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[Publications] K.Tanihata.(宮本): H.Kanda.: J.Crystal Growth. J.Am.Cer.Soc.94. 115-124 (1989)
[Publications] K.Urabe.(小泉): Shoichi Kume.: Proc.International Conf.on Combustion and Plasma Synthesis of High-Temperature Materials. J.Am.Cer.Soc.71. 448-449 (1988)(1989)
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[Publications] M.Ohhashi.(服部): J.Solid State Chem.75. 99-104 (1988)
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[Publications] G.Blasse.(児嶋): Mat.Res.Bull.33. 1727-1730 (1988)
[Publications] I.Tanaka.(児嶋): Nature. 337. 21-22 (1989)
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[Publications] N.Soga.: J.Appl.Phys.63. 4451-4454 (1988)
[Publications] T.Nomo.(吉村): J.Mater.Sci.23. 2689-2692 (1988)
[Publications] M.Yoshimura.: Japan.J.Appl.Phys.27. L1757-1760 (1988)
[Publications] S.Shimada.(小平): Thermochimica Acta. 133. 73-78 (1988)
[Publications] M.Higuchi.(小平): J.Crystal Growth. 92. 341-343 (1988)
[Publications] A.Kato.: Mater.Res.Bull.22. 1275-1281 (1987)
[Publications] 永島和郎.(加藤): 日本化学会誌. 1987. 2293-2300 (1987)
[Publications] Isao Hasegawa.(作花): J.Organometallic Chem.340. 31-36 (1988)
[Publications] Isao Hasegawa.(作花): Bull.Chem.Soc.Japan. 61. 4087-4092 (1988)
[Publications] Shin-ichiro Hirano.: Ceramic TransactionsQ1. 1988. (171-181)
[Publications] N.Tohge.(南): J.Ceram.Soc.Jpn.96. 1127-1136 (1988)
[Publications] H.Uchihashi.(南): J.Ceram.Soc.Jpn.97(3). (1989)
[Publications] M.Kamo.(佐藤): Allpied Surface Sci.33/34. 535-560 (1988)
[Publications] Y.Sato.: Proc.1st Int.Conf.New Diamond Sci.Tech(1988,Toky). (1989)
[Publications] H.Yamane.(平井): Chemistry Letters. 939-940 (1988)
[Publications] H.Yamane.(平井): Japan.J.Appl.Phys.27. L1275-1276 (1988)
[Publications] Hirohide Nakamatsu.(河合): Mat.Res.Soc.Symp.Proc.101. 397-402 (1988)
[Publications] 中松博英.(河合): 粉体および粉末治金. 36. (1989)
[Publications] H.Murakami.(吉田): Advanced Ceramic Material. 3. 423-426 (1988)
[Publications] K.Terashima.(吉田): Applied Physics Letters. 52. 1274-1276 (1988)
[Publications] 稲村.(金丸): 材料. 37. 83-86 (1988)
[Publications] Masao Takahashi.(金丸): Proc.International Meetings Advanced Mater.
[Publications] T.Terashima.(坂東): Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.27. L91-L93 (1988)
[Publications] R.Kanno.(坂東): Mat.Res.Bull.22. 1525-1532 (1988)
[Publications] H.Itoh.: J.Mater.Sci.23. 43-47 (1988)
[Publications] H.Itoh: J.Mater.Sci. (1989)
[Publications] 若槻雅男 編集 瀬高信雄,難波義捷,松永正久,若槻雅男: "人造ダイヤモンド技術ハンドブック(第I編第1章、I及びIII節を担当)" サイエンスフォーラム, 1989