[Publications] S.Zaima,T.Furuta,M.Iida,and Y.Yasuda: "Prepalation and properties of Ta_2O_5 films by LPCVD for ULSI application" J.Electrochem.Soc.137. 1297-1300 (1990)
[Publications] Y.Yasuda,Y.Koide,S.Zaima,and N.Sano: "Y-Ba-Cu-O superconducting thin films prepared by plasma-assisted flash evaporation" Appl.Phys.Lett.55. 307-309 (1989)
[Publications] Y.Koide,N.Itoh,K.Itoh,N.Sawaki,and I.Akasaki: "Efffect of AIN Buffer Layer on AIGaN/α-Al_2O_3 Heteroepitaxial Growth by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.27. 1156-1161 (1988)
[Publications] I.Akasaki,H.Amano,Y.Koide,K.Hiramatsu,and N.Sawaki: "EFFECTS OF AIN BUFFER LAYER ON CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC STRUCTURE AND ON ELECTRICAL AND OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF GaN AND Ga_<1-x>Al_xN(0<x≦0.4)" J.Crystal Growth. 98. 209-219 (1989)
[Publications] K.Noda,M.Nakatsugawa,Y.Ninomiya,and T.Itoh: "Photoconduction of the a-Si:H/a-C:H heterostructure" J.Appl.Phys.62. 3799-3802 (1987)
[Publications] 小泉聡,鈴木一博,犬塚直夫: "ダイヤモンド薄膜合成に関する最近の話題" 材料科学. 25. 271-276 (1989)
[Publications] K.Suzuki,A.Sawabe,H.Yasuda and T.Inuzuka: "Growth of diamond thin films by dc plasma chemical vapor deposition" Appl.Phys.Lett.50. 728-729 (1987)
[Publications] A.Sawabe,H.Yasuda,T.Inuzuka,and K.Suzuki: "GROWTH OF DIAMOND THIN FILMS IN A DC DISCHARGE PLASMA" Appl.Surf.Sci.33/34. 539-545 (1988)
[Publications] K.Suzuki,A.Sawabe,and T.Inuzuka: "Characterizations of the dc discharge plasma during chemical vapor deposition for diamond growth" Appl.Phys.Lett.53. 1818-1819 (1988)
[Publications] T.Ohmi,K.Matsudo,T.Shibata,T.Ichikawa,and H.Iwabuchi: "Very-Low-Temperature Epitaxial Silicon Growth By Low-Kinetic-Energy Particle Bombardment" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.27. 2146-2148 (1988)
[Publications] T.Ohmi,T.Ichikawa,T.Shibata and H.Iwabuchi: "Crystal structure analysis of epitaxial silicon films formed by a low kinetic energy particle process" Appl.Phys.Lett.54. 523-525 (1989)
[Publications] T.Ohmi,H.Iwabuchi,T.Shibata and T.Ichikawa: "Electrical characterization of epitaxial silicon films formed by a low kinetic energy particle process" Appl.Phys.Lett.54. 253-255 (1989)
[Publications] T.Ohmi,K.Hashimoto,M.Morita and T.Shibata: "in Situ-Deped Epitaxial Silicon Film Growth At 250℃ By An Ultra-Clean Low-Energy Bias Sputtering" 1989 IEDM Tech.Dig.53-56 (1989)
[Publications] M.Morita,T.Ohmi,E.Hasegawa,M.Kawakami,and K.Suma: "NATIVE LAYER-FREE OXIDATION FOR VERY THIN GATE OXIDES" 1989 VLSI Tech.Symposium,Dig.Tech.Papers. 75-76 (1989)
[Publications] T.Saito,T.Ohmi,T.Shibata,M.Otsuki,and T.Nitta: "Thermal Stability Studies on Copper Thin Films Formed by a Low-Kinetic-Energy Particle Process" 21st Conf.Solid State Devices and Materials. 25-28 (1989)
[Publications] A.Kinbara and S.Baba: "Recent Trends of the Study of Sputtering Process" lst Korea-Japan Plasma Applied Science Symposium Seoul,May 2-4. 1-7 (1989)
[Publications] A.Kinbara,S.Baba,A.Kikuchi,T.Kajiwara,and K.Watanabe: "ADHESION MEASUREMENT OF THIN FILMS ON GLASS SUBSTRATES" Thin Solid Films. 171. 93-98 (1989)
[Publications] S.Baba,N.Kurosaki,and A.Kinbara: "ISLAND STRUCTURE AND FRICTIONAL PROPERTIES OF SPUTTERED LEAD THIN FILMS" Sino-Japanese Symposium on Dry Processing for Functional Surface Modification. 74-79
