog Theor.Phys.
[Publications] I.Adachi: Phys.Rev.Lett.60. 97 (1988)
[Publications] I.Adachi: Phys.Lett.B200. 391 (1988)
[Publications] I.Adachi: Phys.Lett.
[Publications] VENUS,Collaboration: Jour.of the Phys.Soc.of Japan. 56. 3763-3766 (1987)
[Publications] VENUS,Collaboration: Jour.of the Phys. Soc.of Japan. 56. 3767-3770 (1987)
[Publications] H.Saito;et al.: KEK Preprint 87-140 Dec.(1987)
[Publications] M.Chiba;et al.: Phys.Rev.D36. 3321-3339 (1987)
[Publications] 伊藤栄彦: 病態生理. 6. 544-547 (1987)
[Publications] 伊藤栄彦 他: 佐賀大学理工学部集報. 16. 1-14 (1987)
[Publications] H.Ito;et al.: Nucl.Instr.& Meth.A255. 477-481 (1987)
[Publications] H.Ito;et al.: Nucl.Instr.& Meth.A255. 482-485 (1987)
[Publications] H.Ito;et al.: Phys.Rev.Letters. 60. 93-96 (1988)
[Publications] 伊藤栄彦 他: 電子通信学会論文集. CPM86. (1987)
[Publications] 総合報告. 1-75 (1988)
[Publications] 伊藤栄彦 他: "宇宙の創造から素粒子まで" 三田出版社, (1988)