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[Publications] Anzai,K.,Yoshida,M.& Kirino,Y.: "Change in Intravesicular Volume of Liposomes by Freeze-Thawing Treatment as Studied by the ESR Stopped-Flow Technique" Biochemica et Biophysica Acta. 1021. 21-26 (1990)
[Publications] Nishie,I.,Anzai,K.,& Kirino,Y.: "Measurement of Steady-State Ca-Pump Current Caused by Purified Ca-ATPase of Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Incorporated into a Plannar Bilayer Lipid Membrane" Journal of Biological Chemistry. 265. 2488-2491 (1990)
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[Publications] T.Yada,S.Oiki,S.Ueda,Y.Okada: "Intestinal secretagogues increase cytosolic Ca^<2+> concentration and K^+ conductance in a human intestinal epitheliac cell line." Journal of Membrane Biology. 112. 159-167 (1989)
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[Publications] Mizuguchi,J.Utsunomiya,N.Nakanishi,M.: "Differential Sensitivity of Anti-IgM-induced and NaFinduced Inositol Phospholipid Metabolism to Serne Protease Inhibitors in BAL17 B Lymphoma Cells" Biochem.J.263. 641-646 (1989)
[Publications] Mizouchi,T.Asano,Y.Nakanishi,M.: "A Selective Signal Defection Helper T-cells Induced by Antigen Presenting Cells from Mice with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome" J.Immunol.(1990)
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[Publications] Kagawa,Y.,Ohta,S.,Yohda,M.,Hamamoto,T.and Hirata,H.: "Biotechnological Applications of Thermophilic ATP Synthase:Membrane Electronics and Genetics." J.Membr.Sci.41. 237-247 (1989)
[Publications] Muneyuki,E.,Kagawa,Y.and Hirata,H.: "Steady State Kinetics of Protein Translocation Catalyzed by Thermophilic F_0F_1 ATPase Reconstituted in Planar Bilayer Membranes." J.Biol.Chem.264. 6092-6096 (1989)
[Publications] Tsuda,M.,Tsuda,T.and Hirata,H.: "Cyclic Nucleotides and GTP Analogues stimulate Light-induced Phosphorylation of Octopus Rhodopsin." FEBS Lett.257. 38-40 (1989)
[Publications] Matsushita,T.,Hirata,H. and Kusaka,I.: "Calcium Channels in Bacteria…Purification and Characterization." Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci.560. 426-429 (1989)
[Publications] N.Yanagihara,M.Suwa and S.Mitaku: "A Theoretical Method of Distingishing Between Soluble and Membrane Proteins" Biophys.Chem.
[Publications] Norimitsu Hirose,Kazunori Yamamoto and Shigeki Mitaku: "Ultrasonic Measurement Of Lipid Bilayer Transition In The Presence Of Melittin" Japan.J.Appl.Phys.
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[Publications] 岡田泰伸: "臨床生理学シリ-ズ(3)胃" 南山,
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[Publications] Kinosita,K.,Jr.,et al.: "Submicrosecond Imaging under a Pulsed-Laser Fluorescence Microscope.Electroporation of Cell Membrane Time-and Space-Resolved.in “Science on Form"(ed.,Ishizaka,S.)" KTK Scientific Publishers(Tokyo), (1990)
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[Publications] 木下一彦: "蛍光新生化学実験講座第1巻(日本生化学会編)" 東京化学同人, (1990)
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[Publications] Hiroshi Miyamoto and Hirokazu Hotani: "Dynamics of Microtubules,Proceeding of 14th International Symposium Division of Biophysics" Taniguchi Foundation, 415 (1989)
[Publications] 宮本宏、石渡信一 他: "生体物理工学" 丸善株式会社, (1990)
[Publications] Sokabe,M.: "Towards a quantitative study of stretch activated channel.In “Comparative Aspects of Mechanoreceptor Systems"" Springer Verlag(Heidelberg),
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