[Publications] T.Kaneko,H.Asahi,Y.Okuno,and S.Gonda: "MOMBE(METALORGANIC MOLECULAR BEAM EPITAXY)GROWTH OF InGaSb ON GaSb" J.Crystal Growth. 95. 158-162 (1989)
[Publications] T.Kaneko,H.Asahi,Y.Okuno,T.W.Kang,and S.Gonda: "Observations on RHEED intensity oscillations during the growth of GaSb and InAs by MOMBE" Second Intl.Conf.on Chemical Beam Epitaxy and Related Growth Techniques(Including MOMBE,GSMBE and LP-MOVPE)MP2 Houston December. 1989
[Publications] 金子忠昭,奥野泰利,朝日一,権田俊一: "InGaAlAsSb系のMOMBE成長" 応用物理学会、応用電子物性分科会研究報告. 428. 19-24 (1989)
[Publications] T.Hattori,K.Takase,H.Yamagishi,R.Sugino,Y.Nara and T.Ito: "Chemical Structures of Native Oxides Formed during Wet Chemical Treatments" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.28. L296-L298 (1989)
[Publications] N.Miyata,K.Moriki,M.Fujisawa,M.Hirayama,T.Matsukawa and T.Hattori: "Optical Absorption in Ultrathin Silicon Oxide Film" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.28. L2072-L2074 (1989)
[Publications] 川原田洋,鈴木準一,馬京昇,平木昭夫: "磁場制御による低圧マイクロ波プラズマでのダイヤモンド合成" 応用物理. 57. 1912-1918 (1988)
[Publications] J.Suzuki,H.Kawarada,K.S.Mar,J.Wei,Y.Yokota,and A.Hiraki: "The Synthesis of Diamond Films at Lower Pressure and Lower Temperature Using Magneto-Microwave Plasma CVD" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.28. L281-L283 (1989)
[Publications] J.Wei,H.Kawarada,J.Suzuki,K.Yanagihara,K.Numata,and A.Hiraki: "EFFECTS OF PLASMA PARAMETER ON DIAMOND DEPOSITION AT LOWER PRESSURE USING MAGNETO-MICROWAVE PLASMA CVD" in Proc.of lst Int.Symp.on Diamond and Diamond-Like Film.Electrochem.Soc.393-403 (1989)
[Publications] H.Kawarada,K.Nishimura,T.Ito,J.Suzuki,K.S.Mar,Y.Yokota,and A.Hiraki: "Blue and Green Cathodoluminescence of Synthesized Diamond Films Formed by Plasma-Assisted Chemical Vapour Deposition" Jap.J.Appl.Phys.27. L683-L686 (1988)
[Publications] H.Kawarada,Y.Yokota,Y.Mori,K.Nishimura,T.Ito,J.Suzuki,K.-S.Mar,J.Wei,and A.Hiraki: "Cathodoluminescence of Vapour-Synthesized Diamond" SPIE. 1055. 162-169 (1989)
[Publications] H.Kawarada,Y.Yokota,Y.Mori,K.Nishimura,and A.Hiraki: "Cathodoluminescence and electroluminescence of undoped and boron-doped diamond formed by plasma chemical vapor deposition" J.Appl.Phys.67. (1990)
[Publications] T.Tanaka,K.Deguchi,S.Miyazaki,and M.Hirose: "Selective Growth of Polycrystalline Silicon by Laser-Induced Cryogenic CVD" Extended Abstracts of the 20th Conf.on Solid State Devices and Meterials. 61-64 (1988)
[Publications] T.Tanaka,K.Deguchi,S.Miyazaki,and M.Hirose: "Selective Growth of Polycrystalline Silicon by Laser-Induced Cryogenic CVD" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.27. L2149-L2151 (1988)
[Publications] T.Tanaka,T.Fukuda,Y.Nagasawa,S.Miyazaki,and M.Hirose: "Atomic Laser Growth of Silicon by Excimer Laser Induced Cryogenic CVD" Extended Abstracts of the 21th Conf.on Solid State Devices and Meterials. 53-56 (1989)
[Publications] T.Tanaka,T.Fukuda,Y.Nagasawa,S.Miyazaki,and M.Hirose: "ATOMIC LASER GROWTH MECHANISM OF SILICON BY EXCIMER LASER INDUCED CRYOGENIC CVD" Proc.of Dry Process Symposiunm. 103-107 (1989)
[Publications] K.Nakamura,T.Koyanagi,K.Yamano,and K.Matsubara: "Electro-optical effects of Cd_<1-x>Mn_xTe films prepared by ionized-cluster beams" J.Appl.Phys.65. 1381-1383 (1989)
