[Publications] 小柳 清光: 脳と神経. 40. 47-54 (1988)
[Publications] 大浜 栄作: 脳と神経. 40. 109-118 (1988)
[Publications] Oyanagi Kiyomitsu.: Virchows Archiv A. 412. 215-224 (1988)
[Publications] 大原 慎司: 臨床神経学. 28. 303-310 (1988)
[Publications] Ohama Eisaku.: Brain & Dev. 10. 30-35 (1988)
[Publications] Takeda Shigeki.: Acta Neuropathol. 75. 433-440 (1988)
[Publications] 朝長 正徳: アルツハイマー型老年痴呆. (1988)
[Publications] Kameyama Masakuni.: Cerebrovascular disease.(1988)
[Publications] Ohama Eisaku.: Acta Neuropathol. 76. 11-16 (1988)
[Publications] Ohara Shinji.: Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol. 14. 229-245 (1988)
[Publications] 生田 房弘: いわて医報. 447. 101-117 (1988)
[Publications] Ohara Shinji. Alterations of oligodendrocytes and demyelination in the spinal cord of patients with mitochondrial encephalomyopathy.: 86. 19-29 (1988)
[Publications] Takahashi Hitoshi.: Neurology. 38. 1065-1070 (1988)
[Publications] Oyanagi Kiyomitsu.: Brain Res. 458. 218-223 (1988)
[Publications] 西山 明子: バイオテクノロジー素材としての培養細胞, 蛋白質核酸酵素34(1). 78-79 (1989)
[Publications] 萬年 徹: 「疾患からみた神経回路網」 筋萎縮性側索硬化症. 45-57 (1988)
[Publications] Wakabayashi Koichi.: Acta Neuropathol. 76. 217-221 (1988)
[Publications] Wakabayashi Koichi.: Neurosci Lett. 96. 259-263 (1989)
[Publications] 朝長 正徳: BRAIN and NERVE. 40. 57-64 (1988)
[Publications] 朝長 正徳: Dementia. 2. 71-76 (1988)
[Publications] Ideda Kazuhiko.: Neurosci Lett. 85. 51-55 (1988)
[Publications] Uchida Yoko.: Biocheimcal & Biophysical Research Communications. 150. 1263-1267 (1988)
[Publications] 豊倉 康夫: 疾患からみた神経回路網. 1988. (1-176)
[Publications] 朝長 正徳: 老人科診療. 9. 203-205 (1988)
[Publications] 下手 公一: 日本老年医学会雑誌. 24. 513-518 (1988)
[Publications] Yamaguchi, H.: Acta Neuropathol. 76. 541-549 (1988)
[Publications] Yamaguchi, H.: Acta Neuropathol. 77. 113-119 (1988)
[Publications] Kuzuhara, S.: Acta Neuropathol. 75. 345-353 (1988)
[Publications] Uchida, Y.: Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 150. 1263-1267 (1988)
[Publications] Ishiguro, K.: J Biochem. 104. 319-321 (1988)
[Publications] Ihara, Yasuo.: Brain Res. 459. 138-144 (1988)
[Publications] Kondo, J.: Neuron. 1. 827-834 (1988)
[Publications] Mori, H.: Encyclopedia of Neuroscience.
[Publications] Onda Kiyoshi.: Acta Neuropathologica. 76. 433-440 (1988)
[Publications] Kumanishi Toshiro.: Clin Neuropathol. 7. 180 (1988)
[Publications] Tsuji, S.: J Biochem. 104. 498-503 (1988)
[Publications] Tsuji, S.: J Neuochem. 50. 414-423 (1988)
[Publications] Nagai Yoshitaka.: Lectins and Glycoconjugates in Oncology. 59-66 (1988)
[Publications] Nagai Yoshitaka.: 14. 329-350 (1988)
[Publications] Akashi, M.: Blood. 72. 469-479 (1988)
[Publications] Ono, S.: J Neurol Sci. 83. 81-92 (1988)
[Publications] Ito masao.: Ann Rev Neurosci. 12. 85-102 (1989)
[Publications] Ono, S.: Acta Neurol Scand. 77. 102-107 (1988)
[Publications] Kanemaru, K.: Jpn J Med. 27. 74-78 (1988)
[Publications] 葛原 茂樹: 臨床神経. 28. 1274-1281 (1988)
[Publications] 山之内 博: 神経内科. 28. 77-79 (1988)