[Publications] T.Koyanagi,K.Yamano,T.Sota,K.Nakamura,and K.Matsubara: "Electric Field Effects on Faraday Rotation of Cd_<1-x>Mn_xTe Films Prepared by IonizedCluster Beams" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.28. L669-L671 (1989)
[Publications] 山野浩司,曽田哲夫,小柳剛,中村公夫,松原覚衛: "クラスタ-・イオンビ-ム法によるCd_<1-x>Mn_xTe薄膜のファラデ-回転に及ぼす電界効果" 日本応用磁気学会誌. 13. 175-178 (1989)
[Publications] 小柳剛,中村公夫,山野浩司,松原覚衛: "Cd_<1-x>Mn_xTe薄膜の励起子による磁気光学効果" 日本応用磁気学会誌. 12. 187-192 (1988)
[Publications] T.Koyanagi,K.Nakamura,K.Yamano,and K.Matsubara: "Faraday Effect Due to Excitons in Cd_<1-x>Mn_xTe Films" Tech.Rept.Yamaguchi Univ.4. 183-194 (1988)
[Publications] T.Koyanagi,K.Nakamura,K.Yamano,and K.Matsubara: "Faraday Effects Due to Excitons in Cd_<1-x>Mn_xTe Films" IEEE Trans.J.Magn.Jpn.4. 228-236 (1989)
[Publications] 小柳剛,山野浩司,曽田哲夫,松原覚衛: "Cd_<1-x>Mn_xTe薄膜の磁気光学効果の温度特性" 日本応用磁気学会誌. 13. 171-174 (1989)
[Publications] T.Koyanagi,H.Anno,T.Sota,K.Yamano,and K.Matsubara: "PREPARATION OF Cd_<1-x>Mn_xTe MULTILAYERED FILMS ON GaAs PREPARED BY THE ICB TECHNIQUE" Proc.12th Symp.on Ion Sources and Ion-Assisted Technology. 331-334 (1989)
[Publications] K.Mihama and N.Tanaka: "Nm-sized crystallites embedded in single crystalline films of magnesium oxide" Z.Phys.D. 12. 157-160 (1989)
[Publications] K.Kimoto,N.Tanaka,and K.Mihama: "Observations of Gold Atomic Clusters in Magnesium Oxide Films unber Off-Bragg Conditions" J.Elec.Microsc.38. 165-171 (1989)
[Publications] N.Tanaka,M.Nagao,F.Yoshizaki,and K.Mihama: "Structural Study of Nanometer-Sized Iron Crystallites in Single Crystalline Iron-MgO Composite Films" J.Elec.Microsc.and Tech.12. 272-280 (1989)
[Publications] H.Yamada,M.Nakamura,T.Tashiro,S.Morita,and S.Hattori: "LINEAR CHAIN POLYMER FORMATION BY PLASMA POLYMERIZATION AND APPLICATION" Proc.9th Int.Sym.on Plasma Chem.Pugunochiuso(Italy)Sep.4-8. 1116-1121 (1989)
[Publications] H.Oniyama,S.Yamaga,A.Yoshikawa,and H.Kasai: "METALORGANIC MOLECULAR BEAM EPITAXY OF ZnSe FILMS USING DIMETHYLZINC AND HYDROGEN SELENIDE" J.Crystal Growth.93. 679-685 (1988)
[Publications] A.Yoshikawa,H.Oniyama,H.Yasuda,S.Yamaga,and H.Kasai: "GROWTH KINETICS IN MOMBE OF ZnSe USING DIMETHYLZINC AND HYDROGEN SELENIDE AS REACTANTS" J.Crystal Growth.94. 69-74 (1989)
[Publications] A.Yoshikawa,H.Oniyama,S.Yamaga,and H.Kasai: "A STUDY OF GROWTH MECHANISM OF ZnS AND ZnSe IN MOMBE USING DIMETHYLZING AND CHALCOGEN HYDRIDES AS REACTANTS" J.Crystal Growth.95. 572-579 (1989)
[Publications] A.Yoshikawa,H.Okamoto,H.Yasuda,S.Yamaga,and H.Kasai: "‘MBE-LIKE'AND‘CVD-LIKE'ATOMIC LAYER EPITAXY OF ZnSe IN MOMBE SYSTEM" J.Crystal Growth.(1989)
[Publications] H.Oniyama,S.Yamaga,and A.Yoshikawa: "Growth of Lattice-Metched ZnSe-ZnS Superlattices onto GaAs Substrates by Metalorganic Molecular Beam Epitaxy" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.28. L2137-L2140 (1989)
[Publications] M.Tsuji,Y.Takano,T.Torihata,Y.Kanaya,K.Pak,and H.Yonezu: "MOLECULAR BEAM EPITAXIAL GROWTH OF HIGH QUALITY GaAs LAYER DIRECTLY ON GaP SUBSTRATE" J.Crystal Growth.95. 405-409 (1989)
[Publications] Y.Iimura,K.Nagata,Y.Aoyagi,and S.Namba: "SURFACE SEGREGATION OF INDIUM DURING GROWTH OF InGaAs IN CHEMICAL BEAM EPITAXY" submitted in J.Crystal Growth.
[Publications] S.Iwai,T.Meguro,A.Doi,Y.Aoyagi,and S.Namba: "MONOLAYER GROWTH AND DIRECT WRITING OF GaAs BY PULSED LASER METALORGANIC VAPOR PHASE EPITAXY" Thin Solid Films. 163. 405-408 (1988)